I Know We Don't Need Another Reason to Dislike Howard Dean but...


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PREMO Member
Yep. Biden and Dean were saying yesterday that "he doesn't speak for the party".

EXCUSE ME? He's the frickin' CHAIRMAN. Speaking for the party is HIS JOB.

But, sadly, he's gonna lose that job. Probably NOT because of his incendiary remarks, but because he just ain't raising the money. Mehlman is out-raising him and out-recruiting him. Dean is exciting the tiny portion of the Democratic base - and Mehlman is gaining Hispanic and black voters.

Dean WANTED to gain the support of new voters in the South - you know, *rednecks* - but he's just alienating them. The only people he excites are the small but very vocal group of political activists who love the kinds of things he says. Unfortunately, they don't have deep pockets - just loud mouths.


Super Genius
SamSpade said:
But, sadly, he's gonna lose that job. Probably NOT because of his incendiary remarks, but because he just ain't raising the money.
Speaking of Dean's fund-raising abilities (or lack thereof)...Fundraisers jilt Dean
Three top fundraisers at the Democratic National Committee have resigned at a time when its chairman, former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, has come under fire from fellow Democrats for controversial comments and his Republican counterpart has raised more than twice as much money.


It looks like Dean is falling back on his traditional method of defense - lying his ass off. He's now saying that when he said Republicans he was referring to the leaders of the Republican Party and Republican politicians, not the voters. Of course, when looking at the context of the statement, he's obviously referring to voters.


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vraiblonde said:

I swear he's on the RNC payroll. That's the only possible explanation.
The buzz around town is, he'll be canned soon.

PLEASE, oh PLEASE let that be wrong. His candid outbursts are wonderful - *somebody* finally says what I've heard Democrats say all my life.

There's an interesting article today at Townhall, however, that mentions that the major networks have been SILENT on his public gaffes. Not a peep.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

The buzz around town is, he'll be canned soon.

Please people, we can't let this national treasure be silenced! Do what you can, join me. Give 10, 20, $.30, whatever you can spare and send it to the DNC right away with the a cover letting explaining that this money can ONLY be accepted IF Howard stays on as boss until fall '08.

He is the only national level Democrat that actually speaks for the party. He is the ONLY one that says what they really think. He is in touch with the very soul of what it means to be a Democrat; screw facts and reality, this is how we feel and, damn it, we have a right to be stupid!

This is a critical moment. Bubba is running around giving interviews laying failure at the feet of the party, the Democratic party. Egahds. We can't sit by while Democrats start contemplating that maybe they are wrong.

How are we to ever look at John Kerry the same again if he says something like "I can see how people of good will would question my military and voting records." What then?

At least Hillary is running around spreading fear about global warming. But that's not enough.

Come on everybody. Pitch in. Can the country afford to let all of Howard Deans hard work go to waste? He's where he belongs doing what he should be doing and I'm not sure we could survive wherever he might pop up next if he suddenly finds himself un-employed.



Super Genius
Dean Defends Criticism of Republican Party

Dean told a forum of journalists and minority leaders Monday that Republicans are "not very friendly to different kinds of people, they are a pretty monolithic party ... it's pretty much a white, Christian party."
Challenged on that during the NBC interview, Dean said "unfortunately, by and large it is. And they have the agenda of the conservative Christians."
And I looooove the response from Mehlman:
Asked about it on the "Fox & Friends" show, GOP Party Chairman Ken Mehlman joked that "a lot of folks who attended my Bar Mitzvah would be surprised" he heads a Christian party.

This is also funny (from Nancy Pelosi):
"Listen. Any one of us at any given time will make a statement that we may, in retrospect, say maybe that was a little over-enthusiastic," she said. "And I can put that statement in that category for Governor Dean."
It's one thing to slip up and apologize. It's completely different when you repeatedly make similar outlandish statements on separate occasions and defend them. :ohwell:


ylexot said:
This is also funny (from Nancy Pelosi):
It's one thing to slip up and apologize. It's completely different when you repeatedly make similar outlandish statements on separate occasions and defend them. :ohwell:

When Nancy Effing Pelosi says you were a "a little over enthusiastic", it's time to sit down and seriously think the events and beliefs in your life which have led you to that point.

I mean, seriously.


Super Genius
Oh man, this article is even better...:killingme
With that kind of increasing criticism from inside the Democratic Party in recent weeks, gleeful Republicans say they couldn't be happier.

"Where do I sign up on a committee to keep Howard Dean?'' crowed GOP operative Jon Fleischman, publisher of the FlashReport, a daily roundup of California political news and commentary. "He's the best thing to happen to the GOP in ages.''

"I'm thrilled he's the DNC chair,'' says Tom Del Becarro, chairman of the Contra Costa County Republican Party. "Howard Dean is scaring away the middle. People don't like angry people. They like hopeful people.''
:lol: :lmao: :killingme


Super Genius
But Alicia Wang, a DNC member and vice chair of the California Democratic Party, said: "If there are any criticisms, it comes out of love. It's like family.''
:killingme I love you :shutup:

With family like that, who needs enemies? :roflmao:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
"Where do I sign up on a committee to keep Howard Dean?''
We need to quit talking like this or they WILL fire him.

Howard Dean is a very scary threat the the Republicans. Really. He fires people up so well that they'll be voting Democrat for the next 10 generations. His name will go down in history as the Savior of the party. I wish they'd get rid of him - he motivates people too much. :frown:



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Unfortunately there are a couple of folks at the end of that thread that are trying to make the case that media pundits are not the same as party leaders. Must do something about them...


What I find funny is that 95% of that string deals with Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh, not leaders of the RNC or major Republican political figures. You could fill volumes with all of the nasty remarks made by Liberal commentators, so what's the point? They apparently are willing to raise some radio talker to the same level as the head of their party... man, they are dumb!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I say again...

They apparently are willing to raise some radio talker to the same level as the head of their party

...that's the beauty of Dean and why he got the job in the first place; he says what they think.

"I KNOW how you feel and you are MEAN. We KNOW what we meant and we are GOOD."