I.A.M. vs DynCorp International


They call me ... Sarcasmo
40 hours a week, a tad under 30 bucks an hour. Sounds to you like they wasted their time and I should have taken financial classes huh? Funny guy huh? Go sweep the A&E's parking lot there bub. I never once said I am in debt, as I do not live in a shack. I live in a nice neighborhood, own a very nice 2 story home and have two vehicles. It's always the same story for those who don't work for the company. They think that we are all #####ing and moaning. I am done wasting my time trying to prove the common man's point to a bunch of folks who's heads are deep in .... Wake up and smell the roses as not everyone has a white picket fence around their yard with a dog named Scruffy.

Dude, you're the one that said "struggling to support a family", not me. If you or the other employees @ DynCorp can't manage their finances then why/how is it DynCorp's fault? And these arrogant suppositions that if we're not employed by DynCorp then we must be sweeping parking lots or working @ MickeyD's just proves how much of an idiot you are and how smart we are. Oh for the record, I AM the common man and I enjoy my home and vehicles etc., but at the end of the day, I can say that I am happy about where I am and how I got here.

Can you?


They call me ... Sarcasmo
And their jobs are LESS strenious than ours is. So folks who work at a fast food joint or a department store should get the same benefits and pay as us? B.s.

It's not greed. It's trying to support our family with what little that the company is giving us (or doesn't want to give us). Never once said I was special. Strike 1. So let me ask you this since you enjoy talking about a topic that you obviously know nothing about... where do you work? Stay at home mommy?



Big Dog Daddy
Seems like a nice heated topic. A lot of people here are making comments that know nothing about unions or DynCorp. I worked for Dyn for 11 years. They are not the worst company out that there but they are pretty damn close.They have no respect for their employees at all. As a previous poster stated about not getting raises, I also went four years w/o a raise from 2000-2004. Yes, i could have found another job but i tried with no luck at the time. I was fully involved with bringing in the union and am proud to this day to have been a part of that effort. I was a shop steward and a officer. Yes unions have their faults as well, as i have seen first hand. In this case though, Dyn has way more faults and greed than the union. I just get frustrated when people say that the Dyn workers and the union are greedy and should be grateful for what they have. The managers treat the employess like s#%t and they still get their big bonuses and pay raises, so why should the guys and girls working on the floor not get their little piece of the pie as well. So please stop saying people should not worry about getting a raise and should be thankul that they have a job. That is why we have a Collective Bargaining process in place. If you are in a position where you have no say in getting a raise, form a union.
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Power with Control
See, thats what kills me. You say folks are treated poorly, but instead of using the CBA to fix that, you say "just give us money, and you can treat us like that all you want". If its about crappy conditions, fix them.


Big Dog Daddy
I didnt mean it that way. Its definitely about way more than money, i just figured my post was long enough already. Of course money can help you to deal with crappy conditions a little better. Speaking of conditions, i have seen numerous good workers leave Dyn over the years due to the way they are treated, some to even take a pay cut. Dyn needs to really revamp their management on this base. I left them about 20 months ago and have never looked back. I really didnt want to leave since i had been their for so long. Their was no room for advancement and i just got tired of the games.
See, thats what kills me. You say folks are treated poorly, but instead of using the CBA to fix that, you say "just give us money, and you can treat us like that all you want". If its about crappy conditions, fix them.

I'd really like to know what kid of "fix" you would suggest. Is it that easy?


Power with Control
Damned if I know, thats one reason (in addition to a nice salary increase) I was so ready to jump when I left in 2000. If its about money, say so, but I keep hearing that its not about the money, but about the conditions. You union guys are supposed to be experts in making the conditions better, but all you seem to get is money and vacation time.


And their jobs are LESS strenious than ours is. So folks who work at a fast food joint or a department store should get the same benefits and pay as us? B.s.

It's not greed. It's trying to support our family with what little that the company is giving us (or doesn't want to give us). Never once said I was special. Strike 1. So let me ask you this since you enjoy talking about a topic that you obviously know nothing about... where do you work? Stay at home mommy?

Please explain "strenuous"....give me some insight, please....ty.


Big Dog Daddy
Damned if I know, thats one reason (in addition to a nice salary increase) I was so ready to jump when I left in 2000. If its about money, say so, but I keep hearing that its not about the money, but about the conditions. You union guys are supposed to be experts in making the conditions better, but all you seem to get is money and vacation time.

Well thats usually the way it works. Getting money and vacation, while not easy, is manageable. Getting a bunch of a$%holes to change the way they have been running things for years is almost impossible.


Well thats usually the way it works. Getting money and vacation, while not easy, is manageable. Getting a bunch of a$%holes to change the way they have been running things for years is almost impossible.

