For those wonderful letter writers that believe that the police must "Protect and serve" actually they don't... US Supreme court ruled that Warren Vs's District of Columbia that the police don't have to protect anyone. You cannot sue the police if they fail to protect you from the criminal elements.
As far as changing tires. Thats not their job either. I can understand why the cop didn't give her a hand in a way. I mean if he was to change the tire himself, he puts himself in danger. (did you ever see the video were the state boy was clocked in the head by a tire iron by the guy who's tire he was helping change?)
The light situation. What if he had shined light on them. what if he got a call and had to leave? Then I guess they would be without light again. Technically he's not required to do anything by law. The most he can do for them is call for a tow truck. I advise that lady get triple A if she wants that kind of service. Thats not what police and emergency services are there for.
As for the lady with the PCP, shes retarded. Why is that crap in her house? how come she didn't raise her daughter better so that her daughter wouldn't OD, or do drugs in the first place? And who in the sam hell hands a cop drugs! Here ya go Mr. Police officer, I believe this is all the crack cocaine I had in my residence! Feel free to search the rest of the house to see what kind of charges you can bring up against me. Not to mention, the POLICE ARE NOT YOUR FRIEND! So why oh why would you ever give them drugs, or admit to smoking drugs in front of them after handing them drugs jokingly or not?