I have a question:



Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1982, makes knowingly disclosing an undercover operative's identity a federal crime.

Can jeopardize on-going operations... :peace:


Super Genius
vraiblonde said:

It's not looking good for ol' Karl Rove. But why do we care about this? Is Valerie Plame that important that someone knowing she works for the CIA would threaten our national security?
Why? Because the left hates Karl Rove more than Bush himself. Don't get me wrong, if he did disclose that classified information, he should be put in jail (along with all the others in Congress who have disclosed classified info). But the reason for the massive fervor is because the left hates Rove.


I bowl overhand
Schizo said:
Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1982, makes knowingly disclosing an undercover operative's identity a federal crime.

Can jeopardize on-going operations... :peace:
Notice how they left out the e-mail that illicited this response, can you say taken out of context for their use? It sounds like he was confronted with, this is the information we have, either deny or it or confirm it we are going to print it anyways.. I DON'T think he was the leak, but was trying his best to fix the damage after the leak.
Last edited:


itsbob said:
Notice how they left out what was siad prior to his comment and what was said after, can you say taken out of context for their use? It sounds like he was confronted with, this is the information we have, either deny or it or confirm it we are going to print it anyways.. I DON'T think he was the leak, but was trying his best to fix the damage after the leak. And you have to wonder if the reporter informed him that he was being recorded..
Rove replied to an email


I bowl overhand
Pete said:
Rove replied to an email
You're right, I was "mis-informed"

"A fair-minded reading of Cooper's e-mail is that Rove was trying to discourage Time magazine from circulating false allegations about Cheney, not trying to encourage them by saying anything about Wilson or his wife."


Lovin' being Texican
itsbob said:
You're right, I was "mis-informed"

"A fair-minded reading of Cooper's e-mail is that Rove was trying to discourage Time magazine from circulating false allegations about Cheney, not trying to encourage them by saying anything about Wilson or his wife."

The party of "NO" is trying to sully the Bush presidency in any way it can. They also want to destroy Rove's image so he cannot help elect the Republican candidate in 2008.


Lenny said:
The party of "NO" is trying to sully the Bush presidency in any way it can. They also want to destroy Rove's image so he cannot help elect the Republican candidate in 2008.

That may be, I personally cannot stand Rove, but according to Tim Russert this morning a republican told him if this was a democrat white house instead of a republican, we'd have had an investigation already in progress. So it's more than just "the party of NO" with an acute interest in this story. I'm puzzled that no one is going after Novak who named her by name in his column. If anyone should be in jail it should be him.


vraiblonde said:
It's not looking good for ol' Karl Rove. But why do we care about this?

The bastard looks like Rush Limbaugh. Therefore we should hang his fat ass from the tallest tree on general principles and then desecrate his corpse.

vraiblonde said:
Is Valerie Plame that important that someone knowing she works for the CIA would threaten our national security?

Well, yeah, that's a good point. It's not like Rove was, say, selling secrets to the Chinese or something.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Dixie said:
a republican told him if this was a democrat white house instead of a republican, we'd have had an investigation already in progress.
Yeah, just like they "investigated" those FBI files Clinton cobbed. And the travel office firings.



Football season!
Mr. Rove is somewhat a victim of the republicans. Back when things first started to break republicans kept mocking dems saying "They'll just blame rove for all of this, blah blah blah"

Now that it is coming out that he may very well have played a role in the whole thing, the republicans are being quiet and the dems are just snickering and going "What were you saying about rove?"


vraiblonde said:
Yeah, just like they "investigated" those FBI files Clinton cobbed. And the travel office firings.


Well, why didn't the republicans investigate that?


I bowl overhand
SmallTown said:
Mr. Rove is somewhat a victim of the republicans. Back when things first started to break republicans kept mocking dems saying "They'll just blame rove for all of this, blah blah blah"

Now that it is coming out that he may very well have played a role in the whole thing, the republicans are being quiet and the dems are just snickering and going "What were you saying about rove?"
What I read and heard this morning was Rove NEVER gave her name NOR did he imply or even know that she worked for the CIA.. if she was "covert" he wouldn't know now woud he? All he said was Cheney did NOT get her husband the job as the husband claimed (lied) but it was the WIFE that got him the job.. He never explained how she did, nor did he ever say, "his wife, the CIA agent, got him the job"

If anybody should be getting their feet put to the fire it's the CIA agents HUSBAND that started all this by lying how he got the job to go to Nigeriaa, and how he lied about the results of the trip.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Dixie said:
Well, why didn't the republicans investigate that?
Ken Starr did investigate (I know you probably recoil at the mention of his name, but it WAS his job to take a look at such things) but he let it go in favor of the Webb Hubble/Susan MacDougal prosecutions, the Whitewater business and other assorted illegal activity on the part of the Clintons. Shoot, the Clinton Administration needed a whole battalion of special prosecutors to keep up with their crap.

