I.A.M. vs DynCorp International


Hot Flash
This is not just about me here...

....but it's obvious the point has been lost.

So really...comment away, flame away, I really don't give a ####. Like I said, unless you're there, you just don't understand.

I will comment again:

DynCorp also feels that it's lower than average pay increase offer is major progress.

You are actually getting an increase!?


I went several years in the 90's with no increase and was grateful just to have my job (and I loved my company, so no biggie)


You think the union is going to protect your ass when this all gets out to Dyncorp about how much you hate them?

With your attitude, I'm sure your performance is sub-par and your supervisors can find a reason to get you fired.

I hope you find something you like and enjoy your year of working before you get any paid time off.

I just might work for Dyncorp and know who you are.

Stop your crying.

Better yet, delete this thread.


So is this Pete

3 lefts make a right, but 2 wrongs don't.

You threw open the gate for that type of response the post before that one.

I understand, you were frustrated when the majority didn't agree with you. Doesn't mean their heads are in the sand, or they shouldn't reproduce, just don't have the same opinion.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
In most cases having just one "kind of leave" can be to your advantage. When I worked for a contractor that had both sick and vacation leave I got paid for my unused accrued vacation but not sick. Now if you only have one leave bucket you can get paid out for all of your accrued leave if you leave the company.

Speaking as a business owner who has always provided both sick leave and vacation leave...

I completely understand the beauty of having one pot of leave. For one thing..and it is a very significant thing..having just one pot means that sick leave costs go down automatically as employees avoid dipping in to the pot for questionable reasons..ahem.

On the other hand..I would not consider fair simply eliminating sick leave without increasing the size of the leave bucket overall. That said..if it was something I felt I had to do to keep the company afloat..it would be done.


This is not just about me here...

....but it's obvious the point has been lost.

So really...comment away, flame away, I really don't give a ####. Like I said, unless you're there, you just don't understand.

Flame away?

You don't give a ####?

You just showed everyone on this board, WHY you are, and probably always will be, A DynCorp employee.


New Member
So sorry I tried to enlighten people as to what is going on. That I wanted to make people aware of something that effects almost 1000 people working here in southern Maryland.

You fine people keep burying your heads in the sand.....and reproducing. It's what makes America GrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRRRRRRRREAT!!!!
I think you are missing a bit of the point people are trying to make. Negotiating pay raises, increased vacation, additional compensation are all part of the renewal of the CBA. Changing the culture of the company and the environment in which you work is a completely different animal. I get that you are frustrated by lack of response to issues, your superiors, etc. But that has nothing to do with the compensation part of the CBA. I know nothing about DynCorp, so I have no opinion of them either way. Really and truly, you are not going to affect the culture of a company. Your only choice is to find a new job. I am not saying that flippantly.

In regards to the CBA, you are unfortunate that it is being renegotiated in a really down economy. Companies cannot afford to pay greatly increased salaries or additional benefits. Additional days of vacation means they have to pay you, but they don't receive any pay from the customer. Just not going to happen right now. It's not just DynCorp... it's all over right now. In Calvert County, the county pretty much voided the last year of their existing contract and teachers had a raise that was in their existing contract greatly reduced. At least they are honoring what is currently in yours. And the first response you received did have a valid point. Many employers are now calling any time off you receive "Paid Time Off" or PTO. It doesn't matter what you use it for; if you need a day off, you use PTO. Think of it this way: instead of receiving 10 vacation days & 4 sick days (which you may not need), you get 14 days of flexible PTO that you can use for whatever you want.

Obviously you did not get the response you were hoping for when you posted here. It is hard to garner a lot of sympathy when there are many people who have family members laid off right now, or possibly are still trying to recover from a recent layoff. Hopefully you can use the energy you have for this and put it into additional training, experience, etc and begin looking elsewhere. It may take awhile, but remember the grass is not always greener on the other side.


New Member
I worked for DynCorp before you and before they were forced to go Union and it was a good company. The Union ruined the company. Talk to any of the guys who have worked for DynCorp for at least 15 years and most of them hate the fact the compay went Union. I bet you vote Democrat also like all whiney azzed Union members. If the company is sooooo bad why do they have employees still working for them instead of another contractor?
I think you are missing a bit of the point people are trying to make. Negotiating pay raises, increased vacation, additional compensation are all part of the renewal of the CBA. Changing the culture of the company and the environment in which you work is a completely different animal. I get that you are frustrated by lack of response to issues, your superiors, etc. But that has nothing to do with the compensation part of the CBA. I know nothing about DynCorp, so I have no opinion of them either way. Really and truly, you are not going to affect the culture of a company. Your only choice is to find a new job. I am not saying that flippantly.

In regards to the CBA, you are unfortunate that it is being renegotiated in a really down economy. Companies cannot afford to pay greatly increased salaries or additional benefits. Additional days of vacation means they have to pay you, but they don't receive any pay from the customer. Just not going to happen right now. It's not just DynCorp... it's all over right now. In Calvert County, the county pretty much voided the last year of their existing contract and teachers had a raise that was in their existing contract greatly reduced. At least they are honoring what is currently in yours. And the first response you received did have a valid point. Many employers are now calling any time off you receive "Paid Time Off" or PTO. It doesn't matter what you use it for; if you need a day off, you use PTO. Think of it this way: instead of receiving 10 vacation days & 4 sick days (which you may not need), you get 14 days of flexible PTO that you can use for whatever you want.

