Democrats would win this coming elcetion and the next 10...
Railroad said:
Yeah! I still think that the Democrats could develop something that actually made sense (though I wouldn't care to try it). They wouldn't have to resort to attacking their opposition if they displayed a modicum of intellect and commonsense (as our rraley has done).
That could actually lead to identifying areas in which both parties agree!
Of course, on some issues, there would still be strong (and probably healthy) disagreement. saying (and meaning) this:
1. We MUST help the Iraqi people gain independence and democracy with rule of law and constitutionally guaranteed rights for all, including and especially, minorities. We will BEAT the bad guys. It's the only and best way to right the wrongs of the past.
2. Social Security was a great idea whose time has gone. We must replace it with an ownership society so that ALL citizens, especially the poor and disadvanteged, will have the entry card to full citizenship and all the benefits therein; ownership.
3. Gay people deserve all Constitutional rights, including the 14th amendment. This means a right to what we think of as marriage and all the benfits that acrue from the legal social contract that is marriage.
4. Religion has as much right to the public square as any rights parade or other public celebration. Though clearly personal and private, faith can be expressed as communities see fit.
5. Christians are not evil just because they believe. Christ is cool with us.
6. Global terror represents the most insidious and dangerous threat to individual liberty in the world today. Supporters of the violence of 9/11 and the attacks in London and all other such acts around the world deserve no place at any table of civilized mankind. When the attacks have been stopped for all time and denounced reflexively, by all peoples of the world, as the plaugue and evil they are, then ALL the peoples of the world have a place at that table.
7. And we mean it.
8. Future energy policy will wisely include domestic fossil fuel production and the expansion of nuc u lar power and the search for new and better energy sources. This is with an eye towards domestic and global economic stability and to the health of our planet.
9. Yes, Howard is a freak and no, we can't really imagine Hillary back in the Whitehouse either.
10. It says "to keep and bear'. It means 'to keep and bear'.
My fellow Americans, I thank you and may God, or whomever or whatever you believe in, bless you.