...because I'm pretty sure Tilted will be here momentarily to say, "HA! I TOLD you!!!" but...
I think I want an iPad.
I loathe my netbook, and if I ever even look at another HP product again, someone please slap me in the head. But my friend has an iPad and it's not only a netbook, but an e-book reader as well. One gadget less to pack when I travel.
Does someone care to talk me out of this?
I wouldn't do that. Seriously, if I made it a point to say
'I told you so' everytime the opportunity availed itself, I'd barely have time to do anything else.
Kidding - just kidding.
I don't think you'll regret buying an iPad. I'm not one to spend much money on things for myself, but, for me, the iPad would be worth it at 10X the price. It's the best and most important thing I've gotten in a long, long time. I know it's a lame cliche', but I don't know how I lived without it. There seems to be no end to what I can and do do with it. It's my mobility enabling life tool and rarely more than 5 feet from me. But, enough of that.
A few bits of advice:
(1) Buy the protection plan available for it.
(2) Buy the $40 case Apple sells for it.
(3) If you ever need an easy way to keep children occupied, get a few of the free (or very, very cheap) games available for it. Not only is it a great eReader, a great video viewer, an artist's dream, and the greatest internet browsing device ever created - I believe that it may be the greatest gaming platform available as well.
Also, there's a Netflix app for it so you can continue your '
24' marathon wherever you go. There's also a Kindle app for it so you can use it to read your Kindle purchases (and you don't have to buy your eBooks from evil Apple if you don't want to).