Hunter Biden


Well-Known Member
Maxey tried to get the DoD to address the issue without success, until he found a direct conduit to a two-star general who took the certificate codes, deactivated the access and thanked him for his diligence.

Unfortunately, that same general then told Maxey he needed to focus on securing the safety of himself and his family, as the full weight of the U.S. interests, including the intelligence apparatus and defense apparatus, will likely target him. Emerald Robinson does a good interview.



Well-Known Member
He can run but he can't hide. If a certain alphabet agency goes after him he is dead meat.


PREMO Member

From the New York Post:

The expenses are spelled out in an email to Hunter from business partner Eric Schwerin from June 5, 2010, entitled “JRB Bills.” They concerned the upkeep of Joe Biden’s palatial lakefront home in the wealthy Greenville enclave of Wilmington, Del. JRB are President Biden’s initials.
There were $1,239 in repairs to an air conditioner at “mom-mom’s cottage,” and another $1,475 to a painter for “back wall and columns at the lake house.” There was also another $2,600 for fixing up a “stone retaining wall at the lake” and $475 “for shutters.”



Beloved Misanthrope
"Hunter Biden frequently covered family expenses, texts reveal"

Does that mean he paid for Joes hookers too?


Well-Known Member
We have an old, senile, crook in the WH, who has used his position in Government for his and his families enrichment and pointing it out or showing proof is a waste of time.
Joe Biden is not doing anything that Nancy Pelosi , Maxine Waters or any of the rest of them are not doing or haven't done. It is the driving reason all politicians leave whatever they were doing and go into politics.

Easy living and financial gain.


Well-Known Member
For laughs....... Dementia Joe will be on Kimmel tomorrow night! Will be the ONLY funny show Kimmel ever had watching the stuttering senile bastard!
With luck the pos will stroke out on live TV!


PREMO Member

'F**k my stepmother for being a selfish, silly entitled ****.' Unearthed texts reveal Hunter cruelly insulted Jill Biden behind her back - even after she sent him loving messages and offered him a house - when he was pushed to return to rehab

  • Texts messages obtained by from a newly uncovered backup of Hunter's cell phone reveal his apparent hostility towards stepmother Jill Biden
  • The president's son, 52, insulted the first lady in a series of texts between him and his former girlfriend and his brothers' widow, Hallie Biden, in late 2018
  • He also aired his frustrations to his uncle, Jim Biden, on December 28 of that year, after his father Joe pushed him to go back to rehab
  • 'Hallie and my idiot stepmother have once again created a drama that forces dad into saying go away for 30 days ...' he wrote
  • In an exchange with Hallie a day earlier, he wrote: 'F*** my stepmother for always being as much of a selfish silly entitled c**t as you'
  • It is unclear what prompted the vicious verbal attack, but it appears to be related to Hunter's family asking him to return to treatment
  • Meanwhile, texts from Jill to Hunter show she regularly sent him messages of love and support, and had offered him a house


Well-Known Member
It isn't strange for people under the influence of drugs to lash out at those trying to help them.
Matter of fact it's part of the influence drugs have over these people.


PREMO Member

Hunter Biden will likely land 'generous' plea deal that will allow him to admit minor tax and gun charges, ending investigation into far more serious money-laundering and lobbying allegations, lawyer believes

  • A former DOJ official believes Hunter Biden has landed a 'generous' plea deal to only admit to minor tax and gun charges over the federal probe into his life
  • Lawyer Jim Trusty said reports so far show no indication that prosecutors will seek charges on money-laundering and lobbying allegations
  • Trusty and other legal experts add that the decision not to seek serious charges does not appear to be motivated by the upcoming midterm elections
  • One expert, however, noted that it was surprising for the case to be closed despite President Joe Biden never testifying before a grand jury
  • The development comes as Biden faces mounting questions over whether he knew about his son's business dealings


PREMO Member

‘Highly Credible’ FBI Whistleblowers Describe Concerted Effort To Scuttle Negative Hunter Biden Stories: Report

“In response, my office has received a significant number of protected communications from highly credible whistleblowers,” Grassley said, adding, “The information provided to my office involves concerns about the FBI’s receipt and use of derogatory information relating to Hunter Biden, and the FBI’s false portrayal of acquired evidence as disinformation. The volume and consistency of these allegations substantiate their credibility and necessitate this letter.”

Grassley went on to say that the FBI had begun compiling evidence regarding Hunter Biden in 2020 — but that evidence was ultimately used to help “improperly discredit” anything that was eventually made public.

“First, it’s been alleged that the FBI developed information in 2020 about Hunter Biden’s criminal financial and related activity. It is further alleged that in August 2020, FBI Supervisory Intelligence Analyst Brian Auten opened an assessment that was used by a FBI Headquarters team to improperly discredit negative Hunter Biden information as disinformation and caused investigative activity to cease,” the letter continued.


