I need some prayers


Enjoying life!
Thanks everyone! I'm home with the kids now. I will let you know what I hear. The indications are that he did suffer a stroke.


Enjoying life!
Christy called and they have him stabilized. He can't speak, and he has lost some movement on his right side. Otherwise, he is alert and responsive. The CAT scan came back negative, and they have to wait until tomorrow to do the MRI. Hopefully, it is a blockage and not a hemorrhage, which the MRI will determine. They are giving him Heparin, an anti-coagulant, I assume to assist with a possible blockage. Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers.
I hope it all works out favorably, Steve. I sure hope you and the kids are cleaning the house like crazy and cooking some good comfort food for her so that when she returns she will be able to just sink into the couch and relax. :yay:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
:huggy: Sorry about your Dad, Christy. Keep us posted about his condition - that's got to be very frightening.


Enjoying life!
kwillia said:
I hope it all works out favorably, Steve. I sure hope you and the kids are cleaning the house like crazy and cooking some good comfort food for her so that when she returns she will be able to just sink into the couch and relax. :yay:
I'm on it...


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Christy said:
They think my father has suffered from a massive stroke. Some prayers may be of some good use right now.
Christy. I have just prayed for your dad, you, and your family. I will hold your dad up for prayer at church. Remember, God is still in the business of healing.


Dancing Up A Storm
:huggy: Christy, my mom had a minor stroke last year around Thanksgiving.

My prayers go out to you and yours.


b*tch rocket
Thank you all so much. It's been a long day. The next five days will be tough, as they fear he may have another stroke. He's gained back some strength in his right hand, but they believe he can't see out of his right eye, but aren't sure if it's permanent. He's fully aware and alert but can't speak much more than a yes or a no or it all comes out jibberish, which is very frustrating for him. He currently can't drink or eat, because he can't swallow properly, yeesh, what else? It's still too early to tell how this will all turn out.

Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers. :huggy:


Dancing Up A Storm
Christy said:
Thank you all so much. It's been a long day. The next five days will be tough, as they fear he may have another stroke. He's gained back some strength in his right hand, but they believe he can't see out of his right eye, but aren't sure if it's permanent. He's fully aware and alert but can't speak much more than a yes or a no or it all comes out jibberish, which is very frustrating for him. He currently can't drink or eat, because he can't swallow properly, yeesh, what else? It's still too early to tell how this will all turn out.

Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers. :huggy:
Just keep the faith Christy, you've got a lot of people "beaming" their prayers your way. :yay:


Enjoying life!

Christy's dad is doing better. He has regained a lot of the strength he lost on his right side, and he is able to walk around. In fact, when he is ready to get up, he gets up, and nobody better try and stop him!

This afternoon, he had a carotid doppler scan done, which revealed that his right inner carotid artery appears to be blocked. They will conduct additional tests to see if this is congenital or a result of plaque. The tapered appearance was inconclusive to the radiologist, so we'll see. He is able to eat soft foods, but still has some difficulty swallowing. Tomorrow he has his MRI, which should reveal a lot to the doctor.

Speech is still limited, to "Yes", "No", "You know what..." and "Aw hell...", and his mental faculties seem pretty normal. Keep the prayers coming, and thanks for everone's concern.



Dancing Up A Storm
Steve said:
Christy's dad is doing better. He has regained a lot of the strength he lost on his right side, and he is able to walk around. In fact, when he is ready to get up, he gets up, and nobody better try and stop him!

This afternoon, he had a carotid doppler scan done, which revealed that his right inner carotid artery appears to be blocked. They will conduct additional tests to see if this is congenital or a result of plaque. The tapered appearance was inconclusive to the radiologist, so we'll see. He is able to eat soft foods, but still has some difficulty swallowing. Tomorrow he has his MRI, which should reveal a lot to the doctor.

Speech is still limited, to "Yes", "No", "You know what..." and "Aw hell...", and his mental faculties seem pretty normal. Keep the prayers coming, and thanks for everone's concern.

You got it Steve. That Is good news to hear he can get up and walk when he wants to. He'll be tickling the nurses tomorrow!


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Christy said:
Thank you all so much. It's been a long day. The next five days will be tough, as they fear he may have another stroke. He's gained back some strength in his right hand, but they believe he can't see out of his right eye, but aren't sure if it's permanent. He's fully aware and alert but can't speak much more than a yes or a no or it all comes out jibberish, which is very frustrating for him. He currently can't drink or eat, because he can't swallow properly, yeesh, what else? It's still too early to tell how this will all turn out.

Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers. :huggy:
Christy, I'm still praying. Remember to praise God in everything, the good and the bad. When we praise Him when it seems that everything is darkest is when He shines through.