
...anyone know if this procedure actual stops people from being hysterical?


Actually, NO! I had a total hyster-ectomy when they took away my Hyster fork lift.... I was miserable after that...

Sorry, just a little levity.. very little....


New Member
I had a hysterectomy about 2 years ago. I had to have the big surgery, with the incision. And trust me, it is NOTHING like a c-section like one person referenced. I made the mistake of comparing it to the two c-sections I previously had. It is not even close to the same. If you end up needing the actual surgery and not the laproscopy, than you will have about an 8 week recovery time. My youngest child was about 2 years old and I could not lift her or do anything for her for a while. You can PM me and I'll be glad to give you more details.

Good Luck!!


Sweet and Innocent
I had a hysterectomy about 2 years ago. I had to have the big surgery, with the incision. And trust me, it is NOTHING like a c-section like one person referenced. I made the mistake of comparing it to the two c-sections I previously had. It is not even close to the same. If you end up needing the actual surgery and not the laproscopy, than you will have about an 8 week recovery time. My youngest child was about 2 years old and I could not lift her or do anything for her for a while. You can PM me and I'll be glad to give you more details.

Good Luck!!

Wow. I was only referring to recovery part. I guess I didn't explained it clearly enough. It's alot like c-section because they had to cut through 7 layers to get the baby out or remove the woman's parts unless the surgery is laposcopy, which is quick healing and less painful. However, for a non-laposcopy surgery, it is no heavy lifting, do not do laundry, no vacuuming, do not lift anything more than a newborn baby (10 pounds), etc. Rest well and do some walking (light walking) will help heal quicker.

My only advice is follow the doctor order and take it easy. Do not force yourself if you can't do it. Also, get a friend/family to help after getting home from the hospital.

Also, freeze some homemade meals in freezer, so you can just pop them in the microwave to heat up when you aren't up to cooking yet.


Dr Niani did mine 2 years ago..he left one ovary,had to go with the big surgery....I was up as soon as they pulled the cathiter(sp??)out.... you are sore and it is difficult to get up ..I had to roll on my side and then push up....you have to be careful lifting,it can prevent the incision from healing properly...I was in the barn in a few days and was able to take my daighter to a horse show in 11 days.with your littlest one... you shouldn't be lifting him/her for a few weeks. walking around and doing little things was no problem...good luck. DrN will take care of you and they offer alot of pain killers. I used none....not even asprin


Free to Fly
I had a partial laproscopic done several years ago and my recovery time wasn't too bad - maybe 2 or 3 weeks. Best of luck to you.


New Member
Thanks! I am just worried about the recovery and the pain, I don't do well with pain!!!! I also have 3 children, age 8, 5 and 22 months. My husband is in the Coast Guard and is gone alot, however he will be home the first week and then I have alot of help after that! Sounds like if I just take it easy and follow Doctor's orders, everything should come out o.k. I am having mine done at Calvert by Dr. Naini.

I had the same thing done, same doctor same hospital about 16 years ago. Everything went well, not much pain afterwards. Laughing and coughing caused some discomfort the first week or so, but after that I was good to go, only I couldn't drive for two weeks. I'm sure things have advanced in that time so it should be better for you. With all the "noise" about unnecessary surgery, I hope you got a second opinion.


Persimmon Creek Farm
gravity has taken a hold of my cervix and my bladder. Dr.Tassey in Leonardtown just told me that I need a historectomy and a bladder lift.

Recovery time should be 6-8 weeks.


New Member
gravity has taken a hold of my cervix and my bladder. Dr.Tassey in Leonardtown just told me that I need a historectomy and a bladder lift.

Recovery time should be 6-8 weeks.

(Formerly known as Sux2b44) I had a partial about 3 years ago. Dr. Aron did it. He calls it the swoop and scoop. Just a little whole in the belly button. No pain just some throbbing in my lower back for about a day. Had it done on thursday afternoon, called CL at 6:00 a.m.next morning to come get me. Waling around driving the nurses nuts. Did their filing. No pain meds just took Advil when needed. Took a few naps for the first 4-5 days and was great after that. There was no 6-8 weeks off unless you were milking it. BEST THING I EVER DID!!!!! Doing back flips down the tampon isle!!!!!!!


New Member
My Hysterectomy was a total nightmare.......

For all who responded, gave me tips and advice and most importanty kept me in their thoughts and prayers........THANK YOU, I really needed them. I had my Hysterectomy on Tuesday morning.....everything went great, they were able to go vaginally and no incision. I was so happy when I woke up in recovery and heard that great news. I got to my room about noon and around 5:30 a Tech came in to take my temperature. She had no idea what type of procedure I had even had done. She told me (later the next day) that something told her to lift up my covers, when she did my bed was SATURATED with blood and my blood pressure was 52/38. My Doctor was immediatley called in and I was rushed into emergency surgery.........4 hours later I was back in recovery again. Apparantly an artery to my right ovary was bleeding and it caused my right ovary to completley rupture. During the emergency surgery my right ovary and tubing were completley removed and they got the bleeding under control. So now I have an incision from hip bone to hip bone with 14 staples but I now also realize that having this incision is no big deal, the big deal is that I am alive to tell this story. I am so thankful for the Tech who discovered my bleeding or I may not be telling you this story right now...........I ended up having to have 3 blood transfusions the next day. I am finally home recovering and thanking everyone who did and still does have me in their prayers.

