I Know We Don't Need Another Reason to Dislike Howard Dean but...



This comment from his speech yesterday just really pizzes me off!

"Frankly, we ought to have voting, either make the Tuesday a holiday or move it to another day where people can get out and vote. You think people can work all day and then pick up their kids at child care or wherever and get home and still manage to sandwich in an eight-hour vote? Republicans I guess can do that because a lot of them have never made an honest living in their lives, but for ordinary working people who have to work eight hours a day, they have kids and they've got to get home to those kids. The idea of making them stand for eight hours to cast their ballot for democracy is wrong. We ought to make voting easier to do."

A lot of Republicans have never made an honest living working eight hours a day... If so many Democrats as so dirt poor, and not paying taxes, who the Hell does he think IS paying the taxes? What a crapbag.


vraiblonde said:

Democrats don't have kids anyway - I thought they all got abortions. :razz:

I thought they all had 20 kids and were on welfare :ohwell:



Larry Gude said:
There is no way in hell I could lead the life I lead working 8 hours a day.

Are you a repubilcan or a democrat?


Most wealthy Republicans that I know only work half-days (12 hours on and 12 hours off.)

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
It's the same BS message used by this "party of the inclusive" during the past election when Mrs. Heinz-Kerry made comment about former school teacher and First Lady Laura Bush never really working. It is an out and out lie, plain and simple, too absurd to believe. It makes one wonder if this is the best that the Democrats have to offer or if the party truly realizes what placing Dean at their helm is going to do to them.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Pilfered from Bruz...

I honestly think that the Democrats are about through as their base is being filled more and more by people that a majority of Americans don't like (lawyers, gays, union leaders, dopers, teachers, environmentalists, etc.) and their issues are getting more and more focused on special interests then they are on the nation as a whole.

That's in answer to:

It makes one wonder if this is the best that the Democrats have to offer or if the party truly realizes what placing Dean at their helm is going to do to them.

The party has so many powerful special interests that this time around this new faction Dean has added, the angry 30 somethings with money, gets a turn to run the show.


Larry Gude said:
That's in answer to:

The party has so many powerful special interests that this time around this new faction Dean has added, the angry 30 somethings with money, gets a turn to run the show.

angry 30 somethings with money :shrug: :killingme:

Are you an independent, a democrat that doesn't like Dean or a republican.confused:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I am an integral part of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy...

...and I love Howard Dean.

He is on our payroll along with John Kerry and, frankly, the Clintons.

There is no better explanation.


dems4me said:
I thought they all had 20 kids and were on welfare :ohwell:


Yeah, that's kind of like how Republicans are rich CEO's crapping on the rights of everyone else.

Yet at the same time, they're dirty inbred rednecks.


Larry Gude said:
...and I love Howard Dean.

He is on our payroll along with John Kerry and, frankly, the Clintons.

There is no better explanation.

The more I ask, the more confused I get... are you a republican? democrat or independent?


Larry Gude said:
That's in answer to:

The party has so many powerful special interests that this time around this new faction Dean has added, the angry 30 somethings with money, gets a turn to run the show.

I guess I am one of those angry 30 something with money, angry I pay so damn much in taxes and angry that I pay over $10k a year into social security that I will likely never realize.


czygvtwkr said:
I guess I am one of those angry 30 something with money, angry I pay so damn much in taxes and angry that I pay over $10k a year into social security that I will likely never realize and people that take 120 seconds in store lines.


:lol: :kiss:


Super Genius
czygvtwkr said:
I guess I am one of those angry 30 something with money, angry I pay so damn much in taxes and angry that I pay over $10k a year into social security that I will likely never realize.
Same here :burning:


This Space for Rent
We're not going to stand in line in Detroit! We're not going to stand in line in Philly! WEEERRRRREEE NOT GONNA TAKE IT..ANNNYYYMMOOOOORRREEE!!AAARRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!



Larry Gude said:
...and I love Howard Dean.

He is on our payroll along with John Kerry and, frankly, the Clintons.

There is no better explanation.
