Hungry people in St. Marys County


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm sorry, Wanda D.

Someone should have warned you.

This is the wrong place to try to rally support for anything that might help others that are less fortunate. There is a small group here that will fervently jump on anyone that even brings up anything along those lines.

While yours is a great idea, a just and worthy cause and I commend you for helping the less fortunate; I doubt that this is the right place to ask for others to think about people besides themselves.

Apparently you didn't see the threads where someone needed help at Christmas and a whole bunch of forumites gave food, money, presents, and decorations.

We who give have a right to question those who receive.


I think many people play the hungry card cause they know others will feed them/ pickup the tab. Being poor is an art. One man told me he can drive his Cadillac at night. I didn't understand what he meant at first.

Our mouse population became rampant in the chicken coop, so we quit feeding the barn cats. Guess what happened to our mouse issue....


Well-Known Member
Apparently you didn't see the threads where someone needed help at Christmas and a whole bunch of forumites gave food, money, presents, and decorations.

We who give have a right to question those who receive.

I might go to bed hungry tonight, can you spare a lobster and T bone today, oh and a bottle of good wine, thanks in advance :drool:


Well-Known Member
Our mouse population became rampant in the chicken coop, so we quit feeding the barn cats. Guess what happened to our mouse issue....

They moved one county over? :popcorn:

I forgot the :sarcasm: smilie. I've known of people doing this between counties, just thought the cats would be as smart as the one skiming the systems over and over again.

Why stoop to eating mice, when you can move to calvert and eat Filet Migon?


I bowl overhand
I was thinking something along the same lines.

WHY are the schools having to feed kids breakfast as well as lunch? And why ALL kids? Low income kids, okay, but ALL kids? That's ridiculous.

When do we start feeding them dinner as well? And maybe they could just sleep at school as well....


We were told about the breakfast program prior to school starting and I got upset with the term "free" as normally this would be a taxpayer funded program, not free..

BUT (and I'm sure BG will correct me if I'm wong, again) this program is actually a FREE program sponsored by a national chain (wal-mart or target if I remember correctly).. ALL kids in particular schools get a free breakfast, lunch program is still run the same.

When I lived in PA I was upset that the low income kids got breakfast AND lunch.. Here we have parents that, more likely than not, had little or no responsibility growing up, and now they are parents and STILL have NO responsiblity even for their own kids. The STATE will take care of your kids, feel free to go out and have some more!


I bowl overhand
I was thinking something along the same lines.

WHY are the schools having to feed kids breakfast as well as lunch? And why ALL kids? Low income kids, okay, but ALL kids? That's ridiculous.

When do we start feeding them dinner as well? And maybe they could just sleep at school as well....


They would never go to bed hungry then!!


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I'm sorry, Wanda D.

Someone should have warned you.

This is the wrong place to try to rally support for anything that might help others that are less fortunate. There is a small group here that will fervently jump on anyone that even brings up anything along those lines.

While yours is a great idea, a just and worthy cause and I commend you for helping the less fortunate; I doubt that this is the right place to ask for others to think about people besides themselves.

pffft. I help Mike's Food Drive out every year and will again this year. He's expecting to provide over 2000 complete "Christmas" meals. For years I was "Santa Claus" to a family in difficulty that lived over on Pegg Rd. Only presents the two kids got for years were from me. And so on... I question someone's demand for assistance? Almost every time, yes, and will continue to do so. Do I see a large number of supposedly 'needy' people simply using every available form of assistance that they can get their grubby mitts on so that their cigarette and booze funds remain untouched? bet I do. I would not want to detract from Mike's noble effort by dwelling on it too much but I guarantee you that plenty of people who put their names on his delivery list would have zero difficulty putting that same food on their table with their own money. So it goes.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I know I'm going to regret this and I don't know if her stats are correct or not but MusicLadyMd only made a suggestion and specifically said the food could be taken to a church. Maybe I'm naive but it doesn't sound like a scam.

BTW - some children aren't old enough to attend school.

Sounds like a genuine and well-intentioned effort to me too; I wasn't questioning that.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
You're right of course. I don't know if you believe in God or not but I would imagine that He sees it as an act of kindness and good intention regardless of who is on the receiving end, I never really give it much thought.

Often times, not giving it too much thought and putting all cynical thoughts aside is the best course of action. :buddies:


New Member
pffft. I help Mike's Food Drive out every year and will again this year. He's expecting to provide over 2000 complete "Christmas" meals. For years I was "Santa Claus" to a family in difficulty that lived over on Pegg Rd. Only presents the two kids got for years were from me. And so on... I question someone's demand for assistance? Almost every time, yes, and will continue to do so. Do I see a large number of supposedly 'needy' people simply using every available form of assistance that they can get their grubby mitts on so that their cigarette and booze funds remain untouched? bet I do. I would not want to detract from Mike's noble effort by dwelling on it too much but I guarantee you that plenty of people who put their names on his delivery list would have zero difficulty putting that same food on their table with their own money. So it goes.

...There is a small group here ...

