I am not an azz

You probably used a granite tablet, hammer and chisel...

Trade your laptop in for a typewriter and get your kid to post for you! :sarcasm:

Just looked up the time line and I was about 4 years off on when DOS became popular. I thought it was mid-80's and actually it was '80.

Nope, not in IT and don't need a job. I know enough to do what I like, but not enough to be paid to do it. Ironically, I've spent more time with DOS than a lot of the tech's I've met. :lol:

I also happen to remember when PC's became half-affordable and that as a kid I had to use DOS because that's all there was.

You I believe and I'm not suprised. :lol: Though, you also aren't the one throwing it out as the basis of an insult.

Back when DOS was FREE!!! I thought round-about the mid-80's... man, that seems like ages ago, but almost like yesterday... first sign of getting old huh?

DOS is when I saw a use for a computer... before then it just seemed like a "toy"... Wait - isn't that what they are now!!! :lmao:
Oh and like you are old - you dope!!! No soup for you!

You can't stop me from getting soup! You do not know where I get my soup from!!!:yahoo:

OK - so we went from thin skin - Bad Karma slinging - Computers - to not getting "Soup"...

This is one jacked-up thread...