I support this...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If you read my posts...

Ken King said:
I must be missing something here. These ports were previously operated by a foreign entity and are now being taken over by a differing foreign entity that we cooperate equally effectively with. Where is the problem?

...you'll understand. Foreign entity and foreign government are two different things.

Where's your line?


Lem Putt
Larry Gude said:
...I said that but, you'd be wrong.

There is NO way to make a very simple, clear issue any clearer.

Bottom line; You guys think it is just fine for a foreign government to directly own and operate vital US strategic assets.

First, I didn't say you said that, I merely said that you could.

Where is the ownership? The ports are owned by the local port authorities. That will not change.


New Member
All of you "Yes Men" want to pretend that the UAE owning our ports is no big deal.

Keep in mind that at one time, the US Government backed the governments of Iran AND Iraq. Wanna see the pic of Rummie shaking hands with Saddam Hussein?


#### happens.


Lem Putt
Kerad said:
All of you "Yes Men" want to pretend that the UAE owning our ports is no big deal.

Keep in mind that at one time, the US Government backed the governments of Iran AND Iraq. Wanna see the pic of Rummie shaking hands with Saddam Hussein?


#### happens.
If the UAE was going to own our ports, I'd agree with you 100%. What makes you think they are going to?


Lem Putt
Kerad said:
All of you "Yes Men" want to pretend that the UAE owning our ports is no big deal.

Keep in mind that at one time, the US Government backed the governments of Iran AND Iraq. Wanna see the pic of Rummie shaking hands with Saddam Hussein?


#### happens.

Also, I was in the Persian Gulf in 1987, when Saddam was our "friend". I saw the big black hole in the side of the USS Stark. I knew one of the guys who died on the Stark. Don't assume to give me a history lesson, punk.


New Member
MMDad said:
Also, I was in the Persian Gulf in 1987, when Saddam was our "friend". I saw the big black hole in the side of the USS Stark. I knew one of the guys who died on the Stark. Don't assume to give me a history lesson, punk.


I Also gave put in large parts of my life in the Gulf.

So don't try and get all Macho on me.



New Member
Kerad said:
All of you "Yes Men" want to pretend that the UAE owning our ports is no big deal.

Keep in mind that at one time, the US Government backed the governments of Iran AND Iraq. Wanna see the pic of Rummie shaking hands with Saddam Hussein?


#### happens.

Times change! We were during World WarII..alies with Joseph Stalin..who was shaking his hand?


Lem Putt
Kerad said:
Punk: MMDad trying to pretend he's the only one who served in the Gulf.

I guess you don't understand. If you gave your life in the gulf, how are you here now?


Asperger's Poster Child
Ken King said:
I must be missing something here. These ports were previously operated by a foreign entity and are now being taken over by a differing foreign entity that we cooperate equally effectively with. Where is the problem?
We cooperate with UAE's government, not its people. My guess is that most of UAE's citizens oppose their government's alliance with the US. If that's true, I think the port deal might make us vulnerable in ways that none of us suspects, not even people in the maritime industry.
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Larry Gude

Strung Out

MMDad said:
First, I didn't say you said that, I merely said that you could.

Where is the ownership? The ports are owned by the local port authorities. That will not change.

...do we or do we NOT agree that a threshold is being crossed here, that of actual foreign government ownership and control and operation of a vital US strategic national insterst?

You want to make much of the fact that they won't own the ports. Why don't you let some teenagers use your home for the weekend. They won't own it, just run things for awhile.

I understand that the UAE will in fact be operating the ports. Why don't you explain to me what they are actually getting for their money, as you understand it, seeings how you are offering that actual ownership of the ports themselves is supposed to make this a good thing.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...do we or do we NOT agree that a threshold is being crossed here, that of actual foreign government ownership and control and operation of a vital US strategic national insterst?

You want to make much of the fact that they won't own the ports. Why don't you let some teenagers use your home for the weekend. They won't own it, just run things for awhile.

