How to curb sweets?


curiouser and curiouser
vraiblonde said:
I can remember the first time I hit 130 - I was 26 years old and that was HUGE for me.
That's how much I weigh! :jameo:

But I know, I'm a good deal taller than you, and need to gain more.


Nickel said:
That's how much I weigh! :jameo:

But I know, I'm a good deal taller than you, and need to gain more.

That is what I want to weigh. 130 lbs, but I also am 5'5 and 1/2. I am not sure if I will be to skinny because of the amount of muscle tone I ahve, but I can always gain weight!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Pandora said:
You don't stick them back in the bag do you?
OMG! You just triggered a memory:

My step-sister pulls out this bag of Doritos, eats a handful, then farts in the bag and closes it up real quick. I was like, "WTF are you doing???" And she sez, "This is so I don't eat anymore..."



vraiblonde said:
OMG! You just triggered a memory:

My step-sister pulls out this bag of Doritos, eats a handful, then farts in the bag and closes it up real quick. I was like, "WTF are you doing???" And she sez, "This is so I don't eat anymore..."

Now that's just crazy............................................ :killingme


Nice lady!
vraiblonde said:
OMG! You just triggered a memory:

My step-sister pulls out this bag of Doritos, eats a handful, then farts in the bag and closes it up real quick. I was like, "WTF are you doing???" And she sez, "This is so I don't eat anymore..."


OMFG! :faint:


New Member
vraiblonde said:
OMG! You just triggered a memory:

My step-sister pulls out this bag of Doritos, eats a handful, then farts in the bag and closes it up real quick. I was like, "WTF are you doing???" And she sez, "This is so I don't eat anymore..."


OMG :killingme That is TFF :roflmao: :roflmao:


New Member
vraiblonde said:
OMG! You just triggered a memory:

My step-sister pulls out this bag of Doritos, eats a handful, then farts in the bag and closes it up real quick. I was like, "WTF are you doing???" And she sez, "This is so I don't eat anymore..."


I totally nominate this as “post of the year.”

I am still
:roflmao: :roflmao:


New Member
My husband cooks most of our meals, and doesn't have a weight problem. I count calories so I can eat what is served and still lose weight. He's making buffalo wings today...I get 4 :rolleyes: . In order to avoid sweets, I brush my teeth after a meal, so I don't feel like eating any more.


Set Trippin
vraiblonde said:
OMG! You just triggered a memory:

My step-sister pulls out this bag of Doritos, eats a handful, then farts in the bag and closes it up real quick. I was like, "WTF are you doing???" And she sez, "This is so I don't eat anymore..."

She should do that into pork rinds, no one would know the difference...:yay: :jet:


Go Braves!
Being on phentermine is like being on speed, at least that's the way I imagine speed to be. I used to take half doses and it was way too much. When I was on it I felt like tearing down and rebuilding the house on a daily basis:yay: It also made me very, very biatchy:biggrin:


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
CMC122 said:
Being on phentermine is like being on speed, at least that's the way I imagine speed to be. I used to take half doses and it was way too much. When I was on it I felt like tearing down and rebuilding the house on a daily basis:yay: It also made me very, very biatchy:biggrin:
It sounds like :love: to me! :lmao:


New Member
vraiblonde said:
OMG! You just triggered a memory:

My step-sister pulls out this bag of Doritos, eats a handful, then farts in the bag and closes it up real quick. I was like, "WTF are you doing???" And she sez, "This is so I don't eat anymore..."


Doritos smell like a fart from the start. Gross!


In My Opinion
crabcake said:
Exactly. :yay: I'm not a fan of taking a pill either. My motto is this: if you can't fit into your favorite jeans, put the cupcakes/ice cream/bon-bons down. :smack:

I got a pair of size 80 jeans as a joke one year,, man I love those things, still got them hanging in the closet.

I guess I got a ways to go before the cupcakes have to be retired.