Shiat does flow downhill...usually..:yay:


New Member
ok, i have seen it all now. i have been with dyncorp for over 12 years now and i have seen it get progressively better. i can only attribute it to the union because our pay raises were null in void. i really believe that in order to "keep up with the joneses" we had to organize the union. after all , it was one of the head honchos's that told us "if i could pay you less, i would" also, "sick days are for drunks" and you would not get a pay raise this year or next year"....... remember ray!!!!!!!!!!! we all do. the heirarchy of dyncorp trying to sway union votes, seems to me like that backfired. and people. I believe that with the extra money and a extra day of vacation, there were a little more smiling faces at the workplace and it was easier to live and deal with daily bulls*!t. i really cannot see the big deal in people simply negotiatiing in what they truly believe is a reasonable pay wage and trying to pave the future for their families. seems like some have envy here. and you are all right, if we dont like the job, then leave. but since i have a family of 6, i choose not to leave, why, just cos i don't have to, and thank you to our wonderful country, i have the freedom of speech and i am now choosing to use it. thank you to all. all we were simply trying to do is to speak our mind to our company and aid us in our everyday lifestyle. they chose not to, so we did what we had to do. i am one of the originial founding fathers of this union and am proud to say so. i am still a very active part of it and look forward to serving the fellow 900+ members that the general public care nothing about or tell them to stop crying. thank you to all. we will see you on the picket lines.:evil:


New Member
Its all about safe flying aircraft

ok, i have seen it all now. i have been with dyncorp for over 12 years now and i have seen it get progressively better. i can only attribute it to the union because our pay raises were null in void. i really believe that in order to "keep up with the joneses" we had to organize the union. after all , it was one of the head honchos's that told us "if i could pay you less, i would" also, "sick days are for drunks" and you would not get a pay raise this year or next year"....... remember ray!!!!!!!!!!! we all do. the heirarchy of dyncorp trying to sway union votes, seems to me like that backfired. and people. I believe that with the extra money and a extra day of vacation, there were a little more smiling faces at the workplace and it was easier to live and deal with daily bulls*!t. i really cannot see the big deal in people simply negotiatiing in what they truly believe is a reasonable pay wage and trying to pave the future for their families. seems like some have envy here. and you are all right, if we dont like the job, then leave. but since i have a family of 6, i choose not to leave, why, just cos i don't have to, and thank you to our wonderful country, i have the freedom of speech and i am now choosing to use it. thank you to all. all we were simply trying to do is to speak our mind to our company and aid us in our everyday lifestyle. they chose not to, so we did what we had to do. i am one of the originial founding fathers of this union and am proud to say so. i am still a very active part of it and look forward to serving the fellow 900+ members that the general public care nothing about or tell them to stop crying. thank you to all. we will see you on the picket lines.:evil:

Former Dyn emp and IAM member here. Working for a different contractor now. Trying to organize there and they are doing the same things Dyn did. Glad you guys got a contract - hope you got some concessions. As for these folks who say "just be thankful to have a job" - there may be people out there waiting or wanting my job. Most of them aren't qualified for it and tell them deploying to a combat zone and spending 20 years in the military is part of the deal. Then they can compete with me for my job. Scabs:killingme


I bowl overhand
Former Dyn emp and IAM member here. Working for a different contractor now. Trying to organize there and they are doing the same things Dyn did. Glad you guys got a contract - hope you got some concessions. As for these folks who say "just be thankful to have a job" - there may be people out there waiting or wanting my job. Most of them aren't qualified for it and tell them deploying to a combat zone and spending 20 years in the military is part of the deal. Then they can compete with me for my job. Scabs:killingme

20 years in the military?

So you have FREE medical insurance... great education benefits. You have an employer that probably pays well, PLUS you get your military pension on top of that.

WTF do you need the Union to do for you that you can't do, or have already done, for yourself??


Well-Known Member
Well thats usually the way it works. Getting money and vacation, while not easy, is manageable. Getting a bunch of a$%holes to change the way they have been running things for years is almost impossible.

Days old post, just getting around to it, but I do believe you nailed it.

Here's the thing: I got my A&P ticket punched while working for a Boeing-sized outfit (hint: not Boeing). While there, I was IAM. Prior to that, I was UAAW. The previous shop wasn't too bad, but the Boeing-like company was extremely antagonistic toward the rank-and-file, and yet, strangely, the union seemed to be in bed with the company.

Worked for a few union shops over the years, and every one of them was the same way, to a varying degree. It was definitely an "us v. them" atmosphere at every single company.


Former Dyn emp and IAM member here. Working for a different contractor now. Trying to organize there and they are doing the same things Dyn did. Glad you guys got a contract - hope you got some concessions. As for these folks who say "just be thankful to have a job" - there may be people out there waiting or wanting my job. Most of them aren't qualified for it and tell them deploying to a combat zone and spending 20 years in the military is part of the deal. Then they can compete with me for my job. Scabs:killingme

Scabs are usually hungrier, more willing to learn, and not near as lazy as union dinosaurs which get so complacent ..they never change ...and go out like some big steel......:biggrin:.....:lol:
