I cannot believe people!


professional daydreamer
Cyurius said:
No, I have a sense of humor. I don't have the patience for people likeyou.

Is someone holding a gun to your head and making you read my posts? :rolleyes:


New Member
Can anyone else post their stories? Please do :flowers:[/QUOTE]

I was visiting a friend in NC who had 3 dogs. One of the dogs (a little yorkie/poo mix) followed me around and even sat in my suitcase when I would get dressed every am. The dog was very sweet with my children. He was very thin, which I later realized was because the bigger dogs (chow mix), were fed with him and they ate all his food before he had a chance to take more than two bites. I noticed the dog had what I thought was an electric fence collar on and when I asked about it she said it was a shock collar for barking. My friend asked me if I wanted him. She said he barks all the time (I never heard him bark in the 5 days I was there), he is too "clingy", and not potty trained (I never saw any accidents). I honestly thought she was joking until she said she was taking him to the shelter. So, I told her I would take him and try to find him a better home (I could not keep him because I have 5 dogs)

I found him a wonderful home. He has gained much needed weight. He has a new name (Max). He travels with the family to soccer games. He goes for walks every day. He is an inside dog and has his very own bowl of food. He has no accidents and he only barks when the doorbell rings. Luckily, they do not mind the clingy part. He jumps in the bathtub with them. I get to see him now and then. My friend never even inquires about him.


Infinite Impetus
I adopted a 10 month old mixed breed from Mississippi, she was a Katrina victim. . she had been through many 'foster homes' and shelters down there before the Calvert Humane Society went down there and got her and some other good finds.
She was a hard one.. toy/food aggressive and mistrusting of people. Now she is great with me and food/toys. Still is wary of strangers, but I like that :)


What love is all about
My husband and I were at a grocery store one day when their was two ladies outside with a couple puppies they were trying to give away. I fell in love with them and my husband said I could have one. The problem was that we had to wait about 2 weeks until we got moved into our own house because we already had two dogs and the place we were living wouldn't let us have anymore. The people said that would be fine that they would be able to keep her until we were able to come back for her. She was so beautiful and healthy. Had a great coat and everything. Well after we moved into our house we got back in touch with the people and we set up a place to meet to get the puppy. When we got there we were so mad because this healthly puppy we had seen only a couple weeks ago was now very malnourished. She was so bad that for the first week or so everytime she would eat or drink her belly would swell up and she would throw it back up. We took her to the vet and he gave us something to give to her and she ended up getting better. I just couldnt believe how much she had changed in the matter of a couple of weeks. I mean if they couldnt have kept her for the couple extra weeks they should have told us and I am sure we could have worked something out. Like buying food for the dog or something but no they told us it was fine. It's just awful what some people will do.


I wanna be a SMIB
When I got my Tasha, this woman insisted on bringing puppies to me even though I said I would come to her. I know it sounded suspicious but I let her come to me anyway. She had 2 German Shep pups shoved in a cage so small they had to sit on top of each other. For a 50 mile trip. I was so mad, I wanted to keep both but could only take 1. I wasnt going to let her shove them both back in there for another long ride home. I hope the other got a good home also.


Set Trippin
When I was around 13 or so, I was hooking school... I heard a whining coming from the woods. I wandered through the woods until I came upon a very small puppy tied to a tree... The jerkoff that left the dog there had left a bowl of water and a bowl of food just out of the puppies reach...(I never understood that)........... anyways. I took the puppy home and kept her. When she was 3, she hopped the fence and was killed when she ran into a busy road... She was an awesome dog...


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
mainman said:
When I was around 13 or so, I was hooking school... I heard a whining coming from the woods. I wandered through the woods until I came upon a very small puppy tied to a tree... The jerkoff that left the dog there had left a bowl of water and a bowl of food just out of the puppies reach...(I never understood that)........... anyways. I took the puppy home and kept her. When she was 3, she hopped the fence and was killed when she ran into a busy road... She was an awesome dog...


Bookseller Lady
I am just amazed how people regard their animals. Puppys and kittens are children, literally. They have to be taught. You don't expect your child to come out potty trained do you?