I understand that the UAE will in fact be operating the ports. Why don't you explain to me what they are actually getting for their money, as you understand it, seeings how you are offering that actual ownership of the ports themselves is supposed to make this a good thing.
There is no ownership of the port being transferred, the only thing planned on being changed was which foreign company it will be that will perform the port operations. The only thing they will be paid for doing is getting the vessels in, getting them unloaded, loading them for their departure and escorting them out. All security activities will be conducted and maintained by the USA, as it should.

To claim that this is a UAE government act is somewhat misleading as this UAE company happens to be owned and controlled by one of the emirs. The UAE, 7 states each with an emir, control various activities and the emir of Dubai at this time controls about $360 billion in foreign operations and assets of which this is a prospective acquisition. These guys in the UAE have been players ever since they first obtained wealth due to oil production. Instead of just relying upon that single source they have diversified their wealth into a wide arrangement of businesses and holdings.

DPW, as one of these businesses, has become the Halliburton of the port operations business, they are professionals at doing this type work and think that they can make a profit. The port operation is a private function, not one inherently government, nor a vital national interest as you claim, or it wouldn't have already been foreign operated. The UAE has cooperated with our requests concerning the terrorist's finances that at one time flowed through their banks and have frozen those assets, they allow our fleet to use their ports, they have allowed our military to stage out of their country, and they have consistently acted as our ally.

Denying this deal is equal to ethnic discrimination and nothing else. To my knowledge the UAE is not a threat to the USA, though fanatical Muslims from the region are, but with the USA maintaining control of the security there should be no more or less of a threat then what was possible with British control of the port.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Tonio said:
We cooperate with UAE's government, not its people. My guess is that most of UAE's citizens oppose their government's alliance with the US. If that's true, I think the port deal might make us vulnerable in ways that none of us suspects, not even people in the maritime industry.

What do you base this "guess" on? Did you realize that the majority (close to 75%) of the population of the UAE are non-nationals and mostly Asian?

As to opening us up to new un-thought of threats I would say that is a stretch. As stated here and elsewhere our ports are pretty much wide open, but potential threats are known. As of yet nothing has come from it, are we lucky or is this a low threat object in the terrorists scheme of things?

You know we had knowledge that planes could be used as missiles a while ago, but that knowledge did little to curtail what was done on 9/11/01. And who was it that controlled those interests that were exploited?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
STOP IT! I refuse to accept...

...a first grade argument from YOU!!!!!

There is no ownership of the port being transferred, the only thing planned on being changed was which foreign company it will be that will perform the port operations.

If you agree with that tripe then you are all for a foreign government owned and controlled taking the trash out at Langley. Performance of the port operations is THE issue. A foreign government WILL have conflicts of interest with another. It is a gun to the head to allow ANYONE to be in a position like this. The potential for huge problems is immense.

To claim that this is a UAE government act is somewhat misleading as this UAE company happens to be owned and controlled by one of the emirs.

...so, the UAE is setting the table, as we speak, so that Bob Ehlrich or any US governor, may start a company and own and operate it in the UAE, right?
Stop this faux naivete, stop this now.

DPW, as one of these businesses, has become the Halliburton of the port operations business

Why are you doing this? Name the government, state or federal, that owns and operates Halliburton? Name the President or governor. 1/2 our own voting public loses their minds because Dick used to work there. Imagine if he, like an emir, ALSO worked there concurrently?

nor a vital national interest as you claim

Oh thank God! I feel SO much better. Uhmm, how many tons a week go in and out of US ports to the Gulf, loaded with supplies and munitions? When did commerce, the bedrock of the United States of America no longer qualify as a VITAL national interest?

Ok, I get it. You're just ####ing with me.

Ha ha. Very funny. See the fat man have a spaz.

You had me worried there. I already lost the Texan. Two of you in one week is more than I could bear.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...a first grade argument from YOU!!!!!

First grade is you – Arabs, Oh My God, we can’t have Arabs here.

