Hungry people in St. Marys County


New Member
Thanks to all who made their views known

I think a lot of us are having a rough time. If we all work together we will get through this.
I am reminded daily how blessed I am to have a home, food and a job.

Lets all this holiday season look for the one who has the Ramen noodles and kids.... if anyone wants to donate coupons , time , food or money you can email me here and I can pick things up to help.

If anyone knows a family that really is in need and doesnt meet the government criteria let me know I have several friends who can help.

You can reach me through Rev. Dennis Allen at the Good Samaritan Lutheran church 301-863-4740 Leave your name and number and what you would like to do and I wlll call you back ASAP

Thanks everyone!

:clap: I wish you lots of success. Times are very tough and I think many people in this area are in the "working poor" group. They make too much for assistance but not enough for their basic needs. I think we all become a little jaded when we see the outright abuse of the system and we all tend to distrust others quite a bit.
I have quit helping with toys because of what we witnessed during delivery. But I will never turn down a plea for help to help feed or clothe people. I think the need will become a lot worse before it gets better. Good luck to you and your group.


I bowl overhand
I agree that there are people who choose beer and cigarettes over their kids..
I also agree about the free or tax payer food at school.
The project im undertaking here is to help all year around.
Like when the kids are on Christmas break.... or summertime...

I know there are a lot people on here that wont give a flip but im sure there are others who will.

Simple things like buy one get one free at grocery store give the free one to the soup kitchen or food bank.

or if you have coupons for cereal, peanut butter, jelly or canned meats drop them off there too then we can purchase things that the food bank doesnt provide.

Our system here in the county buys food for 18 cents a pount but usually it doesnt have cereals, meats or fresh fruit or veggies.

So sure there will always be people in the area who take advantage... but if what I am doing with the help of a few good people who care can feed one kid who would not have food this is worth it I think.

I would rather give a kid a meal than a toy at Christmas... but then again both wouldnt be bad either.

I know a lot of people have it hard right now. There are times I thank God that I dont have any kids at home its all me and hubby can do to take care of ourselves but even we can get a buy one get one food and help out.
All im asking here is if this is something you can get behind thanks if not
thats ok too.
Everyone have a great weekend and wae will talk again soon.
It's great that you want to help a needy family but the minute you throw "hungry children" or it's "for the children" you lose all credibility.

We've heard it all the last several years and the liberals ALWAYS say it's for the children when it never really is.

So to maintain any kind of credibilty don't casually throw the child card out there.


New Member
Just so you know

We can turn the delivery car around as fast as we bring it there
If we find out someone is lying they will not get our help.

It's great that you want to help a needy family but the minute you throw "hungry children" or it's "for the children" you lose all credibility.

We've heard it all the last several years and the liberals ALWAYS say it's for the children when it never really is.

So to maintain any kind of credibilty don't casually throw the child card out there.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I am being told that people do not sign up to receive donations from Mike's. I am told that government agencies supply them with a list. :shrug:

Almost. HHS manages the list generation; Mike refers all calls for assistance (and he gets hundreds) to them.


Well-Known Member
Then again, a few years back some of us gave to a "needy" forumite and she was seen partying it up at a local strip joint a few weeks later. I do not blame anyone for being skeptical on here. :shrug:

that's the sheet that chaps my azz. I think I have found a family (single mother with two kids) and she is struggling and trying hard, working two low paying jobs. I'm going to do what I can for her. By the way, she makes "too much" to get assistance.
Some people who are "struggling to feed their children" are doing so as a result of their own choices. For example:

Ramie Grimmer, 12, died Wednesday at a San Antonio hospital. Her 38-year-old mother Rachelle shot Ramie and her 10-year-old brother Timothy Monday after staging a seven-hour standoff in a state welfare office when she wasn't able to qualify for food stamps.

Ramie apparently posted "may die 2day" onto her Facebook page during the standoff. Timothy is still fighting for his life at a San Antonio area hospital.

The children's grandmother spoke out Wednesday, describing her former daughter-in-law as having mental problems.

Mary Lee Shepherd said Rachelle Grimmer had problems beyond trying to feed her family.

Read more: Child Posted Chilling Facebook Messages Before Being Shot By Mother Inside Texas Welfare Office | Fox News

How come she needs welfare to feed her children when her 12 year old is posting on facebook via her data usage enabled cell phone... :shrug:


New Member
I was going to stay out of this but I just couldn't.

I've been delivering baskets for Mike off and on for almost 20 years. Yes, I have seen some families who work the system. But, I've also seen some who we added a bit more to the basic basket. When you find a grandparent who is struggling to raise grandchildren on their social security and you can see the family has very little. Or, when you find an older person who can barely make it to the door and though their house is threadbare, it's clean. These are not people who are looking for handouts but they are the ones who we should be helping.

This past year I only passed out a few baskets due to work. I knew each family and each deserved what little I delivered. This year, one of those baskets won't be delivered because the parent died from terminal cancer. Before she became sick she was able to give her child things so you might have seen electronics and such that someone who was needing help shouldn't have. But you don't know when something like this will happen.

My daughter also falls on Mike's list and each year turns her basket down. She doesn't need it. She knows that she will have a good meal with her family.

So, in this season of sharing, would it be so hard to donate a couple of cans of veggies or tuna fish or soup?


Well-Known Member
I was going to stay out of this but I just couldn't.

I've been delivering baskets for Mike off and on for almost 20 years. Yes, I have seen some families who work the system. But, I've also seen some who we added a bit more to the basic basket. When you find a grandparent who is struggling to raise grandchildren on their social security and you can see the family has very little. Or, when you find an older person who can barely make it to the door and though their house is threadbare, it's clean. These are not people who are looking for handouts but they are the ones who we should be helping.

This past year I only passed out a few baskets due to work. I knew each family and each deserved what little I delivered. This year, one of those baskets won't be delivered because the parent died from terminal cancer. Before she became sick she was able to give her child things so you might have seen electronics and such that someone who was needing help shouldn't have. But you don't know when something like this will happen.

My daughter also falls on Mike's list and each year turns her basket down. She doesn't need it. She knows that she will have a good meal with her family.

So, in this season of sharing, would it be so hard to donate a couple of cans of veggies or tuna fish or soup?

I would gladly help if I knew it was going to someone who needed it. Unfortunately I live across the street from subsidized housing. I get to see firsthand how some will take advantage and work the system. I have seen them pushing their babies in the strollers when I come home from work, they are dressed to the nines, hair done, nails done, talking on cell phone, smoking cigarettes. If they can afford this, why cant they afford to feed their kids? Why should I feel bad because I dont wish to give to some charity that may support the way these people are using the system.
My father worked until almost the day he died. He was 78. My daughter has two children and is divorced, she works and receives child support on occasion, but, does not receive any government assistance. Its not that she couldnt use some help, but the government says she makes too much. In fact, when she applied for some help, she was told.......and I quote...."It would be better if you werent working, then you could qualify for assistance." My daughter replied.."you mean because I'm doing the right thing by working, I cant get any temporary help, but if I quit my job, I can get all the help I can handle?" She said, never mind....I dont need help that bad.
I know todays economy has forced several people to seek help that they've never needed before, but, the ones who really need it never seem to get it and vice versa. I will helping out my daughter and grandkids again this year, thats my needy family quota for the Christmas season.


Well-Known Member
I would gladly help if I knew it was going to someone who needed it. Unfortunately I live across the street from subsidized housing. I get to see firsthand how some will take advantage and work the system. I have seen them pushing their babies in the strollers when I come home from work, they are dressed to the nines, hair done, nails done, talking on cell phone, smoking cigarettes. If they can afford this, why cant they afford to feed their kids? Why should I feel bad because I dont wish to give to some charity that may support the way these people are using the system.
My father worked until almost the day he died. He was 78. My daughter has two children and is divorced, she works and receives child support on occasion, but, does not receive any government assistance. Its not that she couldnt use some help, but the government says she makes too much. In fact, when she applied for some help, she was told.......and I quote...."It would be better if you werent working, then you could qualify for assistance." My daughter replied.."you mean because I'm doing the right thing by working, I cant get any temporary help, but if I quit my job, I can get all the help I can handle?" She said, never mind....I dont need help that bad.
I know todays economy has forced several people to seek help that they've never needed before, but, the ones who really need it never seem to get it and vice versa. I will helping out my daughter and grandkids again this year, thats my needy family quota for the Christmas season.

while receiving government assistance. « Britta Rivera Venture
These people may need help!!!!!


