I really hate to post this...

I absolutely got the 3G model and bought a data package. That was the whole idea of having the iPad - portable internet.

You know I loathe Apple and everything that looks like them. But the iPad is pretty sweet, so I must give credit where due.

Okay, good - something you said in the other thread confused me.

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
It is my wonderful, good fortune that you love your IPad. The Kindle is going to a good home :lmao:


I've got unlimited internet access pretty much anywhere I go and the data plan is pretty reasonable - $30/month and no contract, sign up for service in 2 minutes and cancel whenever you want.

what data plan do you have
Vrai - 2-1/2 months in, do you have any more thoughts on your iPad? Novelty worn off and now it just seems like an expensive toy?

Full disclosure: That's a sincere inquiry, but it arose from a need for an excuse to post this: :lol:

iPad Adoption Rate Fastest Ever, Passing DVD Player

Apple’s iPad sold three million units in the first 80 days after its April release and its current sales rate is about 4.5 million units per quarter, according to Bernstein Research. This sales rate is blowing past the one million units the iPhone sold in its first quarter and the 350,000 units sold in the first year by the DVD player, the most quickly adopted non-phone electronic product.

“The iPad did not seem destined to be a runaway product success straight out of the box,” said Colin McGranahan, retail analyst at Bernstein Research, in a note. “By any account, the iPad is a runaway success of unprecedented proportion.”

At this current rate, the iPad will pass gaming hardware and the cellular phone to become the 4th biggest consumer electronics category with estimated sales of more than $9 billion in the U.S. next year, according to Bernstein. TVs, smart phones and notebook PCs are the current three largest categories.


Wow thats crazy!
I didnt know they were that popular. Ive only ever seen one person with one and she doesnt use it all that much. Come to think of it I dont know anyone with Apple anything other than 1-2 iPhones.



I own a Macbook Pro 17 ...... :whistle:

I want to get an iPad ... maybe when the new ones come out


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Vrai - 2-1/2 months in, do you have any more thoughts on your iPad? Novelty worn off and now it just seems like an expensive toy?

Still love it! I've learned to hate web designers who do a site all in flash, but that's their stupidity and not Apple's.
Still love it! I've learned to hate web designers who do a site all in flash, but that's their stupidity and not Apple's.

Good. I don't know if you ever found a browser you like, but I've been using iLunascape a lot - I think it cost a dollar or something, but it uses tabs which I prefer to the way Safari works.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Good. I don't know if you ever found a browser you like, but I've been using iLunascape a lot - I think it cost a dollar or something, but it uses tabs which I prefer to the way Safari works.

I think I'd like that better, too. I did finally figure out how to go back several pages. It's not perfect but it works.

The iPad is easily what I'd want with me on a desert island if I could only have one thing. :yay:


Land of the lost
I think I'd like that better, too. I did finally figure out how to go back several pages. It's not perfect but it works.

The iPad is easily what I'd want with me on a desert island if I could only have one thing. :yay:

Well, an island that had an AT&T cell tower on it, anyway....
Did she really need to specify a desert island with an AT&T cell tower and source of 120V electricity? Whenever someone says desert island these days, I just assume that's what they mean.
Did I hear that they're making one for verizon (not that we get a signal now)?

They're supposedly going to release a CDMA version of the iPhone for Verizon this coming year. I haven't heard much about an iPad that would work with Verizon service.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Did she really need to specify a desert island with an AT&T cell tower and source of 120V electricity? Whenever someone says desert island these days, I just assume that's what they mean.

I know, right? What kind of loser desert island doesn't have a cell tower and electricity???