I need . . .


New Member
Originally posted by ememdee19
can't help ya there, but let me know when you find Sxy.

and my cold beer!
Em, you'll have to be without me for yet another nite. :bawl: Sorry, but I promise to make it up to you this weekend. :really:


Ghetto Fabulous
Originally posted by SxyPrincess
Em, you'll have to be without me for yet another nite. :bawl: Sorry, but I promise to make it up to you this weekend. :really:

I'm gonna start going through withdraws if I don't get sumpin' soon :twitch:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member

Originally posted by SxyPrincess
:yeahthat: I'm a one-woman gal nowadays...:bubble:
Last edited:


aka Mrs. Giant
Carolina - check out Beverly Rasmussen of ReMax - not sure of the number - but she helped me out bunches when I first moved to the area - Good luck.


New Member
Originally posted by carolinagirl
referrals for GOOD buyer's agents in the Waldorf area! Any suggestions?
Jessi Cozzins out of Calvert County, but I believe she may travel to Charles. She's with Remaxx!