New Member
If a family needs help and cant get it let me know

If anyone has a legitimate family that needs help and cant seem to get it please email me their information. I know of several other groups of people who are looking for someone to help.,
You can email me at this is my company email.

that's the sheet that chaps my azz. I think I have found a family (single mother with two kids) and she is struggling and trying hard, working two low paying jobs. I'm going to do what I can for her. By the way, she makes "too much" to get assistance.


New Member
Credibility is a great word.

Just so you know there are hungry children in our county. Im not playing a card.
I met an adult today born and raise in our county. She never had adequate food ate most her meals at neighbors homes because her mom was a alcoholic.
Her dad was in jail. She made it ok She is a flight attendant on a major airlines and has been for 20 years. She told me that this county has alot of working poor people that she has seen over the years. Kids that grew up just like her.


THANK YOU to the ladies who dropped off food at Good Samaritan this morning. THey were VERY glad to get it.

It's great that you want to help a needy family but the minute you throw "hungry children" or it's "for the children" you lose all credibility.

We've heard it all the last several years and the liberals ALWAYS say it's for the children when it never really is.

So to maintain any kind of credibilty don't casually throw the child card out there.


New Member
THANK YOU I knew compassionate people were here!

This is the reason I brought this up....
Lets get people thinking ,is there someone you know raising their grandkids on Social Security... maybe just an older couple who cant work anymore.

I met a lady a few weeks ago that is an occasional caregiver. She saw one of her cients in the store buying cat food. She thought ok maybe she has a cat, so knowing that just a week ago the lady didnt have a cat she asks

Did you get a new cat?? The lady looked embarrased and said no, its just cheaper than tuna and my husband cant tell the difference.
At first it was funny but then I thought oh God these people are eating cat food.

I cant imagine being at the end of life and having not enough money to buy tuna so I would have to buy cat food.

Im thankfull every day for the roof over my head and food on my table.

I cant imagine how people make it with kids in their home when times are hard.
Its hard enough for me and hubby to make it without kids.

Have a good weekend everyone. Thanks for taking up this cause.

watch this video it will change how you think
It is about hunger in southern maryland

Hunger In Southern Maryland - YouTube

I was going to stay out of this but I just couldn't.

I've been delivering baskets for Mike off and on for almost 20 years. Yes, I have seen some families who work the system. But, I've also seen some who we added a bit more to the basic basket. When you find a grandparent who is struggling to raise grandchildren on their social security and you can see the family has very little. Or, when you find an older person who can barely make it to the door and though their house is threadbare, it's clean. These are not people who are looking for handouts but they are the ones who we should be helping.

This past year I only passed out a few baskets due to work. I knew each family and each deserved what little I delivered. This year, one of those baskets won't be delivered because the parent died from terminal cancer. Before she became sick she was able to give her child things so you might have seen electronics and such that someone who was needing help shouldn't have. But you don't know when something like this will happen.

My daughter also falls on Mike's list and each year turns her basket down. She doesn't need it. She knows that she will have a good meal with her family.

So, in this season of sharing, would it be so hard to donate a couple of cans of veggies or tuna fish or soup?


New Member
I heard Mikes Helps alot of people

Thanks Mikes for all those you help!

This is the reason I brought this up....
Lets get people thinking ,is there someone you know raising their grandkids on Social Security... maybe just an older couple who cant work anymore.

