I may vomit


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm watching clips of Teddy's speech and he looks like a Disney animatronic. He made absolutely no sense and it was sad to watch. They should have given him an honorable mention and not had him talk.

And, Kerad, you have GOT to lay off the booze, bud.


New Member
I thought she was stretching it a bit to say Barack had changed her life. I can see why she would say Ted though. All politics and scandals aside, by all accounts, he has been a good uncle to all of JFK's and RFK's kids.

Yes: He has set a great example for them with his drunken binges. It was nice of him to testify for the one who raped that woman at his Florida mansion though.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It's like...

She isnt the sharpest knife in the drawer. She was homefree, had a modicum of respect, stayed out of politics, :but Noooo, she just couldnt stay out of it.

Had to stick in her two cents worth probably with the encouragement of the Kennedy Klan of Dumpster politicians.

...a gang; if you don't get some dirt on your finger nails, how can the rest of the mob trust that you are really one of us? At some point, you have to prove you are in or out.

That is the fundamental problem with both national parties; the words and rituals you MUST perform to prove you are on the team come BEFORE the words and rituals and actions that prove you are on the bigger team; The US as a whole.

This is we, the people, at our worst, gatherings like this where your primary function is to prove your ability to completely turn your brain off and act like a lemming. Every single person there is expected to toe the line.

In this age of information, wired together, the ability to form your own support group DIRECTLY to the people, to their minds and to their wallets and their physical support, the national parties are dinosaurs. The conventions are ALL about the parties, party unity, party discipline, party preeminence. The nation comes last.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
He looks...

I'm watching clips of Teddy's speech and he looks like a Disney animatronic. He made absolutely no sense and it was sad to watch. They should have given him an honorable mention and not had him talk.

And, Kerad, you have GOT to lay off the booze, bud.

...like Ernie!!!!

"Hey, Burt!"

You look at his hands and tell me those aren't Ernie's hands! Look at that wiiiiidddeeee face. That's Ernie! That clump of hair on top.


Larry Gude

Strung Out

Yeah, I don't get Kerad's comment. Conservatives on here are actually doing something the Dems themselves aren't doing - paying attention to the convention - and that means there's something WRONG with them? I thought all we ever did was watch FOX and listen to Limbaugh and nod our heads.

...it's like W; the dumbest person in the history of the universe who is behind the grandest, evil scheme of all time.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I think...

Yeah, I get that. When the world's stupidest person can consistently outfox you, what does that say about YOU?

...Kerad and other Dems, what they really don't like is how much we on the right actually do pay attention. We all look at Michelle last night and say "Huh. It's mom and apple pie and God bless America" now huh? What happened to the angry militant? The disgust with America?

We see her hypocrisy and the roll she is forcing herself to take to cover up for who she really is, or at least was, when the left fell in love with her. It's not our fault she has to emphasize all the sweetness and light. It's not our fault we pay attention.


Well-Known Member
...Kerad and other Dems, what they really don't like is how much we on the right actually do pay attention.

Who knows? I do find it interesting that shows like the call-in shows on C-SPAN must screen calls from viewers based on political leaning, because according to them - they get too many conservatives and the show is unbalanced.

I work almost entirely around people who always vote Democrat, and not a one of them can name a single Supreme Court justice, most don't know the vice-president's name or could tell you what state Obama is from although some think he's a Senator from Hawaii. These are degreed professionals, every single one, but they don't care. Fortunately if they vote at all, they just vote for President or governor. They have no idea who the other names are.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Who knows? I do find it interesting that shows like the call-in shows on C-SPAN must screen calls from viewers based on political leaning, because according to them - they get too many conservatives and the show is unbalanced.

I work almost entirely around people who always vote Democrat, and not a one of them can name a single Supreme Court justice, most don't know the vice-president's name or could tell you what state Obama is from although some think he's a Senator from Hawaii. These are degreed professionals, every single one, but they don't care. Fortunately if they vote at all, they just vote for President or governor. They have no idea who the other names are.

...is a George Carlin skit about that very thing; quit blaming the politicians and start blaming the people who put them in office; we, the people. We get what we ask for.


New Member
No mention of Mary Jo, The woman that old fool killed.

Nor that under her father:
1. we began to be embedded deep into the Nam quagmire
2. We betrayed the Cubans at La Bahia del Cochinos
3. That her father betrayed her mother with MM among others
Camelot was a sham or more likely, a "Potemkin village". Do we really want a return to this past ? Is this the future?


Football addict
...a gang; if you don't get some dirt on your finger nails, how can the rest of the mob trust that you are really one of us? At some point, you have to prove you are in or out.

That is the fundamental problem with both national parties; the words and rituals you MUST perform to prove you are on the team come BEFORE the words and rituals and actions that prove you are on the bigger team; The US as a whole.

This is we, the people, at our worst, gatherings like this where your primary function is to prove your ability to completely turn your brain off and act like a lemming. Every single person there is expected to toe the line.

In this age of information, wired together, the ability to form your own support group DIRECTLY to the people, to their minds and to their wallets and their physical support, the national parties are dinosaurs. The conventions are ALL about the parties, party unity, party discipline, party preeminence. The nation comes last.
Great post.:yay:


New Member
Caroline Kennedy is introducing the two men who changed her life and did so much for this country:

Barack Obama and Ted Kennedy.


She declined to mention how Obama has changed her life, but she did go on to extol the virtues of their leadership and wonderful careers. :lmao: What an airhead and whoever wrote her speech is a scary individual.

Yes Mam is all I have to say.

I'm sitting here doing web design and can't stomach the DNC.

UFB is all I can say vrai...


Dancing Up A Storm
I missed Shrillary's speech!

I was watching the Orioles/White Sox ballgame, and totally forgot about her!

What I am I to do? What am I to do? :jameo::jameo:


Football addict
Hillary looks like she really wants to get this over with.

Bill is trying to hide a sour face.

You can tell that even with the long standing ovation that it didn't mean much to her. She really wanted this.