But that's neither here nor there. For ANYONE to say "if this had been a Democrat", implying that the Republicans are the vindictive ones, is just laughable and maddening for those of us who remember the 90s.


vraiblonde said:
Ken Starr did investigate (I know you probably recoil at the mention of his name, but it WAS his job to take a look at such things) but he let it go in favor of the Webb Hubble/Susan MacDougal prosecutions, the Whitewater business and other assorted illegal activity on the part of the Clintons. Shoot, the Clinton Administration needed a whole battalion of special prosecutors to keep up with their crap.

But that's neither here nor there. For ANYONE to say "if this had been a Democrat", implying that the Republicans are the vindictive ones, is just laughable and maddening for those of us who remember the 90s.

According to Russert Vrai, it was a republican who said it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Dixie said:
According to Russert Vrai, it was a republican who said it.
That could mean anything. "A Republican" could refer to some guy he met at a cocktail party. If it were a public figure, Russert would have named him. For instance, if John McCain had said it, the comment would on the front page of the Washington Post and New York Times and McCain would be doing the circuit to expand on his views.


Here's the salient facts that I've heard:

1. This Joe Wilson guy is a former ambassador, not a weapons inspector or WMD expert. He was a member of John Kerry's campaign and met with Kerry several times before going on his trip.
2. Wilson's wife was not a covert operative. She was working at a deskjob at the CIA, and when someone was needed to go to investigate the Iraqis seeking to buy yellowcake uranium from Niger, his wife suggested that Wilson get hired for the job... despite his lack of credentials to do the job.
3. Wilson goes to Niger, returns, and writes an op-ed piece that he was sent by Dick Cheney to investigate claims that the Iraqs had "bought" the uranium from Niger, and found those claims to be false, thus setting off the "Bush Lied" movement. What's important to note here is that the British, Bush, and the CIA all said that Iraq had been seeking to buy the Uranium, not that they had actually bought any. Further investigations have revealed that the Brits were right - Iraqi agents had tried to buy the uranium, and Niger nixed the deal. Wilson claimed in his article that Bush had said the Iraqis had bought uranium from Niger and that this wasn't true, nor was it true that Cheney had any knowledge of Chesney or his "mission". The only thing that Wilson said that was true was that the Iraqis had never bought uranium from Niger, which nobody ever said they had.
4. When the reporters started hitting Rove with questions about all of this, Rove tried to get them to back off the story because it was wrong. Cheney had nothing to do with Wilson, and no one had ever said that Niger had sold the uranium. He also told the reporters that it was Wilson's wife, who works at the CIA, who nominated him for that job.
5. Apparently Wilson's wife had at one time been a covert agent, but was no longer in that role. Also, it was common knowledge at the time that Wilson's wife worked at the CIA.
6. In order for a law to have been broken, a government representative must knowingly and purposefully use information that they are privy to, to expose a covert agent, working on foreign soil, or someone who has been in that position within the last five years. There's no indication that Rove knew anything or any more about Wilson's wife than anybody else did, i.e., that she was a WMD specialist at the CIA. Also, Rove did not mention Wilson's wife for the purpose of exposing her. He did it in order to show that it was not Cheney who initiated the trip to Niger, as Wilson had alledged.
7. In the end, you have a guy who's working hard to get John Kerry elected, who uses his wife's position at the CIA to get him into a position where he can make Bush look bad before the election, and who comes back from Niger and writes a bunch of bold-faced lies. If I were the special prosecutor, I wouldn't be looking at Rove, I would be looking at Wilson and his wife.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
Here's the salient facts that I've heard:
So, in other words, I shouldn't worry about this "leak" and just enjoy the show?

Politics are annoying and the media is even more annoying. I'll bet you $10 that every single reporter in the western hemisphere knows the truth of this "story", yet they're all trying to make hay out of it to keep the ink flowing.


I bowl overhand
vraiblonde said:
So, in other words, I shouldn't worry about this "leak" and just enjoy the show?

Politics are annoying and the media is even more annoying. I'll bet you $10 that every single reporter in the western hemisphere knows the truth of this "story", yet they're all trying to make hay out of it to keep the ink flowing.
If the story sells you better believe it..


Super Genius
vraiblonde said:
So, in other words, I shouldn't worry about this "leak" and just enjoy the show?

Politics are annoying and the media is even more annoying. I'll bet you $10 that every single reporter in the western hemisphere knows the truth of this "story", yet they're all trying to make hay out of it to keep the ink flowing.
:yeahthat: If Bruz's facts are correct, a) this seems like a non-issue to me, and b) I've never seen the facts printed by the media (that would be UFB).