Also helps if you know more about the breed before you adopt too. Persian cats have breathing issues? Jack Russells are hyper? Naaaah....

As much as I love critters I don't have any pets right now. I don't have the space or time to take proper care of them.

wharf rat

Smilin on a cloudy day
It would take all day to give you our stories. To sum it up, all of our dogs are rescues and or strays. They all have a story that's usually very sad in the beginning. Then they get here and are spoiled to no end.

Anyhow, a recent one (as alot of regulars on here know) was the beagle I found at the dump last year. She was skin and bones and full of parasites. http://forums.somd.com/showthread.php?t=86450

Then she had a surprize for us.

Then Christmas came a little early. http://forums.somd.com/showthread.php?t=90637

All are healthy and happy. Even though we had another one returned, it's going to work out.


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Animals4Life said:
People are just that shallow I know. I often wonder how many rescue animals have been taken to the shelter unknown to the person/group that rescued that animal only for it to be put to sleep. I have even had a few people call me and ask me to take an animal that they no longer want and quite often those animals have come from a rescue and I have even gotten the paperwork with the animal. I mean come on people. Those people knew that they were in the wrong and did not want to face you even though it sounds as though you did everything to help them adjust with the puppy. They just did not want to be bothered is all. I am glad you got the puppy back. I had been thinking about this same scenario before and was wondering about microchipping all rescue animals. I know it is so costly but I wonder if there could be grants made available to cover such. I know some of the rescues do this already but some of the rescues just cannot afford that expense on top of everything else but I think it is almost becoming mandatory to protect the animals. Kudos to you for looking out for those who cannot help themselves!

Many rescues micro chip to prevent their animals from ending up euthanized at a kill shelter. There are special chips specifically designed for rescue groups that have the rescue contact information in addition to the contact information for the person adopting the animal. This way the shelters know the animal was adopted through a rescue and should not be at their facility. They can notify the rescue and the animal is returned.


New Member
I have owned three dogs in my life. Two were rescued. One was bought.

Tux, a Boston Terrier-was purchased at six months old from a pet store. Tux had a case of demodex mange and was unavailable for public purchase. Knowing that his chances of finding a home were slim, I bought him for his wholesale price. Tux is now 2.5 years old and you would never have known that his fate was uncertain.

Archer, a German Shorthaired Pointer mix-adopted from the Humane Society of Calvert County. I have had Archer since he was six weeks old. He was rescued from Tri County and then I took him home. He is now 2 years old and the biggest momma's boy. He is my shadow and takes protecting me very seriously. If someone unknown walks by our house in the vacant lot or in front of our picture window, Archer is right there doing his best intimidating bark. Of course, if anyone knew how big of a coward he is, they wouldn't be afraid.

Scout, a GSP-adopted from Tri County. Scout was adopted six years ago when he was 2. Once I took him out to meet him, I knew that he was the dog for me. Once Scout got home, we realized the only thing he was trained to do was to go outside to use the bathroom. We got him professionally trained and then the fun began. Scout learned how to play fetch, how to swim, and pretty much just how to get spoiled rotten. When I went off to college Scout bonded with my mom. When I moved out, Scout stayed with mom but I still get to watch him when she goes on vacation or comes help fix up my house.

So far there has been nothing to make me consider parting with any of the three boys. They all know they have their permanent home and that nothing will change that.


