I have the worst zit of my entire life!!


Has confinement issues..
K_Jo said:
It's growing from your uterus? :shocking:

The worse my PMS, the worse the break out. In fact, I have two, one growing from ny fore head and one right above my lip...

I just want to hide out for a week.


Well-Known Member
I got one before I was schedule to take pics last year. I got a bunch of advice on here. All of it burned an none of it worked. Toothpaste does not work, that's for damn sure. Have fun.


Beelzebaby666 said:
The worse my PMS, the worse the break out. In fact, I have two, one growing from ny fore head and one right above my lip...

Put toothpaste on them. :huggy:


sockgirl77 said:
I got one before I was schedule to take pics last year. I got a bunch of advice on here. All of it burned an none of it worked. Toothpaste does not work, that's for damn sure. Have fun.

Toothpaste works for me. I have a big old dab on my face right now. :lol:
(it only burns for a few minutes)


Has confinement issues..
Good grief!! I've got a list a mile long of suposed "cures" for zits. A cabinet full of items from the list.. It came up three days ago and is about to consume my head:dead:

Maybe it's because I've been stressed out. Maybe it's a cold sore. I dunno, but this thing hurts so bad and is so big, it will take a javelin to lance it:bawl:

On a brighter note.. I got my grant for school :halfheartedsmile: Now I just have to go over to the campus and smack 'em around about my address so I can get my grades:ohwell:


Well-Known Member
Beelzebaby666 said:
Good grief!! I've got a list a mile long of suposed "cures" for zits. A cabinet full of items from the list.. It came up three days ago and is about to consume my head:dead:

Maybe it's because I've been stressed out. Maybe it's a cold sore. I dunno, but this thing hurts so bad and is so big, it will take a javelin to lance it:bawl:

On a brighter note.. I got my grant for school :halfheartedsmile: Now I just have to go over to the campus and smack 'em around about my address so I can get my grades:ohwell:
Buy some Faux Facade or Puff -N- Stuff. :yay:


curiouser and curiouser
I usually just leave my blemishes alone to run their course, but once in high school I had one that had to be taken care of ASAP. I just put a glob of Noxzema (didn't even rub it in) from the blue tub on it, covered with a band-aid, endured ridicule from my parents, and went to bed. When I woke up the next morning it was pretty much gone. :smile:


Beelzebaby666 said:
Good grief!! I've got a list a mile long of suposed "cures" for zits. A cabinet full of items from the list.. It came up three days ago and is about to consume my head:dead:

Maybe it's because I've been stressed out. Maybe it's a cold sore. I dunno, but this thing hurts so bad and is so big, it will take a javelin to lance it:bawl:

On a brighter note.. I got my grant for school :halfheartedsmile: Now I just have to go over to the campus and smack 'em around about my address so I can get my grades:ohwell:
You need sex or a smoothie, they cure everything :yay: