How to heal a sick person: HELP!



Originally posted by cattitude
:howdy: :dead:


:barf: That is pretty much the way I felt night before last. Last night, I woke up with the same bad headache. Took some tylenol. Think the alleve was better for the headache. My eyes have been burning body is definitely telling me something!:frown:

Came to work this morning, though it was a struggle:bawl:

Want to take off my flex day on Friday, as I hope to have my yard sale (see classifieds) on Saturday, before the rain comes in:rolleyes: Just hope I am feeling better.

Then next week, I may be on Jury Duty.
:ohwell: Never been called before now, so don't know how I will be feeling by Monday.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by Flo

Want to take off my flex day on Friday, as I hope to have my yard sale (see classifieds) on Saturday, before the rain comes in:rolleyes: Just hope I am feeling better.

You ought to put directions in your ad. A lot of people won't take the extra step to email you and ask.


Originally posted by cmcdanal
You ought to put directions in your ad. A lot of people won't take the extra step to email you and ask.

Thanks for your suggestion...I will post shortly.


Originally posted by cmcdanal
You ought to put directions in your ad. A lot of people won't take the extra step to email you and ask.

:howdy: Directions are posted. Hope to see you all there, and hope the rain holds until the evening!:razz2:


Social Director
tell me this bug thing that is going around.. stiff neck, bad headache, slight fever, burning eyes.. sound familiar?


New Member

:blushing: The bug at my mom's work is like a cold with a stomachache type thing (I think one of the agents (real estate lol) brought in the cold from her snotty kids) and THANK GOD muh bro didn't puke :smile: (Relieved) he ate something and he felt better...... I guess it's like when you are so hungry you feel sick and until you force yourself to eat, you feel like ur gonna puke.....


New Member

Originally posted by willie
Good work, you should take up nursing!

:blushing: Hewo. Thanx! I'm not really the one to handle sick people though, I'm scared of puke, but not of blood- but I could never stick a needle in someone else and give them a shot or whatever. I hate needles and I hate puke and I don't like taking care of old people lol and I might bring home yucky illnesses to my beautiful, strile, purified childern and husband..... yuck-o germs.... :barf:


Originally posted by Athena1078
tell me this bug thing that is going around.. stiff neck, bad headache, slight fever, burning eyes.. sound familiar?

I had the bad headache, slight fever, burning eyes, felt nauseated, and stomach-ache. Feel better today. Guess I doctored myself pretty good. :smile:


New Member

Originally posted by Flo
I had the bad headache, slight fever, burning eyes, felt nauseated, and stomach-ache. Feel better today. Guess I doctored myself pretty good. :smile:

:poorbaby: I like over-doctor myself lol I don't start eating regular for about 2 weeks after being sick....... whenever I like "bow" my head down to like pick something up off the floor or cleaning or something, my nose burns like hell. Is that just allergies or what?


New Member
Re: Hewo.

Originally posted by EvilDruidTalena
:poorbaby: I like over-doctor myself lol I don't start eating regular for about 2 weeks after being sick....... whenever I like "bow" my head down to like pick something up off the floor or cleaning or something, my nose burns like hell. Is that just allergies or what?

Sounds like a cocain addiction to me.

Maybe let the toe nail polish dry before you bend over again? :confused:


Re: Hewo.

Originally posted by EvilDruidTalena
:poorbaby: I like over-doctor myself lol I don't start eating regular for about 2 weeks after being sick....... whenever I like "bow" my head down to like pick something up off the floor or cleaning or something, my nose burns like hell. Is that just allergies or what?

Your nose ring isn't contacting a power source is it?


Re: Hewo.

Originally posted by EvilDruidTalena
:poorbaby: I like over-doctor myself lol I don't start eating regular for about 2 weeks after being sick....... whenever I like "bow" my head down to like pick something up off the floor or cleaning or something, my nose burns like hell. Is that just allergies or what?

It like sounds like you need to like go see a real like doctor and stop like trying to fix like yourself and like just go, YEA!


New Member

Originally posted by justhangn
It like sounds like you need to like go see a real like doctor and stop like trying to fix like yourself and like just go, YEA!

:bawl: I HATE THE DOCTOR! The doctor always has some lame excuse to give me a shot, #### in a cup or something incredibly hideous lol I like to fix muhself up cuz I trust muhself, Hey- My nose dosn't burn anymore so NO my nose ring wasn't contracting powers lol :bubble:


yeah yeah
Originally posted by Athena1078
tell me this bug thing that is going around.. stiff neck, bad headache, slight fever, burning eyes.. sound familiar?

Yeap! That is EXACTLY how mine started and then 'ralph' came to visit.:mad:


New Member

Hewo home-skillets! My mom is now coming down with something kinda like strep throat. She has had a fever on and off all this past week, sore throat, white (pus filled?) bumps in the back of her throat, nausea..... the list goes on lol

:eek: She better not barf! lol


yeah yeah
Re: Hewo.

Originally posted by EvilDruidTalena
Hewo home-skillets! My mom is now coming down with something kinda like strep throat. She has had a fever on and off all this past week, sore throat, white (pus filled?) bumps in the back of her throat, nausea..... the list goes on lol

:eek: She better not barf! lol

More than likely... with strep throat (which is what it sounds like she has) you will not ralph. Just really drained...and sooooore arse throat.....swelling in the throat.....