Internet experts are largely full of crap. Not a single one of them, from vets to Chewy to ASPCA, has had any worthwhile advice on anything. They said to immediately stop playing with her so she'll be mad that play stops when she bites and will stop biting because she wants to play. They also said to make a loud noise that she won't like to express my displeasure.
Gretel thinks me stopping play IS play. When I pull my hands away, she lunges at them while wagging her tail. When I bark at her she tries to eat my face. When I try to distract her with a toy she *can* chew, she's like, "!"
Any tips? I'd like her to stop sooner rather than later because I look like a pincushion and I want to be able to play with her.
On another note, her house training is going well. We are accident free today. And she's starting to come when I call her, so that's exciting.
Gretel thinks me stopping play IS play. When I pull my hands away, she lunges at them while wagging her tail. When I bark at her she tries to eat my face. When I try to distract her with a toy she *can* chew, she's like, "!"
Any tips? I'd like her to stop sooner rather than later because I look like a pincushion and I want to be able to play with her.
On another note, her house training is going well. We are accident free today. And she's starting to come when I call her, so that's exciting.