Obviously you did not get the response you were hoping for when you posted here. It is hard to garner a lot of sympathy when there are many people who have family members laid off right now, or possibly are still trying to recover from a recent layoff. Hopefully you can use the energy you have for this and put it into additional training, experience, etc and begin looking elsewhere. It may take awhile, but remember the grass is not always greener on the other side.

Best post in this thread...:yay:


That Gin & Juicers hunk.
I think you are missing a bit of the point people are trying to make. Negotiating pay raises, increased vacation, additional compensation are all part of the renewal of the CBA. Changing the culture of the company and the environment in which you work is a completely different animal. I get that you are frustrated by lack of response to issues, your superiors, etc. But that has nothing to do with the compensation part of the CBA. I know nothing about DynCorp, so I have no opinion of them either way. Really and truly, you are not going to affect the culture of a company. Your only choice is to find a new job. I am not saying that flippantly.

In regards to the CBA, you are unfortunate that it is being renegotiated in a really down economy. Companies cannot afford to pay greatly increased salaries or additional benefits. Additional days of vacation means they have to pay you, but they don't receive any pay from the customer. Just not going to happen right now. It's not just DynCorp... it's all over right now. In Calvert County, the county pretty much voided the last year of their existing contract and teachers had a raise that was in their existing contract greatly reduced. At least they are honoring what is currently in yours. And the first response you received did have a valid point. Many employers are now calling any time off you receive "Paid Time Off" or PTO. It doesn't matter what you use it for; if you need a day off, you use PTO. Think of it this way: instead of receiving 10 vacation days & 4 sick days (which you may not need), you get 14 days of flexible PTO that you can use for whatever you want.

Obviously you did not get the response you were hoping for when you posted here. It is hard to garner a lot of sympathy when there are many people who have family members laid off right now, or possibly are still trying to recover from a recent layoff. Hopefully you can use the energy you have for this and put it into additional training, experience, etc and begin looking elsewhere. It may take awhile, but remember the grass is not always greener on the other side.

I appreciate your well thought out response. However, the point of my posting in the first place has been lost in a sea of anti-unionism that I did not expect. I was merely trying to get word out to my fellow Union members about what was going on in negotiations. Was really that simple. My further points were also trying to explain just how shady a company DynCorp actually is. All that got heard was that I was #####ing about my job.

That's fine.

People are going to think what they want, and really, I couldn't care if you agree or don't agree with me. I'm not here to win a popularity contest. But in any event, it is refreshing to see someone with a well spoken response. So I give you props for that.


New Member
As others have suggested: be grateful for a paycheck and look for something else while you still have a job. Our company did away with sick & vacation AND holiday pay. Everything is lumped together as PTO. Any unused sick leave accrued when the policy went into effect was put in a "bank" for you. Once you exhaust all of your PTO and are on the third day of being out "sick" you can tap into the balance in the sick bank. You also need a doctor's note to use it. You have to put in for being off at least 2 weeks in advance and when it snowed and I was out of leave and couldn't get out of my neighborhood, I stayed home without pay.

You're not paid for the sick bank balance when you leave the company either. Certain holidays are acknowledged each year and you earn that time in your PTO each pay period. If a "holiday" comes up and you have no leave (you're not allowed to work the holiday) then you don't get paid for it. I'm not overjoyed with the new policy but we are getting leave and the company doesn't have to give us any.

No raises this year but we've gotten them in years past. Our company is similar to yours with management and I'm ready to move on - just as soon as I have another job lined up. Until then, I suck it up hating each and every day. No union either.

The stress isn't worth it. You can't fix it so it sounds like it's time to move on.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
But in any event, it is refreshing to see someone with a well spoken response. So I give you props for that.

LMAO. He said exactly the same thing I and so many others did. I.e: You are not going to change DynCorp and if you don't like your job there then you should quit and find another job.

Bet you know what 'sugercoating' means too, don't ya tiger? :killingme


New Member
I appreciate your well thought out response. However, the point of my posting in the first place has been lost in a sea of anti-unionism that I did not expect. I was merely trying to get word out to my fellow Union members about what was going on in negotiations. Was really that simple. My further points were also trying to explain just how shady a company DynCorp actually is. All that got heard was that I was #####ing about my job.

That's fine.

People are going to think what they want, and really, I couldn't care if you agree or don't agree with me. I'm not here to win a popularity contest. But in any event, it is refreshing to see someone with a well spoken response. So I give you props for that.

If your purpose was to get the message out to your fellow union members, then why did you begin your initial post this way:

"Unless you happen to be a member of Patuxent River Local Lodge 4 of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, married or related to someone who is, or perhaps you work on base, then you probably do not know that there has been a battle going on up in Solomons as Local Lodge 4 and representatives from DynCorp International are engaged in contract negotiations in order to ratify a new collective bargaining agreement for some 950 aerospace workers at several sites across NAS Patuxent River."

This implies that they (and their family members) would already know what is going on, therefore giving the impression that you were trying to inform the general public. I am not trying to jump on you, merely point out why people are responding to you the way they are. Folks on here are "the public" and are reacting to information that is being presented to them.

Good luck.


That Gin & Juicers hunk.
Well this has been a very interesting and enlightening discussion, but I have to leave for work now.

Have a nice day.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
This implies that they (and their family members) would already know what is going on, therefore giving the impression that you were trying to inform the general public. .

Very strongly implies that..I would have to say. ;-)


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Well this has been a very interesting and enlightening discussion, but I have to leave for work now.

Have a nice day.

I too have been enlightened on this forum more than once. In fact, if it was not the interewebs, said enlightenment would have left red to purple marks on my person that were in the shape of an open handed slap. :whistle:

Come back soon and have a fun day at work.