Mistake me if I am wrong but I don't believe I was asking for approval from a bunch of strangers. My question was... Can my neighbor tell if I use there internet connection? With that said,this evening I will go to my neighbors and ask if they mind. I don't want to get in trouble unlike what some of you may think, I have a clean record and don't want to piss my neighbors off. I don't know all my neighbors but I am guessing it one of the two I know and one of them I have helped out when there basement flooded. And the other I have given beer to and he let another neighbor share his trash service so I really doubt he will mind. I was not getting on any type of porn or bad sites. Just wanted to know if he could see me log into my myspace page.
That's a different question altogether. *IF* the neighbor is smart enough to know that you are already using his router, he is probably smart enough to be able to track what you are doing. Can he see your actual conversations? Yes, but not without specifically running software and spying on you. If he hasn't secured his router, he's probably not interested in what you might be doing or hasn't the smarts to know how.
That said, if the conversation between you and MySpace isn't secure and/or encrypted, ANYONE along the way can see and decode your conversation, emails, etc, etc........