I really hate to post this...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
...because I'm pretty sure Tilted will be here momentarily to say, "HA! I TOLD you!!!" but...

I think I want an iPad. :ohwell:

I loathe my netbook, and if I ever even look at another HP product again, someone please slap me in the head. But my friend has an iPad and it's not only a netbook, but an e-book reader as well. One gadget less to pack when I travel.

Does someone care to talk me out of this?


Having Fun!
...because I'm pretty sure Tilted will be here momentarily to say, "HA! I TOLD you!!!" but...

I think I want an iPad. :ohwell:

I loathe my netbook, and if I ever even look at another HP product again, someone please slap me in the head. But my friend has an iPad and it's not only a netbook, but an e-book reader as well. One gadget less to pack when I travel.

Does someone care to talk me out of this?

Wait a while to give them time to knock the bugs out & get the price down a bit. Chances are they'll come out with something else new in a couple years anyway...

If you decide to go ahead & get one anyway, let me know how you like it. I'm trying really hard to resist it but my "techie" rep is kinda on the line...

Bird Dog

Bird Dog
PREMO Member
...because I'm pretty sure Tilted will be here momentarily to say, "HA! I TOLD you!!!" but...

I think I want an iPad. :ohwell:

I loathe my netbook, and if I ever even look at another HP product again, someone please slap me in the head. But my friend has an iPad and it's not only a netbook, but an e-book reader as well. One gadget less to pack when I travel.

Does someone care to talk me out of this?

The only thing I can tell you they are extremely addictive. I love mine.
Books, music, news, games, email, all the rest of the net, all in a size you can put in your purse.
I put mine in my briefcase of course.

Just buy it. It is only less money you will leave your children when you die.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
For long trips where I'd have to actually work, I'd still need my laptop. But for weekend jaunts the iPad would be perfect.


Bird Dog

Bird Dog
PREMO Member
If you do not do it, you will regret it. The only reason for delaying is about fifty bucks.
They even enoy you when they have free upgrades for your downloaded apps.
...because I'm pretty sure Tilted will be here momentarily to say, "HA! I TOLD you!!!" but...

I think I want an iPad. :ohwell:

I loathe my netbook, and if I ever even look at another HP product again, someone please slap me in the head. But my friend has an iPad and it's not only a netbook, but an e-book reader as well. One gadget less to pack when I travel.

Does someone care to talk me out of this?

I wouldn't do that. Seriously, if I made it a point to say 'I told you so' everytime the opportunity availed itself, I'd barely have time to do anything else.

Kidding - just kidding.

I don't think you'll regret buying an iPad. I'm not one to spend much money on things for myself, but, for me, the iPad would be worth it at 10X the price. It's the best and most important thing I've gotten in a long, long time. I know it's a lame cliche', but I don't know how I lived without it. There seems to be no end to what I can and do do with it. It's my mobility enabling life tool and rarely more than 5 feet from me. But, enough of that.

A few bits of advice:

(1) Buy the protection plan available for it.
(2) Buy the $40 case Apple sells for it.
(3) If you ever need an easy way to keep children occupied, get a few of the free (or very, very cheap) games available for it. Not only is it a great eReader, a great video viewer, an artist's dream, and the greatest internet browsing device ever created - I believe that it may be the greatest gaming platform available as well.

Also, there's a Netflix app for it so you can continue your '24' marathon wherever you go. There's also a Kindle app for it so you can use it to read your Kindle purchases (and you don't have to buy your eBooks from evil Apple if you don't want to).


Well-Known Member
...because I'm pretty sure Tilted will be here momentarily to say, "HA! I TOLD you!!!" but...

I think I want an iPad. :ohwell:

I loathe my netbook, and if I ever even look at another HP product again, someone please slap me in the head. But my friend has an iPad and it's not only a netbook, but an e-book reader as well. One gadget less to pack when I travel.

Does someone care to talk me out of this?

I have an HP laptop, 2 desktops (1 new, 1 pretty old), 4 printers (including the boat anchor that got me through college). We've had good luck with HP. Having said that, I'll never buy one again. Their service SUCKS!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I don't think you'll regret buying an iPad.

