I.A.M. vs DynCorp International

I will reply. There are so many people who don't get half of what DynCorp employees gets. So why ask for more? It's greed. You act like your so special that you can't be replaced. Everyone is replacable. All you need is a miltary background and know what a jet is.

And their jobs are LESS strenious than ours is. So folks who work at a fast food joint or a department store should get the same benefits and pay as us? B.s.

It's not greed. It's trying to support our family with what little that the company is giving us (or doesn't want to give us). Never once said I was special. Strike 1. So let me ask you this since you enjoy talking about a topic that you obviously know nothing about... where do you work? Stay at home mommy?
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PREMO Member
But then again you must have been a YN or AK in the Navy. Right?

AT 10 years, but my background is a little different from yours.

What I was getting at........ with other contractors you can get involved with T&E.
Still hands on, but not the DynCorp, military part 2.


New Member
And their jobs are LESS strenious than ours is. So folks who work at a fast food joint or a department store should get the same benefits and pay as us? B.s.

It's not greed. It's trying to support our family with what little that the company is giving us (or doesn't want to give us). Never once said I was special. Strike 1. So let me ask you this since you enjoy talking about a topic that you obviously know nothing about... where do you work? Stay at home mommy?

I know what is going on with Dyncorp. Yes i am a stay at home mom. Proud of it too. Who doesn't want more pay and benifits? It would be great if they did get more but at what cost. What is the good in going on strike? If you go on strike we can't pay our bills. We lose our healthcare, our home and etc. I have said this all before.


Les Paul Addict
Ive been on both sides of the fence and I can say it is indeed better here than anywhere Ive ever been, but I also know it wasnt always this way. DynCorp was giving 1 dollar raises for 5 years before the union kicked in. EVERYWHERE ive ever been had sick days, at least 2, even at the start. I worked in the fire suppression industry for 10 years after retiring before coming here to PAX from Michigan, and Im very happy with it. Its just irritating, and wrong beyond comprehension, that a company gets paid whether youre at work or not, so they actually MAKE money while youre at home sick while you get nothing for that day, and their only response when you bring it up as a truly genuine issue is "Tough Sh*t!" is just wrong. Now, mind you, I had a daughter who got hit by a car at 50 miles an hour before we left Michigan and was still recovering, and due to her appointments and things she had to go to- and I have to answer up for taking 16 hours in 8 months?
I dont care. Id do it again. Do I think we should fix that? You bet.
Think DynCorp gets paid on snow days when the base is shut down? Count on it. Its a contract. Whos the greedy ones here? You decide.
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I have been working with Dyncorp for over 10 years now. When I first started working here I was getting paid roughly 17 bucks an hour, now I am close to 30 an hour. THANKS TO THE INCEPTION OF THE UNION a few years ago we got a pretty good pay raise. If it were up to the company they would have given us a decrease in wages.

I am not going to read through all 13 pages of this thread as most of the replies I saw are idiots saying "your lucky that you have a job". If it weren't for my 8 years expierence in the Navy and countless schools that I went to; who would they put in my spot? A hobo from the Flattops?

Sick days: There should be no rhyme or reason that if I am sick I should use my vacation days. Being home with a sick child or if I am sick is no vacation in my book. Base being closed due to inclement weather is my fault? So I wasted what? 4 or 5 of my vacation days?
If we go on strike who is gonna repair these aircraft for the pilots to fly? some kid off the street? whatever. For the stuff that we do at work we should be getting better benefits and better wages. We should be treated as humans not as another #. For all of you "neigh sayers" out there who live off of your spouses pay and don't work. Do not reply. It makes your posts seem more idiotic.

It is not your employers fault that you are sick or the weather is bad either


They call me ... Sarcasmo
It's not greed. It's trying to support our family with what little that the company is giving us (or doesn't want to give us). Never once said I was special. Strike 1. So let me ask you this since you enjoy talking about a topic that you obviously know nothing about... where do you work? Stay at home mommy?

So you're making $30.00 an hour, working (I presume 40hrs/wk) and your wife works, but you are trying to support our family with what little that the company is giving us? Sounds to me that the Navy wasted their time sending you to all those schools and should have sent you to some sort of financial management classes.


