i finally see i some of you are in the same boat
yes it is marsam and i can spell tonight but who know's what tomarrow will bring. you know they say if the didn't like you they wouldn't pick on you (that is a joke).
well all i can say is i have a 15 yr. old living with me and a son of 8 yrs. who i get every other weekend. when i started living with lori i didn't have my daughter living with me and she had 3 boys 16,13,10. she only had them on the weekends. the 10 yr old was in his own little sheltered cartoon world and stared at the tv all day, and i mean 6 to 8 inches from it. the only way he would hear me if i said ice cream so it proved he could hear. the 13 yr old was severe adhd, he couldn't handle a simple situation and was pissed most of the time and no way to satisfy him,the 16 yr. old was the golden child until he offered my daughter pot and i had his mom clean his room.
well ok not everyone is perfect but guess what i put up with their crap but when my daughter had a few problems she didn't want her over anymore ok i'm done don't horrass me to much i will proof read to save face mark
yes it is marsam and i can spell tonight but who know's what tomarrow will bring. you know they say if the didn't like you they wouldn't pick on you (that is a joke).
well all i can say is i have a 15 yr. old living with me and a son of 8 yrs. who i get every other weekend. when i started living with lori i didn't have my daughter living with me and she had 3 boys 16,13,10. she only had them on the weekends. the 10 yr old was in his own little sheltered cartoon world and stared at the tv all day, and i mean 6 to 8 inches from it. the only way he would hear me if i said ice cream so it proved he could hear. the 13 yr old was severe adhd, he couldn't handle a simple situation and was pissed most of the time and no way to satisfy him,the 16 yr. old was the golden child until he offered my daughter pot and i had his mom clean his room.
well ok not everyone is perfect but guess what i put up with their crap but when my daughter had a few problems she didn't want her over anymore ok i'm done don't horrass me to much i will proof read to save face mark