How will the Dems explain this?


Lovin' being Texican
ylexot said:
Bush's Budget Update May Show Deficit Goal Being Reached Early Tax cuts turn into surging tax revenue? Does not compute! :sarcasm:

They will say:

(1) It's a paperwork gain and not real money (forgetting that the famous Clinton Surplus was a paperwork concept and not real money)
(2) It could have been done quicker if Bush hadn't put the country in a hole his first year in office (forgetting it was Clinton-Gore-Gephardt who put the country in the financial nosedive before the election of 2000)
(3) It doesn't make any difference since the deficit-busting revenues are coming from the middle-income taxpayers who make less than $300K a year (forgetting that. . . Oh, never mind. They're stupid about economics in the first place)


Since when do the Democrats care about facts? Hillary was just on the news this week yelling the Democrat standard "TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH!!!" That argument didn't work in 2000, and did even less in 2004. I wonder what makes her think it'll work in 2008?

By the way... it was also just announced that unemployment has dropped to only 5%.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
Since when do the Democrats care about facts?
Thank you. I don't know about you all, but the Democrats I talk to in real life think we're in a depression and people are all unemployed and starving in the streets, and they will stick with this line of "argument" regardless of what is really going on.

It's all fine and good to have imaginary conversations with Democrats in your head where you debate with logic and facts, but the only Democrat I've ever seen in my whole entire life who actually does this is Rraley.


I think that's because you and your Jedi mind tricks are bringing rr slowly over to the Dark Side.

Vrai: "Rr... Kerry never told you what happened to your political mother."

Rr: "He told me enough (rubs snotty nose on his sleeve as tears flow across his face). He told me you killed her!"

Vrai: "No rr... I, am your political mother."

Rr: "Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"


Routinely Derailed

Seriously, though, the only thing I've been able to discern in the way of a Democratic Party change, is to use cheaper tricks in attempting to discredit the Republicans. They need to develop a substantive, defensible, realistic, and nationalistic platform. They would do well to listen to RRaley, although I hope they don't because I'm a Republican.

Then again, if they do all I suggest, they'll end up being Republicans in everything except the name. Hmmmm....not a bad idea.....:lol:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
:lmao: @ Bruzilla
Railroad said:
They need to develop a substantive, defensible, realistic, and nationalistic platform.
...because "The majority of Americans are stupid and don't know what's good for them" isn't a very good party platform.


Routinely Derailed
vraiblonde said:
:lmao: @ Bruzilla

...because "The majority of Americans are stupid and don't know what's good for them" isn't a very good party platform.
Yeah! I still think that the Democrats could develop something that actually made sense (though I wouldn't care to try it). They wouldn't have to resort to attacking their opposition if they displayed a modicum of intellect and commonsense (as our rraley has done).

That could actually lead to identifying areas in which both parties agree! :yikes:

Of course, on some issues, there would still be strong (and probably healthy) disagreement.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Railroad said:
Of course, on some issues, there would still be strong (and probably healthy) disagreement.
Which is fine. Somebody has to give a crap about whales and AIDS-ridden Africans. But the Democrats haven't had a point since Clinton got elected. Their big thing has been making sure women can abort their unborn children and that's about it. Notice every time they ##### about a judicial nominee, it's because they're scared that judge won't support abortion-on-demand?

All the Democrats are at this point is a bunch of wacky special interest groups trying to co-exist under the same political blanket.

Liberalism is dead. We're too smart for that now.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
_Me_ said:
And yet millions of people vote Democrat every election...
But a lot of them aren't particularly liberal - they just don't realize what they're voting for. Most of my family members, as well as my husband's, vote Democrat but the thought of abortion horrifies them and they're not really interested in funding a bunch of deadbeats' living expenses, either.

Larry's BIL complains every single day of his life about how the guys he works with are a bunch of lazy do-nothings who aren't fit to hold their jobs. But it's a union shop so he votes Democrat to supposedly keep his union bennies intact, not realizing that the union is what's keeping his ne'er-do-well brethren working right by his side.


OH OH!!! It's getting worse!!! The Washington Post is now reporting that the 15% gain over expected tax revenues that is driving this deficit reduction are fueled by "wealthy taxpayers since the biggest revenue increases have come from quarterly payments on capital gains and business income instead of from withholdings from wages."

WOW!!! Those tax cuts for The Rich are really hurting the tax base!!! Plus it's so obvious now that The Rich aren't investing in business... just as the Dems predicted so accurately. :lmao:

I guess the Democrats can always claim that his is just another example of the Republican-friendly Washington Post coming to the defense of the Bush Administration. :lmao:
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Surging revenues and a steady economy have led the White House to project that this year's federal budget deficit will drop to $333 billion, nearly $100 billion below earlier estimates.
How is that possible when everyone is unemployed and starving in the streets?


