like I said, I know this is wrong. I hardly ever do it. If I knew which neighbor it was I would ask if they mind but there are several connections I think. If I had wireless I wouldn't care. And if they don't want it done can't they block it somehow? but thanks. oops I didn't realize I chose that one.
You can probably figure out which neighbor it is. My PDA has a wireless connection, and as soon as I got a wireless router I hopped online with it... and as it turns out all my neighbors, next-door on each side of me, and the family across the street all have wireless networks in their homes. I know this because all their named networks popped up on the 'select a network' screen. I'm not sure how to detect or select a network using a laptop.
If they don't want it done, it can be blocked (and I'm actually surprise they don't have it blocked... this is a very dangerous practice). Mine is blocked. I'm not sure if the neighbors block theirs because I never tried to get into their network.