Blah.. Blah...Blah
So you're making $30.00 an hour, working (I presume 40hrs/wk) and your wife works, but you are trying to support our family with what little that the company is giving us? Sounds to me that the Navy wasted their time sending you to all those schools and should have sent you to some sort of financial management classes.

Living in this county and having a family... some people do live paycheck to paycheck. Doesn't matter how much you make. Also you use leave you don't get paid your fringe benefits. Depending on how much time you use.. That can be pretty costly. My friends hubby worked at Dyncorp last year. He took time off when she had the baby and they lost about 300.00 in fringe benefits which they had still had to pay for their health insurance which is about 250.00 per paycheck. Things aren't always as they seem. You may think it's greedy that's your train of thought. If the company gave a rats ass they wouldn't show up 20-30 minutes late when they are suppose to be negotiating in good faith. I don't work on base, that's just stuff that I've been told by friends who work there. When the union came in Dyncorp were pissed then and they acted just like they are acting now during the last negotiating session.


Blah.. Blah...Blah
Unions are killing America's economy take a look at what the UAW did to the automotive industry.

One of these situations are going to happen

1. Dyncorp negotiates in good faith. We all live happily ever after

2. Dyncorp doesn't do anything.. All hell breaks loose.

Those are the choices.



AT 10 years, but my background is a little different from yours.

What I was getting at........ with other contractors you can get involved with T&E.
Still hands on, but not the DynCorp, military part 2.

:yay: AT for 7....never really did any AT work, went to UAV flight school as a C school and stayed in the community....but I know when I was an AT1 even getting my incentive pays I would have killed for 30 an hour lol..


Power with Control
One of these situations are going to happen

1. Dyncorp negotiates in good faith. We all live happily ever after = gives the union folks everything they want"

2. Dyncorp doesn't do anything.. All hell breaks loose.

Those are the choices.

Fixed for you. You know, back when I "slaved" for Dyn, at $15-$16 an hour, that was when I started digging out of the financial hole I was in caused by poor choices when I was young and married, then divorced. If both spouses are working, and one of them is making +70-80K a year, someone isnt spending right, really.

What you folks supporting the union position dont seem to get is that the folks debating this point are not rich, waterfront living, yacht owning folks. I've worked for 84 lumber at age 30, making $6.25 an hour, hoping like hell to make the high sales number, so my check would have $200 extra in it.

Making $35 an hour, with over two weeks vacation/pto time a year? Thats slave wages? With a spouse working? If you drive a +35K truck, and the wife drives a +38K SUV and you bought a +350K house, then I suppose that could lead to working paycheck to paycheck, but poor financial choices are not the companys fault.

They strike, it makes no real difference to me, my current program has no involvement with Dyn. I just find it amazing that folks can think that the company is responsible for making their lives perfect.
It is not your employers fault that you are sick or the weather is bad either

Oh, and like it's mine.

So you're making $30.00 an hour, working (I presume 40hrs/wk) and your wife works, but you are trying to support our family with what little that the company is giving us? Sounds to me that the Navy wasted their time sending you to all those schools and should have sent you to some sort of financial management classes.

40 hours a week, a tad under 30 bucks an hour. Sounds to you like they wasted their time and I should have taken financial classes huh? Funny guy huh? Go sweep the A&E's parking lot there bub. I never once said I am in debt, as I do not live in a shack. I live in a nice neighborhood, own a very nice 2 story home and have two vehicles. It's always the same story for those who don't work for the company. They think that we are all #####ing and moaning. I am done wasting my time trying to prove the common man's point to a bunch of folks who's heads are deep in .... Wake up and smell the roses as not everyone has a white picket fence around their yard with a dog named Scruffy.
:yay: AT for 7....never really did any AT work, went to UAV flight school as a C school and stayed in the community....but I know when I was an AT1 even getting my incentive pays I would have killed for 30 an hour lol..