Never singled anyone out nor did I say that the forum as a whole was a bad place.


New Member
I would not want to detract from Mike's noble effort by dwelling on it too much but I guarantee you that plenty of people who put their names on his delivery list would have zero difficulty putting that same food on their table with their own money. So it goes.

One has to request and qualify (and provide proof of qualification) for Mike's goodwill.


Routinely Derailed
In the 1920's, soup kitchens served uncountable numbers of people able and willing to work, who couldn't find a job. Right or wrong, that's what the communities did, and in some cases some federally-funded programs did all that (I hope I got that right).

It actually set a bad precedent, because people learned there was an alternative to working for what you get. I wouldn't be surprised to see that this problem has existed in significant numbers only since that time, and that it has worsened since the 1960's when there was such a push to support those who weren't currently employed (and the by choice or not by choice definition diminishes to the point of nonexistence).

The idea that the commune supports all regardless of contribution is fatally flawed. Look at the records from Polish rebel/underground communities in WWII and you will find that everyone was expected to contribute something in return for communal support.

I wish people would have the backbone in this country to live up to their identity. Seventy years ago today, 3,000 people died and the nation was galvanized to mobilize. Nowadays, people don't get galvanized over anything. Their are no stiff upper lips or straight backbones, except in a very few. Somehow it's not cool to stand up and be counted as one who EARNS the food and the cash.

There are lots of photos of men and women in what we would think of as clothes suitable for an office setting, bent over in the fields and harvesting crops, from those days. Photos of guys in suits sweeping sidewalks. Photos of people in tatters of what used to be formal dress chasing down a boxcar to get to a job or run from a crime based on want. The point is that most, by a huge majority, were after only the basics as the bottom line. Not so, anymore, killing people for a bit of electronics or a car that would be ditched in a day or so, in the same neighborhood.

The character, you see, the backbone, that made Americans great at one time, is all but gone.

So people on the dole are no longer people to pity, but people to treat with distrust and in some cases, disdain, by the common man's measure.

Nevertheless, I have a collection of soups going someplace, one of the charities, before Christmas.
One has to request and qualify (and provide proof of qualification) for Mike's goodwill.
I was a pre-teen the year my family volunteered to fill our van and run stuff to various families on the list for Mike... we only did it that one year because we soon realized many that we were delivering to had plenty.


no longer CalvertNewbie
I was a pre-teen the year my family volunteered to fill our van and run stuff to various families on the list for Mike... we only did it that one year because we soon realized many that we were delivering to had plenty.

Like nicer cars then you and bigger TV's? I make it a point to help those in need but I'll be honest......I'm a bit untrusting and very particular as to who I help. Unfortunately, there are far too many people who are getting assistance that shouldn't be getting it while others much more deserving aren't getting help. But giving food to a food bank always sounds like a good idea to me and I think the OP made a great suggestion.


New Member
Just ask any teacher in the public school system if they believe kids go hungry. It's been happening for YEARS, and it's sad. In some cases, the parents are neglectful, in some cases the parents are really struggling. I've known teachers who have been handed notes that say something to the effect,
"I'm sorry but I had no food or lunch money to give to my child today. Can you help?"
It's nothing new, it's been happening for a long time. George Foreman was one of those hungry school kids -- if you've read his book, he talks about maybe getting a mayo-sandwich for lunch and that's it. He was so hungry as a kid that it was painful. Very few people can really relate to being painfully hungry.
Does this happen around our area? I'm sure it does.
I've heard of people who have had to turn the heat OFF at night to save costs, as well. Imagine an impoverished child sleeping near the grate of the refrigerator just to get some warmth. These kinds of things are really sad, they really happen and usually there is a mix of societal problems associated with it. Anyone in Social Work or in the school system would be able to attest to it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
LC, I think we all know there are legitimately poor families, and most of us are happy to help them. It's the ones that scam the system and can't feed their children because their cellphone bill is too high, or cigarettes and beer cost too much, that we have a problem with. That ruins it for everyone and causes people like me to be cynical and question whether a family *really* needs help or not.

If some chickie can pay for an elaborate hairdo and get her fake nails done, she can certainly feed her children.


Well-Known Member
LC, I think we all know there are legitimately poor families, and most of us are happy to help them. It's the ones that scam the system and can't feed their children because their cellphone bill is too high, or cigarettes and beer cost too much, that we have a problem with. That ruins it for everyone and causes people like me to be cynical and question whether a family *really* needs help or not.

If some chickie can pay for an elaborate hairdo and get her fake nails done, she can certainly feed her children.

excuse me for a minute there. My doggie slipped out the back door last night when I opened it. I had to scurry after him so I didn't lose him. My wonderful neighbors living in the 4 bedroom, 4 bath 2200 sq ft home that is twice as big as mine, paid for with my tax dollars because they're on section 8 were sitting on their front porch keeping a vigil eye on their Lincoln Navigator while smoking pot and hacking up a lung. They'd take offense to your post about beer and cigarettes. They don't stoop that low, it's weed and Crown Royal, thank you very much!