And I don't! Rough start (http://forums.somd.com/computers-technology-internet/210493-ipad-love-hate.html) but now that it's operational, I don't "love" it, but I like it a lot. It gets my email, lets me read my Kindle books, surfs the internet...and that's about all I require of it.

I LOVE the touch screen.

I HATE Apple dumbness that doesn't provide cursor buttons. And I'm not crazy about Safari. But other than that, I'm diggin' it :yay:


And I don't! Rough start (http://forums.somd.com/computers-technology-internet/210493-ipad-love-hate.html) but now that it's operational, I don't "love" it, but I like it a lot. It gets my email, lets me read my Kindle books, surfs the internet...and that's about all I require of it.

I LOVE the touch screen.

I HATE Apple dumbness that doesn't provide cursor buttons. And I'm not crazy about Safari. But other than that, I'm diggin' it :yay:

We just got one too, and be "we" I really mean that the sweetie got one. He loves it. He was really going back and forth about it until a friend let us play with his iPad and then the decision was made in less than 5 minutes.

He found some good accessories for really cheap on a website called Monoprice.com. We just got them a couple of days ago and it all looks like good stuff. It all works really good as far as we can tell.

He's been a Mac user for a long time but I'm pretty new to it so I'm still learning about Safari and all that stuff too. We're gonna try out the Netflicks, too.
And I don't! Rough start (http://forums.somd.com/computers-technology-internet/210493-ipad-love-hate.html) but now that it's operational, I don't "love" it, but I like it a lot. It gets my email, lets me read my Kindle books, surfs the internet...and that's about all I require of it.

I LOVE the touch screen.

I HATE Apple dumbness that doesn't provide cursor buttons. And I'm not crazy about Safari. But other than that, I'm diggin' it :yay:

:yay: I'm glad.

Touch screen functionality is awesome.

If you don't like Safari, there are other browsers available in the Apps store - some free, some very cheap.

I understand about the cursor buttons. It can be a bit of a pain trying to type long posts on the iPad, so I pretty much avoid doing that.
And I don't! Rough start (http://forums.somd.com/computers-technology-internet/210493-ipad-love-hate.html) but now that it's operational, I don't "love" it, but I like it a lot. It gets my email, lets me read my Kindle books, surfs the internet...and that's about all I require of it.

I LOVE the touch screen.

I HATE Apple dumbness that doesn't provide cursor buttons. And I'm not crazy about Safari. But other than that, I'm diggin' it :yay:

I didn't understand something from your original post in that other thread - did you not get a 3G version of the iPad? They definitely have 3G models and I wouldn't even consider buying a non-3G one. I was a little worried about the consistency of the signal (it's through At&T), but I've been very happy with it thus far. I've got unlimited internet access pretty much anywhere I go and the data plan is pretty reasonable - $30/month and no contract, sign up for service in 2 minutes and cancel whenever you want.

Also, the iPad is the only Apple device I use. I used to use an older Apple laptop sometimes, but its battery has finally worn itself out. All of my desktops are PCs (unfortunately :lol:). Point being, I think you'll be fine in the long run using only one Apple product. I certainly agree with you about some the ways Apple does stuff, but they've never caused me any significant problems and it's always seemed easy to work around them and do what I wanted to do. I suppose the transition was easier for me because I've always used iTunes as my media organizer - even when I wasn't using Apple products - as I preferred it to other stuff.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
did you not get a 3G version of the iPad?
I absolutely got the 3G model and bought a data package. That was the whole idea of having the iPad - portable internet.

You people own AAPL, don't you? I am finding myself being sold...

You know I loathe Apple and everything that looks like them. But the iPad is pretty sweet, so I must give credit where due.
You people own AAPL, don't you? I am finding myself being sold...

I do. I've made enough in the last year (from my relatively small position in Apple) to buy more than a couple iPads.

Consider this - this tiny challenger to the PC-dominated world, this marginal market tech gadget company that was all but dead a little more than a decade ago, this maker of a limited range of discretionary consumer products (i.e. not energy, not food, not toilet paper, not transportation) is now the second most highly valued American company. That's right - Apple as a company is more highly valued than Proctor & Gamble, Walmart, GE, JP Morgan, Bank of America, IBM, Google or ... dun, dun, dun ... Microsoft.