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
Unbelievable said:
We adodpted a wonderful energetic pup to a family just about a month ago. The third day after they had him home the woman called to say he was digging up her yard, jumping on her children, jumping on her counters (!?) and creating a problem because he slept in her daughter's bed but then would be bad during the night. After going through the usual, "he's a pup, he needs supervision, don't give him so much freedom, crate him at night, don't let the children be the ones who train him, etc." She said she understood and knew he would get better as he got older. At that time I said if you can't keep him please return him. Two weeks later we get a call saying she thinks he is dying because he wouldn't eat his food and her neighbor said he had heartworms and they gave him two heartworm preventives (he's 6 months old). I explained to her that her neighbor would not know he had heartworms because there are no visible signs and it takes 5 months for the larvae to develop into heartworms, etc. and that, yes, she may have surely killed him with an overdose. He didn't die, she brought him by our house and he ate dog food out of our hands. Two weeks later I get a call from the shelter that they think one of our dogs is there and it's his last day. I went to the shelter and they returned him to us. When he came out he was wagging his tail and so happy to see us. He's been home two days now and he appears to be healthy. With a little retraining we're hoping to get him back to the pup he was the day he left our farm. I'm so angry at this person for not calling us to return the dog to us and for not caring that he would have surely died if the shelter had not contacted us. Shame on her! PLEASE, IF YOU ADOPT A DOG OR CAT YOU SIGN A CONTRACT TO RETURN THE DOG OR CAT TO THE RESCUE -- PLEASE ABIDE BY THE CONTRACT!

What a flaming idiot she is...Please advise of her name so no one allows her to adopt from them. So glad you got him back...


Spay and Neuter Your Pets
SouthernMdRocks said:
What a flaming idiot she is...Please advise of her name so no one allows her to adopt from them. So glad you got him back...

I'll send you a PM. :howdy:
Thanks for all the stories. :flowers: We ourselves have adopted (and still have) 7 dogs and they are the most loving dogs ever. :huggy: That's not to say that each and every one has had (and some still have) some issues that had to be dealt with but they're dogs and, unfortunately, they can't verbalize their problems. :howdy:


Look my ass glows!
wharf rat said:
It would take all day to give you our stories. To sum it up, all of our dogs are rescues and or strays. They all have a story that's usually very sad in the beginning. Then they get here and are spoiled to no end.

Anyhow, a recent one (as alot of regulars on here know) was the beagle I found at the dump last year. She was skin and bones and full of parasites. http://forums.somd.com/showthread.php?t=86450

All are healthy and happy. Even though we had another one returned, it's going to work out.
I'll never forget your telling the story of that lil old dump dog-God bless you for saving her and her pups!! :huggy:
Whenever I read the following, I think of all the dogs some of us have rescued!

There is a story told by the American Indians that the Great Spirit decided to divide the worlds of animal and man so he gathered all the living beings on a great plain and drew a line in the dirt.
On one side of the line stood man-on the other side stood all of the animals.
And that line began to open up into a great crevasse - and at the last moment before it became unreachable, dog leapt over and stood by man. ~Unknown~


New Member
Unbelievable said:
We adodpted a wonderful energetic pup to a family just about a month ago. The third day after they had him home the woman called to say he was digging up her yard, jumping on her children, jumping on her counters (!?) and creating a problem because he slept in her daughter's bed but then would be bad during the night. After going through the usual, "he's a pup, he needs supervision, don't give him so much freedom, crate him at night, don't let the children be the ones who train him, etc." She said she understood and knew he would get better as he got older. At that time I said if you can't keep him please return him. Two weeks later we get a call saying she thinks he is dying because he wouldn't eat his food and her neighbor said he had heartworms and they gave him two heartworm preventives (he's 6 months old). I explained to her that her neighbor would not know he had heartworms because there are no visible signs and it takes 5 months for the larvae to develop into heartworms, etc. and that, yes, she may have surely killed him with an overdose. He didn't die, she brought him by our house and he ate dog food out of our hands. Two weeks later I get a call from the shelter that they think one of our dogs is there and it's his last day. I went to the shelter and they returned him to us. When he came out he was wagging his tail and so happy to see us. He's been home two days now and he appears to be healthy. With a little retraining we're hoping to get him back to the pup he was the day he left our farm. I'm so angry at this person for not calling us to return the dog to us and for not caring that he would have surely died if the shelter had not contacted us. Shame on her! PLEASE, IF YOU ADOPT A DOG OR CAT YOU SIGN A CONTRACT TO RETURN THE DOG OR CAT TO THE RESCUE -- PLEASE ABIDE BY THE CONTRACT!

We adopted a Chinese boy and had almost the same thing happen. He got put down. No one wants a chinese boy.