I need to vent


Look my ass glows!
Peter Forsberg said:
Let's set the situation. Food Lions packed 3 normal registers open and 3 self checkouts open. 10 customers in each of register and this women in the self checkout has a basket full of grocery's. She is talking on her cellphone while trying to use the self checkout. I wanted to rip the phone out of her hand and throw it out the front door. Ok I done sorry had to vent. :buttkick:
You're lucky and don't know it-the FoodCatBox near where I live has 2 checkout's open with 20+ customers at each one. The manager is never around, the cashiers are worn out but need the job and still maintain their cool. :yay:
Next closest groc shop is 28 miles away-count your blessings. :buttkick:


JPC sr said:
:whistle: I love the BIG donuts at the Shoppers Food Wharehouse.

So if you see a friendly guy with a big box of donuts there then that might be me. :howdy:
Donuts are a luxury. All your needs are filled and overflowing with your disability payments and now you are wasting my tax money on donuts.



JPC sr said:
:whistle: It is a truck link HERE but it is not like most trucks,

it is big and loud and four on the floor and I call it a tank,

but yes, I am getting around now. :flowers:
Owning and driving a car is a luxury. All your needs are filled and overflowing and now you are wasting tax money on your luxuries.:whistle:

The government disability thieves are stealing from deadbroke workers and destroying the family unit to provide luxuries for the non working. :war:
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Well-Known Member
BS Gal said:
I went to SFW today. Although the customers were crappy, I had a good experience at the check-out. Friendly cashier, although she should have been completely frazzled with the crowds. If they had a tip jar there for here, I would have put $5 in.

:yay: :yay:
love the customer service at shoppers; the customer service desk also help with checking customers out and are always friendly :howdy:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Pete said:
Owning and driving a car is a luxury. All your needs are filled and overflowing and now you are wasting tax money on your luxuries.:whistle:

The government disability thieves are stealing from deadbroke workers and destroying the family unit to provide luxuries for the non working. :war:

:popcorn: :whistle:


Methodically disorganized
virgovictoria said:
As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I take a look at my life and realise there's none left
'Cause I've been brassing and laughing so long that
Even my mamma thinks that my mind is gone
JPC's paradise... :lmao:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
beamher said:
:yay: :yay:
love the customer service at shoppers; the customer service desk also help with checking customers out and are always friendly :howdy:

Kudos to them and the rest of the employees yesterday when the ATM/Credit system went down. Only cash or checks were being accepted. There were a lot of full carts left behind that all had to be restocked on the shelves.


Peter Forsberg said:
Let's set the situation. Food Lions packed 3 normal registers open and 3 self checkouts open. 10 customers in each of register and this women in the self checkout has a basket full of grocery's. She is talking on her cellphone while trying to use the self checkout. I wanted to rip the phone out of her hand and throw it out the front door. Ok I done sorry had to vent. :buttkick:

What did people do before cell phones? How long will it take before the plastic surgeons lower the price enough so these addicts can have them implanted to their ear? I wonder if there will be an option to have the hand implanted to the phone so everyone will know they are totally selfish as well?

I just don't get it... I will call my family to let them know that I am on my way home... but when I have to call and ask for permission to buy a pack of gum I quit....


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I love it when the people in front of me at the grocery take their time. That way I can read a magazine and don't have to buy it.


Highlander's MPD
JPC sr said:
:whistle: We really need to stick to the thread topic because others will say that I take over,

but yes, I am getting the job with the US Congress for Maryland 5th District. :flowers:

Oh, now that it funny. You really don't think you have a chance, do you?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Maybe SFW will hire you and give you a discount on those donuts. That's about the best you can do.


New Member
JPC sr said:
I am getting the job with the US Congress for Maryland 5th District. :flowers:
Congratulations!! :clap:

I was just selected to be the next Captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC 1701 J. :yahoo:

Starfleet is expected to hold a news conference sometime this week. :yay: :patriot:


Baby blues
Mikeinsmd said:
Congratulations!! :clap:

I was just selected to be the next Captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC 1701 J. :yahoo:

Starfleet is expected to hold a news conference sometime this week. :yay: :patriot:
What a coincidence... I just found out I was made the Queen of England!!


All Up In Your Grill
Mikeinsmd said:
Congratulations!! :clap:

I was just selected to be the next Captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC 1701 J. :yahoo:

Starfleet is expected to hold a news conference sometime this week. :yay: :patriot:

I'm getting the satellite feeds lined up on the Battlestar Gallactica as we speak. I'll bet its for your press conference. (Just so you know in advance, you will be taking over the B.G. as well...)


All Up In Your Grill
BS Gal said:
I just got karma calling me a dumb gunch.

You are the cutest, funniest, smartest gunch I've ever met.

It takes real talent to eat a grilled cheese sammich with a straw. :huggy: