How to heal a sick person: HELP!


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:bawl: Yea mom is really drained...... she's actually lying in bed! :eek: (RARE event lol... usually up and about cleaning or at work) I hope I don't catch it, better yet my brother lol :cheesy:


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:bawl: NOW my brother is eating a meal he dosn't like..... (Beef tips w/ noodles... :confused: ) He says it makes him puke :barf: O GOD lol............ It's the only thing ot eat around here anymore... *someone* (MOM!!) forgot to grocery shop this weekend, me and dad are going tomorrow.... too late! (I stole some noodles to eat so my brother wouldn't have so much to barf :cool: )


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Re: Great.....

Originally posted by EvilDruidTalena
It's the only thing ot eat around here anymore...
I hear this everyday. I go shopping every other day. The jar of PB&J I just bought is gone. Chicken patties & pizza...gone. In fact most of the kid food is GONE! There's a nice med. rare roast beef sitting in the fridge, all they have to do is slice it up. There's a few crabcakes leftover from tonights dinner and some crab gumbo. Guess what my son is eating now? Mashed potato sandwiches. If they can't nuke something in a minute or less, we have no edible food in the house. :rolleyes:


New Member
Re: Re: Great.....

Originally posted by Sharon
I hear this everyday. I go shopping every other day. The jar of PB&J I just bought is gone. Chicken patties & pizza...gone. In fact most of the kid food is GONE! There's a nice med. rare roast beef sitting in the fridge, all they have to do is slice it up. There's a few crabcakes leftover from tonights dinner and some crab gumbo. Guess what my son is eating now? Mashed potato sandwiches. If they can't nuke something in a minute or less, we have no edible food in the house. :rolleyes:

:roflmao: Yea, my bro is the same way............ mashed potato sandwiches? What is that? Potatoes on bread? Yuck-O... I usually eat soup or Japanese food.... a pretty bland diet basically, but I am a bit big a round the middle... too many carbs lol... I don't eat pizza anymore, Im allergic to the grease so I dont eat it... Sounds like fun at your house lol there is no kid food here except for the infamous wheat thins (I call them fag thins lol)


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Originally posted by EvilDruidTalena
mashed potato sandwiches? What is that? Potatoes on bread? Yuck-O...
Yes... 6 slices high! :lmao: He usually does that with the PB&J too.


New Member

Originally posted by Sharon
Yes... 6 slices high! :lmao: He usually does that with the PB&J too.

:barf: YUCK!!! How old is he? I wouldn't be suprised if he was a hungry, growing teenager lol Ugh...... O yea my bro ain't gonna barf (sighs in unison with the rest of the message board users) I always worry about others, then they end up worrying about me and wondering if I'm gonna be sick..... :blushing: lol


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Re: Hewo.

Originally posted by EvilDruidTalena
How old is he? I wouldn't be suprised if he was a hungry, growing teenager lol
He's 17 (has a twin brother too). I've don't understand how they can put away so much food and still be as thin as bean poles.

Glad your brother isn't gonna barf too. :roflmao:


New Member
Re: Re: Hewo.

Originally posted by Sharon
He's 17 (has a twin brother too). I've don't understand how they can put away so much food and still be as thin as bean poles.

Glad your brother isn't gonna barf too. :roflmao:

Me toooooo lol 17, ah- my bro is 16 1/2 (B-Day in July) My bro eats like a pig and is skinning bones... must be a tapeworm or something? :confused: LOL J/K really lol


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Re: Re: Re: Hewo.

Originally posted by EvilDruidTalena
must be a tapeworm or something? :confused: LOL J/K really lol

Funny you mention that because that's exactly what they say... "I'm feeding my tapeworm again." :lol:


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Re: Re: Re: Re: Hewo.

Originally posted by Sharon
Funny you mention that because that's exactly what they say... "I'm feeding my tapeworm again." :lol:

LOL!!! I'm heading off to watch a movie now..... I'm gonna make my rounds to my other few *really cool* posts and then leave. Buh Bi home-skillets! :bandit: