I am getting increasingly irritated...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
...at the way the Demobrats are politicizing this Katrina business. Nancy Pelosi couldn't possibly be a bigger kennedy. I thought she came up with some doozies before but now she just takes the cake.

She's recounting her meeting with Bush at some press conference, and she says, "There should be an investigation about how this all went so wrong." And Bush replies, "What went wrong?" Then she just says "Oblivious!" like it's obvious that getting all those people out of New Orleans within days is "wrong". Never answered the question about what she was talking about that went so wrong.

Knowing that Marxist pig, she'd have called the military in to forcibly remove those people who balked at leaving. Probably gives her wood just thinking about it.


Enjoying life!
vraiblonde said:
...at the way the Demobrats are politicizing this Katrina business. Nancy Pelosi couldn't possibly be a bigger kennedy. I thought she came up with some doozies before but now she just takes the cake.

She's recounting her meeting with Bush at some press conference, and she says, "There should be an investigation about how this all went so wrong." And Bush replies, "What went wrong?" Then she just says "Oblivious!" like it's obvious that getting all those people out of New Orleans within days is "wrong". Never answered the question about what she was talking about that went so wrong.

Knowing that Marxist pig, she'd have called the military in to forcibly remove those people who balked at leaving. Probably gives her wood just thinking about it.
Bush was actually there with Pelosi?

Politics is funny business. They all lie and tell their tale. Just like religion, and just like sex. The guy says "It was GREAT!"; the girl says it was "So-so".

You can't ever win on any of the three fronts....that's why they are forever known as the 'TRIUMVERATE': sex, religion, & politics.


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:

But what took so long? It's been 4 years!!! It would have taken me 15 seconds to tell this person to go the hell home and quit being such a.....grrrrr!
I would politely let Mrs. Freeman know that she has the right to mass transit if she feels too special to comply - or to use her :yay: - either as a means to gain access to transportation via hitching or as something to stick up her ass that would hopefully enable her to STFU.


Bogart said:
I'm sure they will appeal again.

Well someday these morons will figure out that driving is a privilege, not a right, and having your stupid-cow face covered up in your ID photo is as worthless as sticking a generic yellow smiley face on it.

Follow the rules, or don't drive.

Pick one.

Godamned ignorant fools.


My Sweetest Boy
Did you see the woman on the news this morning who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer? She's from the area, a widow, and being treated at Bethesda Naval Hopsital. Apparently her doctor and surgeon were deployed to aid with the hurricane relief and she only found out by going for her appointment. So, she was blaming the administration for her lack of care because they could have been better prepared and she says she's not getting the care she needs. After her little interview, a hospital spokesperson said the hospital has plenty of stafff available and while true that this woman missed her appointment, she was quickly rescheduled (like all the patients) and is receiving the same care.


Lovin' being Texican
cattitude said:
Did you see the woman on the news this morning who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer? She's from the area, a widow, and being treated at Bethesda Naval Hopsital. Apparently her doctor and surgeon were deployed to aid with the hurricane relief and she only found out by going for her appointment. So, she was blaming the administration for her lack of care because they could have been better prepared and she says she's not getting the care she needs. After her little interview, a hospital spokesperson said the hospital has plenty of stafff available and while true that this woman missed her appointment, she was quickly rescheduled (like all the patients) and is receiving the same care.

Missed that one but did see the woman who claimed to have breast cancer to explain why her hubby and sons had to do all the cooking at their Katarina-Refugee camp. It's obvious neither she nor her menfolk had missed any hearty meals for the past 20 years or so.


9/11 - Never Forget!
...back to the politization observation

vraiblonde said:
...at the way the Demobrats are politicizing this Katrina business. Nancy Pelosi couldn't possibly be a bigger kennedy. I thought she came up with some doozies before but now she just takes the cake.

To go back to vrai's original posting about the politization (if that's a real word) of the disaster, this posting on The Intellectual Activist identifies why the leftists are terrified by what they are seeing. That is the total and complete failure of the welfare state they have envisioned as their Utopian Dream for many decades, from Marx and Engels, to Lenin, to F. Roosevelt, to L. Johnson, to E. Kennedy, to Pelosi. And to think there is a large memorial on the National Mall to the honor of the man that made socialism a keystone of American Life!


My Sweetest Boy
wmburdette said:
To go back to vrai's original posting about the politization (if that's a real word) of the disaster

Sorry, I thought I was on topic. Everyone is coming out of the woodwork, taking potshots at the administration and the media is happy to report it.


9/11 - Never Forget!
cattitude said:
Sorry, I thought I was on topic. Everyone is coming out of the woodwork, taking potshots at the administration and the media is happy to report it.

My appologies for the tone of my Title. I didn't mean that as any kind of a push-back for straying, just a minor re-steering. :peace:

The anger icon in the title was intended to reflect my sentiments as to what is going on in the MSM.


Super Genius
Right on cue, Howard Dean steps up to add to the rhetoric...
"We must ... come to terms with the ugly truth that skin color, age and economics played a deadly role in who survived and who did not," Dean said.
"People are poor in different parts of the country. They are not refugees. They are Americans," he said.
I find it amazing that people are arguing over what to call the people in New Orleans. As if calling them refugees is a bad thing...IT'S WHAT THEY ARE!

ref·u·gee One who flees in search of refuge, as in times of war, political oppression, or religious persecution.


Lovin' being Texican
ylexot said:
...I find it amazing that people are arguing over what to call the people in New Orleans. As if calling them refugees is a bad thing...


They call me ... Sarcasmo
It seems the torch has been successfully passed from Terry McAuliffe to Howard Dean. I had my doubts there for a while but he did manage. :lmao:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
ylexot said:
As if calling them refugees is a bad thing
Democrats have always had language issues. They like to pretend words mean something other than what the dictionary says they mean so they'll have something to get hopped up about.


wandering aimlessly
kom526 said:
It seems the torch has been successfully passed from Terry McAuliffe to Howard Dean. I had my doubts there for a while but he did manage. :lmao:
Yes, the required lobotomy to hold that position is generally quite effective.