Hunter Biden


PREMO Member

BREAKING: Hunter Biden's Legal Team Just Got Scorched by Judge for Making False Statements in CA Tax Case

In the motion, Biden's lawyers argued, “The Attorney General relied upon the exact same authority to appoint the Special Counsel in both the Trump and Biden matters, and both appointments are invalid for the same reason.”

There's just one problem with that: Weiss was already a sitting U.S. Attorney when he was appointed as Special Counsel. Or, as George Washington Law professor Jonathan Turley noted:

However, a key difference between Smith and Weiss is that it could lead these courts to asking “why is a Weiss like a Smith?” The extent that he is not could prove a critical distinction. Weiss is a Senate confirmed U.S. Attorney where Smith was a private citizen plucked by Merrick Garland from the general population for the position.

But there's an even bigger problem with the motion than that: Biden's lawyers contended in the motion that Weiss only brought charges against Biden after he was appointed as Special Counsel. Which, as Scarsi very pointedly notes in his order, is false (emphasis mine):

The Court orders Mr. Biden’s counsel to show cause why sanctions should not be imposed for making false statements in the motion.
In support of his motion, Mr. Biden asserts, several times, that Special Counsel Weiss “brought no charges [against Mr. Biden] until after he received the Special Counsel title . . . .” (Mot. 5; accord id. at 6 (“Special Counsel Weiss . . . brought no chargesin this investigation with his U.S. Attorney position but, as Special Counsel, initiated legal proceedings on both sides of the country against Mr. Biden in Delaware and California . . . .id. at 7 (“Mr. Weiss . . . sought Special Counsel status before bringing any charges.”).) These statements, however, are not true, and Mr. Biden’s counsel knows they are not true.


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Feds trying to ‘slime’ Hunter Biden with evidence of strippers, porn at upcoming tax trial: lawyer

Mark Geragos argued during a hearing in a Los Angeles federal courtroom that special counsel David Weiss’s effort to introduce evidence of Hunter’s seedy spending while avoiding paying $1.4 million in taxes is nothing more than “character assassination” and shouldn’t be allowed.

“They want to slime him because that is the whole purpose,” Geragos told federal Judge Mark Scarsi.

“It’s actually a form of character assassination,” he added, calling it a “salacious prosecution” intended to make Hunter “look bad.”