Alice in Wonderland...
First grade is you – Arabs, Oh My God, we can’t have Arabs here.
It is fascinating that you people on the wrong side of this issue have repeatedly tried to make this an issue of race instead of national sovereignty.
Says alot about your argument or lack thereof.
No, secure facilities of our nation have specific requirements as to who can or can’t work there. Quit mixing the apples and oranges, okay.
And to you a port is, uh....a 7-11. Gotcha.
They sure could and if you bothered to check before opening that gash under your nose you would have discovered that if one is interested in doing business with the UAE they have a provision that any foreign business must have a UAE sponsor that controls 51% of the business.
I'm on the verge of speechless. You acknowledge that they do NOT reciprocate and yet still use it as in FAVOR of your position. It's OK for them but not us. Twilight zone.
You been working on the car again, breathing carb spray?
It was an analogy, Bucko, Halliburton is a major logistics company as DPW is a major port operations company, nothing more, put down your conspiracy theory primer as I think your paranoia level has peaked.
I am not Bucko. Call me...Batman. Your analogy is pointless. Halliburton, like the Brit company selling, is NOT owned and operated by a foreign government.
When the operation went private sector versus being a government business.
That's all you really had to say:
Ken "The Wrong" King: US ports are not a vital US national interest.
Larry "Gash under Nose" Gude: This conversation is over. We have no basis for discussion as we disagree on the basic premise.
Did you get this twisted when you found out that Richard Reid was from Britain and that Britain controlled our port operations in Baltimore? If not, why not?
If I can't make it clear the distinction to you and Tex and MM the difference, to me, between foreign owned and foreign government owned then, again, there's no basis to even discuss this. YOU guys are talking apples. I'm talking oranges.
So, I ask you, what else can we sell to a foreign government? The contract to run the White house kitchen? Trash at Langley? I think you voted AMTRAK.
How about maintaining the Secret Services comm gear? If it ain't a national interest when it ships in from China, why would the M/R be a big deal?
I mean, they wouldn't own or even operate the radios; just work on 'em.
How about NASA? What if they could move the shuttle around for a few bucks less?
I know! How about they get the jobs to maintain and manage the interstate highway system? That's a pretty straight forward analogy.