I met a lady a few weeks ago that is an occasional caregiver. She saw one of her cients in the store buying cat food. She thought ok maybe she has a cat, so knowing that just a week ago the lady didnt have a cat she asks

Did you get a new cat?? The lady looked embarrased and said no, its just cheaper than tuna and my husband cant tell the difference.
At first it was funny but then I thought oh God these people are eating cat food.

I cant imagine being at the end of life and having not enough money to buy tuna so I would have to buy cat food.

Im thankfull every day for the roof over my head and food on my table.

I cant imagine how people make it with kids in their home when times are hard.
Its hard enough for me and hubby to make it without kids.

Have a good weekend everyone. Thanks for taking up this cause.

watch this video it will change how you think
It is about hunger in southern maryland

Hunger In Southern Maryland - YouTube


I bowl overhand
This is the reason I brought this up....
Lets get people thinking ,is there someone you know raising their grandkids on Social Security... maybe just an older couple who cant work anymore.

I met a lady a few weeks ago that is an occasional caregiver. She saw one of her cients in the store buying cat food. She thought ok maybe she has a cat, so knowing that just a week ago the lady didnt have a cat she asks

Did you get a new cat?? The lady looked embarrased and said no, its just cheaper than tuna and my husband cant tell the difference.
At first it was funny but then I thought oh God these people are eating cat food.

I cant imagine being at the end of life and having not enough money to buy tuna so I would have to buy cat food.

Im thankfull every day for the roof over my head and food on my table.

I cant imagine how people make it with kids in their home when times are hard.
Its hard enough for me and hubby to make it without kids.

Have a good weekend everyone. Thanks for taking up this cause.

watch this video it will change how you think
It is about hunger in southern maryland

Hunger In Southern Maryland - YouTube

The cat food sounds an awful lot like an anecdotal story from the internet.

Have a hard time buying that one.


New Member
This is the reason I brought this up....
Lets get people thinking ,is there someone you know raising their grandkids on Social Security... maybe just an older couple who cant work anymore.

I met a lady a few weeks ago that is an occasional caregiver. She saw one of her cients in the store buying cat food. She thought ok maybe she has a cat, so knowing that just a week ago the lady didnt have a cat she asks

Did you get a new cat?? The lady looked embarrased and said no, its just cheaper than tuna and my husband cant tell the difference.
At first it was funny but then I thought oh God these people are eating cat food.

I cant imagine being at the end of life and having not enough money to buy tuna so I would have to buy cat food.

Im thankfull every day for the roof over my head and food on my table.

I cant imagine how people make it with kids in their home when times are hard.
Its hard enough for me and hubby to make it without kids.

Have a good weekend everyone. Thanks for taking up this cause.

watch this video it will change how you think
It is about hunger in southern maryland

Hunger In Southern Maryland - YouTube

Good video, thanks for sharing.


I am so very blessed
:yeahthat: There is no-brand tuna that can be purchased for cheap.
And I'm sorry....there is no way to mistake cat food for tuna fish. Different look, smell, and texture. Even if you get the cheap off-brand tuna, you'd have to be blind in both eyes to think that cat food is tuna fish.


New Member
THANKS everyone

I guess I didnt relate the cat food story in a way it was told to me. The cat food was being mixed with tuna to make it go farther. Hence two old people could get 2 meals out of it.

THANKS to the person who shared my email to help people who fall through the cracks with the foodstamps

If you know someone who needs food either grandparents caring for children or single parents or families out of work please give them my email this is my work email.

There are several groups of people that have contacted me that can help meet this need.


And I'm sorry....there is no way to mistake cat food for tuna fish. Different look, smell, and texture. Even if you get the cheap off-brand tuna, you'd have to be blind in both eyes to think that cat food is tuna fish.


New Member
If ANYONE knows someone really needing help

Have them email me or you can email me I will get them some help.
this is my work email.

Wanda D

that's the sheet that chaps my azz. I think I have found a family (single mother with two kids) and she is struggling and trying hard, working two low paying jobs. I'm going to do what I can for her. By the way, she makes "too much" to get assistance.