How to heal a sick person: HELP!


New Member
:boo: My brother isn't feeling so peachy. I felt his head, but I'm no good at checking temperatures lol He says he feels like he's gonna puke, then he said he felt a bit better and he thinks whatever made him feel bad had passed. I think he looks miserable, and is now getting something to eat! :bawl: Mom isn't home; she's at a real estate class and her cell phone is off and I don't know how to page someone! :frown:

If he does puke, what can I do BESIDES give him medicine? Like does that coca-cola syrup in ice work? Or will it make him worse?


Eating is the worst thing for him! Tell him to slowly sip clear liquids until momma gets home.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Get a small plastic trash can and place a fresh bag in it. Put it near your brother. Tell him to hit it if he feels he is losing it. Drink water if he drinks anything at all.


Paging - Call the pager number when you hear the beeps type your phone number in hit the pound sign # if you are prompted to do so and then hang up.


New Member

:cool: Thanx guys! Please explain that paging thing again....... beeps? Do you like type in 1 number at a time after the beeps, like 5(beep)5(beep)5(beep)??? God he keeps clearing his throat and I keep getting ready to run out the back door...... he forces it out so it's real loud and you can hear it through the whole house. I have to run down to the mailbox to not ehar it :barf: makes me want to puke as well lol... he has a trash can in his room, I WANT MY MOMMY!!!! lol, I sound like a baby lol I'm ####in 15 years old..... :bawl: mommmmmmmm


Talena - how old is he? If he is young you may need to call the Rescue Squad. I don't know what time your Mom is coming home. He could dehydrate quickly.

Call the pager - it should beep maybe even tell you to type in your number. Just call the pager and listen. It'll be o.k.:wink:


New Member
Originally posted by Kain99
Talena - how old is he? If he is young you may need to call the Rescue Squad. I don't know what time your Mom is coming home. He could dehydrate quickly.

Call the pager - it should beep maybe even tell you to type in your number. Just call the pager and listen. It'll be o.k.:wink:

He's 16 1/2 (B-day in July) Recue squad?? LMAO Mom will be home at like 9:30 PM and he's just sitting at the kitchen table, laying his head down and contaminating it. Thanx for the help. (Wish I was older AND p a parent so i'd know what the hell to do lol) :blushing:


Well what are you freaking out for? :biggrin: Let him puke out the back door, tell him to sip spoonfuls of water and it'll all be a-ok!

Where do you go to school?


New Member

Originally posted by Kain99
Well what are you freaking out for? :biggrin: Let him puke out the back door, tell him to sip spoonfuls of water and it'll all be a-ok!

Where do you go to school?

:eek: I'd rather keep my school undisclosed......... I'm a worrywart. :frown:


No problem... I just think you're so sweet! I was hoping you went to school with my daughter. :wink:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Still there, Evil? Get a wash cloth and wet it with cool water. Fold it in thirds (wring it out first) so it's a strip and lay it across his forehead. It'll make him feel better.

This isn't an emergency - he's just got a bug. But I think it's sweet that you care so much about your brother. :huggy:


New Member

:razz2: Usually he's f***ing annoying lol but when he's sick, I treat him like a king (lucky him) He's in the shower now so it'll muffle any retching sounds lol... mom will be home at 9:30 so not much longer lol :blushing: I'm feeling a bit relieved.. Yesh I'm stubborn as hell but sweeter than heaven :rolleyes:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I don't blame you - I hate puke too. We have a kid that gets car sick so we always have two bags in the car - one for her and one for me :lol:


New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
I don't blame you - I hate puke too. We have a kid that gets car sick so we always have two bags in the car - one for her and one for me :lol:

OMG lol one time my borther was carsick and the only bag was a bag of toys in the back (He was 8) and he ouked in there, and afterwards, we pulled over, let him finish and then tossed the bag over the guardrail (in Baltimore) :razz2:


God Talena! Your brother has no idea how lucky he is to have a sister like you!

Consider it training for marriage... It doesn't get much better! :lmao:


New Member
God I wanna marry like every guy (I ReaLLY love the guys in my siggy) yea, i'll just throw a pillowcase to my lil son and tell him to puke away, right? :barf:


Wrong Talena! You'll rush your babies off to the pediatrician everytime they sniffle...Save the pillow case for the Hubby! :razz:


New Member
Originally posted by Kain99
Wrong Talena! You'll rush your babies off to the pediatrician everytime they sniffle...Save the pillow case for the Hubby! :razz:

Exactly! They'll be all drugged up before getting sick in MY house lol My hubby won't ever be sick.... :cool:


There is definitely a "viral bug" going around. I had a headache so bad last night. Took two "Alleve's, and felt somewhat better this morning when I went to work. Couple of folks at work also had the same symptoms days ago, and now they have come down with a bad cold/virus. :frown:

Still don't feel 100% o.k., though trying to doctor myself as much as I can.