

New Member
Today has been a week.......have not been sick at all (thank goodness). I am hoping in the end, everything will work out well.....I am still in a tremendous amount of pain! I am 38. I am glad everything turned out well for you!!!!

One of my neighbors had both a c-section and a hysterectomy. She said she asked her doctor why the recovery from the hysterectomy was so much harder than the c-section. He told her it was because with the c-section they gave you something, with the hysterectomy, they took something away. Even if you are not wanting or planning on more kids, I think there is something to that. With a c-section, you are definitely focused more on your new little one than on any pain you may be feeling.

Good luck, cgwife. I am glad that all turned out okay. I pray for your continued recovery and no more complications.