i love my new


New Member
briancpest said:
well, you guys are obviously already technologically savvy.

some of my customers have absolutely no idea what they're doing.
one of them even admitted they never owned a computer.

for people that don't use electronics very often, and just wanted a way to carry music and videos, maybe the instruction booklet isn't clear or understandable?

like I keep saying, I would not know.... I was simply stating I don't feel that the iPod was as important or groundbreaking a device as everyone always says it is. And, for my money, I found much better for less elsewhere.

Obviously I'm not the only one who feels this way... (read every post on this forum from members other than you two), so why jump on my back? lol


iPod took an already existing product (MP3 Player) and made it simpler, stylish, and marketed it to the younger age group. Nothing all that different about it compared to other MP3 players, many new ones as you said have more features for a better price now. It's a mental thing, people think they want/need and iPod because of all the hype, they assume its the best thing around.
Husband called me tonight from an iPhone at the Apple Store at Christiana Mall. The sound was great.

He said I would love it. I keep telling him I don't want one. Not because I think it's a bad phone, but because I don't need something that fancy.


New Member
Speedy70 said:
Husband called me tonight from an iPhone at the Apple Store at Christiana Mall. The sound was great.

He said I would love it. I keep telling him I don't want one. Not because I think it's a bad phone, but because I don't need something that fancy.
My apology! Your avatar had me thinking your a gay guy. :killingme


Come Play at BigWoodys
I'd buy an iphone if it was on a 3g network like verizon. I left cingular/AT&T 2 years ago and won't ever go back. I had more dropped calls then any other phone company I have been with. If you live in or near DC great but down here it just sucks.

  • drive past wildewood shopping center - dropped call everytime all the way to about the hollywood light.
  • God forbid you want to talk down 231 or 381 for that matter.
  • Oh and right before the solomons bridge was real sketchy.

I'll keep my Treo 700w for a while..
briancpest said:
Oh come on! What, do you live under a rock?!

These are the fantastic selling points of the iPod series devices:

They're hundreds of dollars for a relatively small harddrive space....

You have to deal with proprietary download sites where you pay $2 a song.....

It's nearly impossible to swap the song format to enable it to play on anything other than an Apple product.....

I bought the exact same thing as the Video iPod 3 years ago, for $200 less.....

And now the iPhone:

It costs even MORE....

You get even less hard drive space....

And you can talk into it!

What's not to like?!
(besides the fact that a regular old verizon phone with a 4 GB microsd can do the exact same thing.... for about $300 less)
And don't forget the battery is not replaceable! If the battery loses charging power or dies... your only choice is to buy a new iPhone.
The iPhone: 10 Things Apple Did Right, 10 Things That Need Work

10 Things Apple Did Right in the iPhone
The display, the display, the display. Everything looks good on it. The menu design: It's simple and clean, and the home screen icons look like so much eye candy. Fingertip navigation, zooming and scrolling that's intuitive, effective and fast. Video playback that's so good you can tell when you've done a sub-par job of ripping your movies. Visual voicemail lets you get to the calls you care about faster. Great integrated applications, including Google Maps, YouTube, and a world clock that packs a timer, stopwatch and multiple alarms. Cover Flow. It's incredibly fun to choose your music by visually flipping through album art. It's tough: Our initial stress tests suggest that the iPhone is more durable than you might expect for such a sleek handset. The first Apple music player with a built-in speaker--and it's not half bad for a phone. No disconcerting "do not disconnect" messages when syncing with a PC.

10 Things They Did Wrong
We want our AOL Instant Messaging--and Yahoo and MSN IM clients, too. What about MMS support for sending picture mail? No voice recording--and more importantly, no voice dialing support. How are you supposed to use an iPhone with a hands-free car kit? It's the most locked-down phone we've ever seen. Not only can you not swap out the AT&T SIM card for one from another network, you can't even swap it out for another AT&T SIM card. AT&T is building out its mobile broadband network, but iPhone users are stuck with older EDGE technology--or battery-consuming Wi-Fi. You know those great headphones you already own? They won't fit the iPhones headset jack, so your first iPhone accessory will be a bulky, ugly $10 adapter. The software keyboard invites typos--but when you're entering passwords there's no way of telling whether you've got them right. It's great that the iPhone can reorient pages in Safari, CoverFlow, and the photo album, but why not extend that capability to other apps such as e-mail? Some messages could benefit from a widescreen display. And even when it does reorient, it doesn't always follow through with all features: CoverFlow loses access to the volume slider, for example. No support for custom ringtones, surprising in a music phone. The camera's rudimentary, with no audio/video or even zoom capability. No to-do list support, a basic in most calendar applications.
kwillia said:
The iPhone: 10 Things Apple Did Right, 10 Things That Need Work