And a great take from the New York Times...

"WASHINGTON, July 12 - For the first time since President Bush took office, an unexpected leap in tax revenue is about to shrink the federal budget deficit this year, by nearly $100 billion.

On Wednesday, White House officials plan to announce that the deficit for the 2005 fiscal year, which ends in September, will be far smaller than the $427 billion they estimated in February."

The leap in tax revenue was only "unexpected" by the Democrats and their cronies. The rest of the nation knew it was coming. :lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Democrats would win this coming elcetion and the next 10...

Railroad said:
Yeah! I still think that the Democrats could develop something that actually made sense (though I wouldn't care to try it). They wouldn't have to resort to attacking their opposition if they displayed a modicum of intellect and commonsense (as our rraley has done).

That could actually lead to identifying areas in which both parties agree! :yikes:

Of course, on some issues, there would still be strong (and probably healthy) disagreement. saying (and meaning) this:

1. We MUST help the Iraqi people gain independence and democracy with rule of law and constitutionally guaranteed rights for all, including and especially, minorities. We will BEAT the bad guys. It's the only and best way to right the wrongs of the past.

2. Social Security was a great idea whose time has gone. We must replace it with an ownership society so that ALL citizens, especially the poor and disadvanteged, will have the entry card to full citizenship and all the benefits therein; ownership.

3. Gay people deserve all Constitutional rights, including the 14th amendment. This means a right to what we think of as marriage and all the benfits that acrue from the legal social contract that is marriage.

4. Religion has as much right to the public square as any rights parade or other public celebration. Though clearly personal and private, faith can be expressed as communities see fit.

5. Christians are not evil just because they believe. Christ is cool with us.

6. Global terror represents the most insidious and dangerous threat to individual liberty in the world today. Supporters of the violence of 9/11 and the attacks in London and all other such acts around the world deserve no place at any table of civilized mankind. When the attacks have been stopped for all time and denounced reflexively, by all peoples of the world, as the plaugue and evil they are, then ALL the peoples of the world have a place at that table.

7. And we mean it.

8. Future energy policy will wisely include domestic fossil fuel production and the expansion of nuc u lar power and the search for new and better energy sources. This is with an eye towards domestic and global economic stability and to the health of our planet.

9. Yes, Howard is a freak and no, we can't really imagine Hillary back in the Whitehouse either.

10. It says "to keep and bear'. It means 'to keep and bear'.

My fellow Americans, I thank you and may God, or whomever or whatever you believe in, bless you.


Football addict
Larry Gude said: saying (and meaning) this:

1. We MUST help the Iraqi people gain independence and democracy with rule of law and constitutionally guaranteed rights for all, including and especially, minorities. We will BEAT the bad guys. It's the only and best way to right the wrongs of the past.

2. Social Security was a great idea whose time has gone. We must replace it with an ownership society so that ALL citizens, especially the poor and disadvanteged, will have the entry card to full citizenship and all the benefits therein; ownership.

3. Gay people deserve all Constitutional rights, including the 14th amendment. This means a right to what we think of as marriage and all the benfits that acrue from the legal social contract that is marriage.

4. Religion has as much right to the public square as any rights parade or other public celebration. Though clearly personal and private, faith can be expressed as communities see fit.

5. Christians are not evil just because they believe. Christ is cool with us.

6. Global terror represents the most insidious and dangerous threat to individual liberty in the world today. Supporters of the violence of 9/11 and the attacks in London and all other such acts around the world deserve no place at any table of civilized mankind. When the attacks have been stopped for all time and denounced reflexively, by all peoples of the world, as the plaugue and evil they are, then ALL the peoples of the world have a place at that table.

7. And we mean it.

8. Future energy policy will wisely include domestic fossil fuel production and the expansion of nuc u lar power and the search for new and better energy sources. This is with an eye towards domestic and global economic stability and to the health of our planet.

9. Yes, Howard is a freak and no, we can't really imagine Hillary back in the Whitehouse either.

10. It says "to keep and bear'. It means 'to keep and bear'.

My fellow Americans, I thank you and may God, or whomever or whatever you believe in, bless you.


24/7 Single Dad
Larry Gude said: saying (and meaning) this:
3. Gay people deserve all Constitutional rights, including the 14th amendment. This means a right to what we think of as marriage and all the benfits that acrue from the legal social contract that is marriage.
:yeahthat: including divorce lawyers