I've been seriously thinking about buying an iPad - this thread has been really helpful. One question for the technology challenged (that would be ME): Other than the cost to purchase the ipad itself and any additional applications you may want, are there monthly costs involved? I already subscribe to Verizon internet and my kids tap into the service with their laptop and netbook & me with my PC. I loathe Verizon but don't want to make a switch right now - mostly because I'll lose my e-mail address that's connected to everything and everyone & I'm in the middle of college classes online - also associated with my verizon e-mail address.
I have a Kindle too. Loving that but a touch screen would be heaven! I share tons of pictures & love to watch movies. My cell phone is pay as you go and that's working for me financially but the screen is so small on my phone, it's hard to see the pictures I take, texts I send and Facebook posts.
Is there a store where I can play with one (the iPad ) to try it out?
Any info is appreciated.
If you want to have mobile internet connectivity (i.e. when you aren't within range of your home network or some other Wi-Fi network, e.g. one you might find at Starbucks or other businesses), then you would need to buy data service from someone.
Currently, AT&T offers stand alone data service for $25/month (2 GB limit) or $15/month (250 MB limit). Those plans are contract free - you buy them by the month and can cancel them at any time. They used to offer unlimited data service for $29.99/month (which is what I have), but looking at their website, it appears that they may not be offering that unlimited service any more.
You can also get service through Verizon, but it requires having a seperate device that creates its own Wi-Fi network.
Even if you don't pay for data service, you can use your iPad to connect to the internet through your home network.
EDIT: I'm not sure where you'd be able to play with one, but I think Target and Walmart now sell them. Best Buy does as well, but not every store has them. If you are ever near an Apple store, that might be the place that would allow you the most access. I'm sure you can find their locations on the Apple website.