Good deal. AT's rule. :evil:

Don't let the $30 an hour fool ya. After taxes, medical and everything else that the state and federal crap is taken out I'm lucky if I really make close to 20 bucks. But according to those on here who sit on the couch, watch soaps and sip their java that is like gold money. :lalala:


Good deal. AT's rule. :evil:

Don't let the $30 an hour fool ya. After taxes, medical and everything else that the state and federal crap is taken out I'm lucky if I really make close to 20 bucks. But according to those on here who sit on the couch, watch soaps and sip their java that is like gold money. :lalala:

I understand that...those days are far in the past for me...I am very fortuante to have the career path I have....what I was trying to say, was there are a lot of other guys you were in school with, or at least I was...that couldn't advance, get quals, whatever that couldn't afford to get out and make that transition so they get tenured now as an e5 at 12 years or whatever with nothing...so just be happy with what you have...People on here can be jerks but they also have a weird way of bringing out valid points from time to time..


That Gin & Juicers hunk.
My what a difference a couple of days makes. And no, for some of you fine folks, I was not 'sick', but I thank you for your thoughts and concerns.

You know, I sat through, and read this entire thread from front, to back. Some of you had very insightful thoughts that I found very conducive to the discussion at hand. Others had thoughtful responses, interspersed with some personal jabs at me. And others just took their personal potshots at me. There are a few responses throughout this thread that I actually would like to respond to, and hopefully I can get to that soon. But really, looking through this thread, there were a few common themes that I felt could probably be addressed in one post without the need for quoting people's responses over and over.

"Be grateful you have a job/paycheck."

This was a recurring theme in many of your responses. Well, to set the record straight, I am grateful that I have a job, and that I bring in a paycheck. And frankly, I don't think that I gave off the impression that I wasn't. But it seems like people latched on to this idea and ran with it, for no other reason then to have something negative to say towards me because of their anti-union stance. Hey, if you're anti-union, then good for you. You have that right, and I'm not telling you that you don't have that right. But telling me I should just be thankful to have a job right now, I mean really. I am thankful for that actually, and I have sympathy for the millions of unemployed in our country right now.

"You're a crybaby, whiny ass, childish, arrogant, and ungrateful bastard."

This is what I love about the internet community, which I have been a part of for 15 years. Because I had the nerve to talk about some negative things that my employer has done, and to try and illicit discussion about how these negotiations affect our community, that really makes me all these? I spoke in my earlier posts, about how DynCorp had outright lied, and deceived employees regarding wages and benefits, and you also read responses from several people who can vouch for what I said. Am I any of the labels that some of you people gave to me? Certainly not. My discussing how my employer conducts business in a negative fashion, is not me saying I am ungrateful for having a job. I most certainly am. However, being grateful for having a job in these tough economic times, doesn't mean I have to glowingly kiss my employer's rear end, especially when it's business practices, and negotiating practices are sub-par. Which leads me to my next point...

"If you're that unhappy with your job, then find a new one. I am sure someone else would love to have your job right now."

You people are right, I don't like my job. Actually, it's not so much the job, as it is the people I work for. And to be honest with you folks, I am looking for other employment. However, that doesn't preclude me from maintaining the job I have, until something comes along. I still have a wife and two children to provide for, and while a few of you made quitting and finding something else to do sound so easy, the reality of it is, it's not. And so, like any good father and husband, I will continue to provide for my family, all the while looking for other avenues that may present themself, or as the case may be, remaining with my current employer.

I am sure that a lot of people would like to have my job, and would like to make my pay. Here's the rub. A lot of people in this thread said that I am easily replaceable. Well, let's explore that thought for a moment. I have been in my current position for four years. So I have the experience of working on my particular platform, which to find someone with my level of aviation maintenance experience on this particular platform the only place you have to go is the military, I don't foresee hardly anyone being able to hired directly into DynCorp and being able to fill my shoes right away. I have certifications and qualifications that are comprehensive and thorough, which can't be replaced by someone coming in off the street. Could DynCorp replace me should I leave? Sure. But they are only replacing a body. They are not replacing my experience on the platform, nor my qualifications and certifications. Quals and certs that DynCorp spent time and money investing in me, and now will have to invest in someone new that they have to train.

Again, I sympathize with the people in this country who are jobless. I truly do. But to suggest that I, or any other member of the Pax Team could be easily replaced, that's silly.

"I'm pretty sure your performance is sub-par, and your supervisors could probably find a reason to fire you."

First off, only a handful of people that come to this forum know who I am. The rest of you are just guessing. You don't know me from Adam, so who are you to say, just because I express a negative opinion of DynCorp, that my performance is sub-par? I have a right to express whatever opinion I wish. People here do it everyday on all kinds of various issues. But because I have the nerve to speak out about DynCorp and it's negotiation tactics, and what our options are as a Union, that makes ME the bad guy here? I am not sitting her passing judgement on anyone here, unless you went off on me with some of your nasty name calling, and in one case...something that really crossed a line. But why judge me because I choose to use my voice?

And as for finding a reason to fire me, believe me, DynCorp has. When I said that DynCorp lies and deceives for it's own gain, I'm not kidding. It has been done to me many times. I have been set up by my company to take a fall on one occasion. But what they don't seem to get is this, I'm really not as dumb, and as naive as they think I am. And the truth be told, even if they wanted to get rid of me, it would have to be for something pretty damn good. Something pretty damn stupid. Because there is already precedent of people doing some really bad things, and the most that happens is either a written reprimand, or a suspension.

"You must vote Democrat, like all the Union."

Actually no. I'm a Republican actually. Now I can see several of you scratching your heads and wondering just how could it be that someone who calls themself a Republican, is not only a member of the Union, but he supports the Union he is in? I will tell you why. Because despite what people here would have you believe about DynCorp, what I have said about DynCorp has all been true. They have lied. They have deceived. They have harassed, threatened, and bullied employees. And the shocker, even with the Union in place, it still goes on today. But it's not as frequent, nor as bad as it once was. However, there is still work to be done. I remember what it was like before the Union. It's only slightly better. And so, as long as the Union stands up for the rights of the workforce, and works to protect those rights, you bet your ass I will support my local. Doesn't make me a Democrat.

"I don't want to go on strike. My spouse doesn't want to go on strike."

Hey guess what? I don't wanna go on strike either. No one wants to go on strike. A strike is the last thing that anyone wants, DynCorp or Union. But reality is what it is folks. The potential for it to happen exists, and you can choose to ignore that if you want, but you're going to get bitten in the ass if you do. My honest opinion is that there will not be a strike at DynCorp, because I have faith the Union will negotiate a new contract before that is to happen. But just because that's my opinion, doesn't mean it won't happen, and people need to understand it could happen, and how it could impact this area. But even if it was to happen, it's not something that would happen quickly, and it's not something that would be done lightly. And in fact, there is a lot that goes into whether or not a strike is going to happen, and that power rests in each member of the Local Lodge, no matter how many rumors DynCorp attempts to start to the contrary.

Some of you guys are way off base about me. I am nothing like what some of you think. And that's fine. You have the right to your opinion. Well, I also think you have the right to know the facts, and I just gave you some. Now I know that's not going to be enough for some of ya, and some of ya are going to continue this rediculous labeling of me, telling me what kind of person I am and such, that I'm a crybaby and whiner and whatever. Hey, good on ya. But this response right here is the only response I'm giving you in regards to your high school bathroom type judgments against me.

With that said, hope everyone has a great weekend. Even all you people who had unkind things to say about me.


Power with Control
Good deal. AT's rule. :evil:

Don't let the $30 an hour fool ya. After taxes, medical and everything else that the state and federal crap is taken out I'm lucky if I really make close to 20 bucks. But according to those on here who sit on the couch, watch soaps and sip their java that is like gold money. :lalala:

So, now they have to pay extra to make up for the same taxes and such we all pay, you should get extra for that, just like you should get more time off than everyone else. See, thats the "I'm special" thing that's killing us. You want more time off than most folks, in case you get sick, you want extra money, to make up for taxes, where does it end? When is it enough?

Ask the UAW that. The answer appears to be never. Bleed the company until they cannot make a profit.

Oh, and ping, my question to you about how bad dyna is, is how does extorting more time off and more money fix the things you say are really the issue? Like the beat cop shaking down the neighborhood drug dealer to buy playground equipment, its morally bull. The union should be going after protections in the shops to prevent such abuses, not going after money.

Or are you folks like abused spouses, willing to drop the charges for a nice vacation or new car?
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