I may vomit


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Caroline Kennedy is introducing the two men who changed her life and did so much for this country:

Barack Obama and Ted Kennedy.


She declined to mention how Obama has changed her life, but she did go on to extol the virtues of their leadership and wonderful careers. :lmao: What an airhead and whoever wrote her speech is a scary individual.


Caroline Kennedy is introducing the two men who changed her life and did so much for this country:

Barack Obama and Ted Kennedy.


She declined to mention how Obama has changed her life, but she did go on to extol the virtues of their leadership and wonderful careers. :lmao: What an airhead and whoever wrote her speech is a scary individual.

chock it back


New Member
Caroline Kennedy is introducing the two men who changed her life and did so much for this country:

Barack Obama and Ted Kennedy.


She declined to mention how Obama has changed her life, but she did go on to extol the virtues of their leadership and wonderful careers. :lmao: What an airhead and whoever wrote her speech is a scary individual.

She isnt the sharpest knife in the drawer. She was homefree, had a modicum of respect, stayed out of politics, :but Noooo, she just couldnt stay out of it.

Had to stick in her two cents worth probably with the encouragement of the Kennedy Klan of Dumpster politicians.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Caroline Kennedy is introducing the two men who changed her life and did so much for this country:

Barack Obama and Ted Kennedy.


She declined to mention how Obama has changed her life, but she did go on to extol the virtues of their leadership and wonderful careers. :lmao: What an airhead and whoever wrote her speech is a scary individual.

:yay: I think most of it was the same stuff she said when she appeared at that event with Oprah that time. Right before or when she was akwed to be on the VP picking committee.

They're sure doing their level best to tie this to the "Camelot" vision.



New Member
Kerry's wife looked like Hell.

Kerry's wife is a drunken white trash bytch......didin't you pick that up from her appearances when he was running for president. They finally stopped putting her in front of the camera because everytime she opened her mouth they had to do damage control.............:eyebrow:

and Kennedy had Kerry in his back pocket.......


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Kerry's wife is a drunken white trash bytch......didin't you pick that up from her appearances when he was running for president. They finally stopped putting her in front of the camera because everytime she opened her mouth they had to do damage control.............:eyebrow:

and Kennedy had Kerry in his back pocket.......

:lol: She's the original barking moonbat! Her and her gin-soaked raisins. Oh, and I think my favorite was during one of the hurricanes in the fall of 2004. She was saying that the children in (whichever Caribbean state) didn't really need a lot - as in donations of clothes, etc. The children could run around naked. Meaning, I guess, that children just run around naked anyway.



New Member
I wonder how they kept him sober?

I think he is getting the same radiation I got. SO you can drink, no restriction there. The red in his face may be the radiation burns, not from the drinking.

I found some wine helped the side effects, glow in the dark, a little less.

Bottom line, if he had his way, and enacted Nanny state health care, he would not be getting such good care right now.


Well-Known Member
I would pay to see....

a commercial showing the introductions at the Dem conventions since Carter.
They sound so sure of themselves, so confident...

"And Now,...the Man who will bring America into a new age of growth, confidence, and prosperity...the NEXT PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!!!"

...Walter Mondale! (roars & chants follow each name on the roster)
...Michael Dukakis!
...Al Gore!
...John Kerry!

Camera shows the balloon drop, the high fives, the chanting of the crowd,--the unbridled enthusiasm...as they wave ther banners for the man who will change America in the "right" direction.

Then gradually fade to the word:


finish it with a crowd cheering and the lofty introduction of Barry O'bama as "the Next President of the United States!!"...with Jimmy Carter applauding in the background.

That would be ROTF hilarious! Barry adding his winning smile to the parade of losers.


New Member


You Righties are some sorry MFers! Why are you watching the Dem's convention when most Dems aren't even watching the stupid thing?

ESPECIALLY on the first night???


I guess you need to have some firsthand info to help you catapult the propaganda tomorrow, eh?



She isnt the sharpest knife in the drawer. She was homefree, had a modicum of respect, stayed out of politics, :but Noooo, she just couldnt stay out of it.

Had to stick in her two cents worth probably with the encouragement of the Kennedy Klan of Dumpster politicians.

This? Coming for you? :lmao:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member


You Righties are some sorry MFers! Why are you watching the Dem's convention when most Dems aren't even watching the stupid thing?

ESPECIALLY on the first night???


I guess you need to have some firsthand info to help you catapult the propaganda tomorrow, eh?


Did you really say this? :lol:

I don't rely on anyone's "on the site" reporting to tell me what I can see and hear for myself. When someone like Michelle O speaks, I don't like hearing only the soundbites, I would rather hear it live - that way I can watch the Cable & Alphabet Newscasts later myself and see how THEY catapult THEIR propaganda!

And Michelle's speech was full of it. I swear I woke up with 3 or 4 cavities this morning.


Well-Known Member
Did you really say this? :lol:

I don't rely on anyone's "on the site" reporting to tell me what I can see and hear for myself. When someone like Michelle O speaks, I don't like hearing only the soundbites, I would rather hear it live - that way I can watch the Cable & Alphabet Newscasts later myself and see how THEY catapult THEIR propaganda!

Yeah, I don't get Kerad's comment. Conservatives on here are actually doing something the Dems themselves aren't doing - paying attention to the convention - and that means there's something WRONG with them? I thought all we ever did was watch FOX and listen to Limbaugh and nod our heads.

Most conservatives I know are fairly knowledgeable about politics, and keep up with the news. Most of the liberals I know don't and couldn't name a single person who represents them, whether in Congress, the Senate, the State House or the local government.

Although to be fair - I usually don't watch TV for my news, I just read. The only TV news I watch with any regularity are the weekend political shows, which I record (since some overlap).


Main Streeter
Caroline Kennedy is introducing the two men who changed her life and did so much for this country:

Barack Obama and Ted Kennedy.


She declined to mention how Obama has changed her life, but she did go on to extol the virtues of their leadership and wonderful careers. :lmao: What an airhead and whoever wrote her speech is a scary individual.
I thought she was stretching it a bit to say Barack had changed her life. I can see why she would say Ted though. All politics and scandals aside, by all accounts, he has been a good uncle to all of JFK's and RFK's kids.


Look my ass glows!
A few thoughts.

1. Teddy stole the show. Michelle nor Hillary can be happy about this. Will the two chicks unite? I doubt it.

2. Dang, go figure, no one mentioned the drowned chick from the late 60's, just the LION, (ugh, I hate that they call him that), and his survival. He did look good and sounded better than ever.

3. Michelle surprised me. She looked great. Even Biden thought so if you caught his facial expressions in the audience. Jill better watch out. lol.

4. I feel really really badly for Michelle's mom. Her daughter on the big stage spent alot of time on her dad, which is okay, but what about mom? She mentioned her, she stayed home and took care of the kids............then on to rest of speech about her dad, her brother, herself, and herself, and then a few mentions of her husband, the ONE, but never back to her mom, sitting there in the audience. OH WELL. Who needs the woman's vote?