I am the mother of "that child"


God bless the USA
I'm sure she was overwhelmed by simple sand, considering her mother is overwhelmed with the simple task of ordering a taxicab and a grandmother with mental health problems.

How dare you? But, then again, this shows what an arsehole you are. I feel sorry for you.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I hope this continues with the trend of all the short bus riders posting at night.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
first they would have to get a higher score on the asvab than 32..

I served with a few that I would guess they would have been thrilled to have scored a 32. After I worked with them the term dumber than a box of rocks seemed appropriate.

black dog

Free America
I served with a few that I would guess they would have been thrilled to have scored a 32. After I worked with them the term dumber than a box of rocks seemed appropriate.

LOL... I met more than a few myself, sometimes I would ask myself I wonder who took there test for them.


If I may ...
If I may ...

We have a year and a half year old grandot with another grandbaby on the way. We moved to help out. We raised two children. What is your point? We have plenty of ponies in the show.

Whoop di do da day! Those poor, poor kids. Gonna need deep and prolonged psychiatric mental counseling if they stay near you too long. And then, someday, might even become a subject on this forum just like the OP's.


God bless the USA
If I may ...

Whoop di do da day! Those poor, poor kids. Gonna need deep and prolonged psychiatric mental counseling if they stay near you too long. And then, someday, might even become a subject on this forum just like the OP's.

What did I do to you for this kind of response? I am good at reading people, but you threw me for a loop. Oh, well. Happy foruming, LR. :sad:


God bless the USA
:lmao: :lmao:

Her mind is definitely twisted, But are you sure she'll never leave?

My mind is not twisted. You twist what makes you look good, or not. As far as Monello, I let him off the hook a long time ago. He, actually, gave me some good advice back in the day. He said tell the truth. Which I have always done. The transition from mamatutu to littlelady was the hurdle. He is the dude. :yay: You, on the the other hand, not so much. :poorbaby:

Long live, King Monello! If y'all think I don't get it, y'all are wrong. :diva:
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black dog

Free America
My mind is not twisted. You twist what makes you look good, or not. As far as Monello, I let him off the hook a long time ago. He, actually, gave me some good advice back in the day. He said tell the truth. Which I have always done. The transition from mamatutu to littlelady was the hurdle. He is the dude. :yay: You, on the the other hand, not so much. :poorbaby:

Long live, King Monello! If y'all think I don't get it, y'all are wrong. :diva:

You can check out at any time.....