10 Things They Did Wrong
We want our AOL Instant Messaging--and Yahoo and MSN IM clients, too. What about MMS support for sending picture mail? No voice recording--and more importantly, no voice dialing support. How are you supposed to use an iPhone with a hands-free car kit? It's the most locked-down phone we've ever seen. Not only can you not swap out the AT&T SIM card for one from another network, you can't even swap it out for another AT&T SIM card. AT&T is building out its mobile broadband network, but iPhone users are stuck with older EDGE technology--or battery-consuming Wi-Fi. You know those great headphones you already own? They won't fit the iPhones headset jack, so your first iPhone accessory will be a bulky, ugly $10 adapter. The software keyboard invites typos--but when you're entering passwords there's no way of telling whether you've got them right. It's great that the iPhone can reorient pages in Safari, CoverFlow, and the photo album, but why not extend that capability to other apps such as e-mail? Some messages could benefit from a widescreen display. And even when it does reorient, it doesn't always follow through with all features: CoverFlow loses access to the volume slider, for example. No support for custom ringtones, surprising in a music phone. The camera's rudimentary, with no audio/video or even zoom capability. No to-do list support, a basic in most calendar applications.

I haven't read through this whole paragraph, but I can tell you that Macs have a chat program called iChat. It is compatible with AIM (not sure about the others). I chat with my friends all the time. They have AIM, I have iChat.
Speedy70 said:
I haven't read through this whole paragraph, but I can tell you that Macs have a chat program called iChat. It is compatible with AIM (not sure about the others). I chat with my friends all the time. They have AIM, I have iChat.

Oops. I just asked me husband and he said iChat does not come on the iPhone. He insists it will in the future though.


New Member
Dang it! MORE blank negative karma from iPod fanboys.

At least someone gave me positive karma.... and giggled.... awkwardly.


New Member
ok, honestly....

why do i get negative karma? not that i give two hoots what you ipod buying fools think about me and my better monetary decisions....

but, three negative karma sends in one day is a little overkill.

just send me that last karma that says, "iPod Ro0lz n r0x y0r s0x n n0thng is betr"
and go back to listening to your itunes.


I think what it comes down to is the fact that a lot of folks are still PC based. So when they go out and purchase the iphone they already have a bunch of negative spilling out of their lips about it. Everything that apple comes out with...it WORKS! We have the G5 imac and never once have had a problem with it. Easy to use and to navigate. Same thing with the ipod. I got the 2GB mini when it first came out. Love that. I am just debating on whether to hold off or not to get the first generation iphone. Sure there are things that MAC could improve on. Not to worry they will. But you have to realize that the iphone isn't just a phone...its a miniature damn computer! So don't expect to get the clearest calls...considering iphone runs off of AT&T network. None of my calls are ever crystal clear. i think it is a great product. So for all you pc people, don't knock it till you try it. :yay:


staring into the abyss
My 2cents:

In my opinion the iPhone is seriously overpriced, both in terms of the phone (for what it does) and the monthly fee associated. People will pay it and if it makes you happy, its no different than owning some other luxury: Video game consoles, fancy car, fast PC, wine collection, whatever. I have no interest in AT&T as a cell carrier and I am doing fine with my free-with-plan phone that does nothing except make calls. However, if someone sifted through my luxuries and vices I'm sure they'd find something equally (if not more) impractical. So long as it makes you happy, just ignore those who are either jealous or can't see their own glass houses. I mean honestly, you bought a luxury phone, you didn't cure cancer and you didn't mug someone's grandma.

As for the iPod, it can be used as a standard MP3 player. I got one after my Zen died, mostly because I had store credit and didn't like any of the other music players as much. It contains only MP3s, I run it off my Windoz box, I haven't used iTunes in months and have never bought a song off of their site. Almost everything is from real CDs (so I can always re-rip them), transferred using other software. The few I have bought come from other MP3 sites.