I know my experience was a fluke and not the "norm" and other than the "emergency part" of this, everyone's tips and advice have really come in handy in my recovery. Thanks again and please keep me in your prayers during my recovery.


Sweet and Innocent
For all who responded, gave me tips and advice and most importanty kept me in their thoughts and prayers........THANK YOU, I really needed them. I had my Hysterectomy on Tuesday morning.....everything went great, they were able to go vaginally and no incision. I was so happy when I woke up in recovery and heard that great news. I got to my room about noon and around 5:30 a Tech came in to take my temperature. She had no idea what type of procedure I had even had done. She told me (later the next day) that something told her to lift up my covers, when she did my bed was SATURATED with blood and my blood pressure was 52/38. My Doctor was immediatley called in and I was rushed into emergency surgery.........4 hours later I was back in recovery again. Apparantly an artery to my right ovary was bleeding and it caused my right ovary to completley rupture. During the emergency surgery my right ovary and tubing were completley removed and they got the bleeding under control. So now I have an incision from hip bone to hip bone with 14 staples but I now also realize that having this incision is no big deal, the big deal is that I am alive to tell this story. I am so thankful for the Tech who discovered my bleeding or I may not be telling you this story right now...........I ended up having to have 3 blood transfusions the next day. I am finally home recovering and thanking everyone who did and still does have me in their prayers.

I know my experience was a fluke and not the "norm" and other than the "emergency part" of this, everyone's tips and advice have really come in handy in my recovery. Thanks again and please keep me in your prayers during my recovery.

Wow, I'm glad that the tech saved your life. I'm sorry that it didn't go very well for the first time, but at least, you are still alive! :huggy:


(Formerly known as Sux2b44) I had a partial about 3 years ago. Dr. Aron did it. He calls it the swoop and scoop. Just a little whole in the belly button. No pain just some throbbing in my lower back for about a day. Had it done on thursday afternoon, called CL at 6:00 a.m.next morning to come get me. Waling around driving the nurses nuts. Did their filing. No pain meds just took Advil when needed. Took a few naps for the first 4-5 days and was great after that. There was no 6-8 weeks off unless you were milking it. BEST THING I EVER DID!!!!! Doing back flips down the tampon isle!!!!!!!



Wow, I'm glad that the tech saved your life. I'm sorry that it didn't go very well for the first time, but at least, you are still alive! :huggy:

Glad your home and well I know all about the hip bone to hip bone advise for the day get some tylenol 3 or stronger before they take out the staples I had 21 and hubby had a great time counting each one as the dr took them out:killingme


New Member
Had the same operation about 3 years ago.. Could not do lapo did the cut.. Wasn't bad. I was back to work 2 weeks later. First week was kinda hard but, the more you move the better it gets. You will not regret having it. Best thing I ever did (for myself) wish I had done it 10 years ago. But, it is done now and it is wonderful... Good luck. By Christmas you will be a happy girl. Heck by thanksgiving you will be jumping for joy..


SoMd Realtor
So glad you are back home and doing better. Hope you are able to get some rest and take your time getting back on your feet.


New Member
I had a total at age 47....Everything went....I woke up sicker than a dog and cut from my navel down to my hairline.. Sicker than a dog for a while but all worked out well....


New Member
I had a total at age 47....Everything went....I woke up sicker than a dog and cut from my navel down to my hairline.. Sicker than a dog for a while but all worked out well....

Today has been a week.......have not been sick at all (thank goodness). I am hoping in the end, everything will work out well.....I am still in a tremendous amount of pain! I am 38. I am glad everything turned out well for you!!!!


New Member
Today has been a week.......have not been sick at all (thank goodness). I am hoping in the end, everything will work out well.....I am still in a tremendous amount of pain! I am 38. I am glad everything turned out well for you!!!!

Everything turned out fine for me, but it took a few months to actually feel like myself again...I don't think I could push a vacuum cleaner for 6 weeks... I, probably like you, had to watch out for interior stitches...You have to remember that everything has been turned around and the interior of you is changed....You have days when you feel good and some when you don't...But in the end it was great...

Not having a period was the greatest...I, however, had to deal with the loss of libido....BUT, I did that too....I figured I was the same woman that I was before the operation so get back to life and love....So I did...Besides that my husband was far too good looking to give him any slack...

You will do just great....Much luck...