I wonder if my neighbor is breathing some of my air...hmmmm...
I wonder if my neighbor is breathing some of my air...hmmmm...
...calling this stealing is the same as you tapping into their plumbing drain pipes and taking their waste water or using the light that comes out of their windows or the heat that leaks out of their home; Yes, they paid for it, the water, the light, the heat, but you're using what they waste. You are not costing them a single dime more unless and until they are paying for their bandwidth use which, at present, they are not.
I agree with the poster who said you might want to ask your neighbors and see if they mind, just as a simple courtesy. As it is, they either do not know or do not care because, like pulling the drapes, they can control your access with a few clicks of the mouse. Right now, they choose not to.
This is NOT a big deal. Not even a little one.
the more people on an internet connection, the slower it runs. depending on how heavily each person uses the network, it can slow it down substantially. your neighbor probably sits around wondering why their network randomly slows down at various times...when it's probably just you slowing it down by taking part of their connection.
it's very possible you aren't slowing them down or harming their connection at all...but you never know what it's doing or how they're reacting to it.
If one chooses to establish a personal or independent Wifi network then they should protect it in a manner that requires access codes for use. Given that home/personal/independent Wifi networks are considered as unlicensed spectrum held as a common where all individuals have equal rights of use and not a telecommunications service; it cannot be stolen.
Thank you..good analogy..![]()
I don't know about your connection but I have several PC's a PS3 and Xbox 360 on my network. I have had several downloads gong at the same time and never interrupted my sons COD games or my VOIP calls. The downloads my slow a little but not a big deal. Most of the internet slow downs are due to other network issues.
Makes sense. Similar to most radio transmissions. It is totally legal to receive and listen to them. It's up to the Transmit site to have security and/or encryption in place.
About the only thing in the US that is Illegal to listen to is Cell Phones.
I am ok with it if you ask first. IF it interferes with what I am doing then I would ask you to get off the network. No big deal.whoa..you saying it is ok to take something that is not you?
if she thinks it is ok to tap into neighbors unused signals..can I park outside your house and suck up your bandwidth on your account which you pay for?
You get out too!
...when otter and I agree, I know I am on the right track!
Now, about my picks this week... HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![]()
whoa..you saying it is ok to take something that is not you?
if she thinks it is ok to tap into neighbors unused signals..can I park outside your house and suck up your bandwidth on your account which you pay for?
I just found it really annoying the she said she was too poor to afford internet. If you are actually poor, internet access shouldn't be a big concern.
Don'tme, I'm not stealing service.
I just found it really annoying the she said she was too poor to afford internet. If you are actually poor, internet access shouldn't be a big concern.
Does it really matter about either of our picks this week??
You my neighbor? Cause I am!
Stealing is stealing. It just says a lot about someone's character. If you need to steal milk and bread to feed your kids, I'll cut ya some slack. Stealing something as unessential as internet service is just trashy.
At this time I don't have money to spend on internet. IMO its better to borrow someone's connection once in a blue moon than go to social services and get TCA and spend everyones tax money on internet. Yes i have a computer at work but myspace is blocked and I have family out of state who I contact through myspace. With the holidays around the corner I was using a friends computer to contact my cousin who will be here next week.