PREMO Member

FBI Agent Who Failed To Vet Steele Dossier Is Named As One Who Helped Paint Hunter Biden Exploits As ‘Disinformation’

Grassley issued a letter last week to Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray regarding the reports he had received from numerous whistleblowers that high-ranking members of the FBI had acted with partisan bias and politicized their investigations. “In light of these allegations,” Grassley wrote, “I remain very concerned that political bias by a select group of Justice Department and FBI officials has infected the Justice Department’s and FBI’s usual process and procedure to open and pursue high-profile and politically charged investigations.”

He continued to say that this intel would not come as any surprise to Garland and Wray as he and others had voiced their concerns about a 2019 FBI audit that showed significant violations of the FBI’s internal policies regarding the bureau’s most sensitive investigations. According to another letter from Grassley to Garland and Wray on Monday, similar violations occurred when the FBI ceased investigating Hunter Biden due to Auten’s report.

As Ross observes, Auten was deeply involved in Crossfire Hurricane, the counterintelligence investigation by the FBI into supposed Trump-Russia collusion. Auten, who was in charge of verifying the infamous Steele dossier that was part of the Russia hoax orchestrated by Hillary Clinton’s campaign, failed to flag its inconsistencies and allowed it to be treated as legitimate.

Ross notes that Auten was likely investigated by the FBI disciplinary office after an inspector general’s report revealed gross abuse of the FBI’s foreign surveillance process, since Wray testified in 2020 that all members mentioned in the report were referred to the disciplinary office. Auten nonetheless was assigned a role in the sham Hunter Biden investigation.


PREMO Member

FBI’s False Labeling Of Biden Laptop As Disinformation Is Even Worse Than It Seems. Here’s Why

The whistleblowers’ accusations then, when coupled with the media coverage, suggest that an agent from FBI headquarters opened an assessment to provide cover to Hunter Biden, to eliminate source trails for the investigation into then-candidate Joe Biden’s son, and to taint the legitimate inquiry into Hunter Biden’s business dealings. That scandal, however, represents but half the issue because the whistleblowers’ statements, if true, suggest the assessment of Hunter was a sham. And as a sham, the agents would not vet the evidence available to them, which would have included the MacBook laptop Hunter had abandoned at a repair shop in Delaware.

The FBI seized that laptop in December of 2019, after being alerted to its existence in October. At that time, FBI agents were reportedly told that in addition to pornography, the computer had information “dealing with foreign interests, a pay-for-play scheme linked to the former administration, [and] lots of foreign money.”

What the FBI did after seizing the laptop in December of 2019 is unknown. However, given that the FBI was reportedly told it contained “a pay-for-play scheme linked to the former administration, [and] lots of foreign money,” any legitimate investigation would have involved reviewing the laptop for information relevant to Grassley and Johnson’s investigations. And had the FBI reviewed the laptop, agents would have discovered a video recording capturing Hunter Biden saying that in 2018, another laptop went missing when he was “partying in Las Vegas,” and that Hunter believed it was stolen by a group of Russians.

The video then showed a prostitute asking Hunter if he worried the Russian thieves would try to “blackmail” him. “Yeah, in some way, yeah,” Hunter replied, noting his father is “running for president,” and that “I talk about it all the time.” Hunter had also noted that the computer had “tons” of compromising videos on it.


PREMO Member

Hunter Biden’s biz partner called Joe Biden ‘the Big Guy’ in panicked message after Post’s laptop story

James Gilliar, a former British Special Forces officer with ties to UK intelligence services, discussed The Post’s exclusive report with an unnamed person on Oct. 14, 2020, according to the message provided by a whistleblower to GOP congressional investigators probing the laptop.

In the message, Gilliar, 58, reassured the person that the revelations about Biden’s apparent involvement in his son’s foreign deals would not be damaging — regardless of the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.

Gilliar was asked if “Hunter and/or Joe or Joe’s campaign [would] try to make it ‘Oh, we were never involved’ … and try to basically make us collateral damage?”

“I don’t see how that would work for them…” Gilliar responded in the 6.07 p.m. message reviewed by The Post.

“I think in the scenario that he wins they would just leave sleeping dogs lie,” Gilliar added.

“If they lose, honestly, I don’t think that the Big Guy really cares about that because he’ll be too busy focusing on all the other s–t he is doing.”

The identity of the “big guy” has since formed part of the grand jury investigation in Wilmington, Del. into Hunter’s business dealings — as calls ramped up to have President Biden, who has repeatedly denied any involvement in his son’s dealings, included in a conspiracy probe.