If you agree with that tripe then you are all for a foreign government owned and controlled taking the trash out at Langley. Performance of the port operations is THE issue. A foreign government WILL have conflicts of interest with another. It is a gun to the head to allow ANYONE to be in a position like this. The potential for huge problems is immense.
No, secure facilities of our nation have specific requirements as to who can or can’t work there. Quit mixing the apples and oranges, okay.

...so, the UAE is setting the table, as we speak, so that Bob Ehlrich or any US governor, may start a company and own and operate it in the UAE, right?
Stop this faux naivete, stop this now.
They sure could and if you bothered to check before opening that gash under your nose you would have discovered that if one is interested in doing business with the UAE they have a provision that any foreign business must have a UAE sponsor that controls 51% of the business.

Why are you doing this? Name the government, state or federal, that owns and operates Halliburton? Name the President or governor. 1/2 our own voting public loses their minds because Dick used to work there. Imagine if he, like an emir, ALSO worked there concurrently?
It was an analogy, Bucko, Halliburton is a major logistics company as DPW is a major port operations company, nothing more, put down your conspiracy theory primer as I think your paranoia level has peaked.

Oh thank God! I feel SO much better. Uhmm, how many tons a week go in and out of US ports to the Gulf, loaded with supplies and munitions? When did commerce, the bedrock of the United States of America no longer qualify as a VITAL national interest?
When the operation went private sector versus being a government business.

Ok, I get it. You're just ####ing with me.

Ha ha. Very funny. See the fat man have a spaz.

You had me worried there. I already lost the Texan. Two of you in one week is more than I could bear.
Nope not effen with you. I just don’t see the problem. Did you get this twisted when you found out that Richard Reid was from Britain and that Britain controlled our port operations in Baltimore? If not, why not?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Alice in Wonderland...

First grade is you – Arabs, Oh My God, we can’t have Arabs here.

It is fascinating that you people on the wrong side of this issue have repeatedly tried to make this an issue of race instead of national sovereignty.
Says alot about your argument or lack thereof.

No, secure facilities of our nation have specific requirements as to who can or can’t work there. Quit mixing the apples and oranges, okay.

And to you a port is, uh....a 7-11. Gotcha.

They sure could and if you bothered to check before opening that gash under your nose you would have discovered that if one is interested in doing business with the UAE they have a provision that any foreign business must have a UAE sponsor that controls 51% of the business.

I'm on the verge of speechless. You acknowledge that they do NOT reciprocate and yet still use it as in FAVOR of your position. It's OK for them but not us. Twilight zone.

You been working on the car again, breathing carb spray?

It was an analogy, Bucko, Halliburton is a major logistics company as DPW is a major port operations company, nothing more, put down your conspiracy theory primer as I think your paranoia level has peaked.

I am not Bucko. Call me...Batman. Your analogy is pointless. Halliburton, like the Brit company selling, is NOT owned and operated by a foreign government.

When the operation went private sector versus being a government business.

That's all you really had to say:

Ken "The Wrong" King: US ports are not a vital US national interest.

Larry "Gash under Nose" Gude: This conversation is over. We have no basis for discussion as we disagree on the basic premise.

Did you get this twisted when you found out that Richard Reid was from Britain and that Britain controlled our port operations in Baltimore? If not, why not?

If I can't make it clear the distinction to you and Tex and MM the difference, to me, between foreign owned and foreign government owned then, again, there's no basis to even discuss this. YOU guys are talking apples. I'm talking oranges.

So, I ask you, what else can we sell to a foreign government? The contract to run the White house kitchen? Trash at Langley? I think you voted AMTRAK.
How about maintaining the Secret Services comm gear? If it ain't a national interest when it ships in from China, why would the M/R be a big deal?

I mean, they wouldn't own or even operate the radios; just work on 'em.

How about NASA? What if they could move the shuttle around for a few bucks less?

I know! How about they get the jobs to maintain and manage the interstate highway system? That's a pretty straight forward analogy.