Main Streeter
A few months in update:
Still chugging along. It's getting a workout here recently. A few items of note.
- No CBS on Sling, so some football games can't be watched and no Super Bowl. You can pay for and download the CBA All-Access app on Roku (or other platform) if you want to watch CBS or their shows that bad.
- You have to be mindful of the limited number of streams available. For example, Fox5 is under Sling Blue and has up to 3 streams. ESPN is under Sling Orange and only 1 stream. So, I can watch Fox5 on 3 TVs (or 2 TVs and 1 phone, or some combination) at the same time but I cannot watch ESPN on more than 1 TV at a time.
- The Roku itself is slow at times. It seems to get hung up and won't let you do anything for 30+seconds. Often times it'll simply cut off and go back to its home screen. I'm not sure if this is a firmware issue with the Roku, or Sling is kicking you out due to bandwidth issues.
- The previews are nice. I've had 2 different ones so far. Sling gives you a package to preview for a few days/week. Last one was a news package with a bunch of news channels. Saw one for the LGBT community, one for Glenn Beck (The Blaze), etc. The current preview is NBA (LeaguePass maybe?) but each team's channel is shown. Hardly anything on outside of a game, but if you're a hardcore NBA fan (especially of a team not in your local market), it may be nice.
This is why I've been liking YouTube TV. Very simple. One plan. All of the broadcast network via the DC metro TV stations. All live. No delays. Unlimited "DVR" feature.