Larry, I guess I'm still not seeing the national security threat in this deal. Are any of these ports going to gave a bastion of UAE troops that we would have to fight through if for some reason the port was closed? No. Is there any way that the US couldn't easily seize control of any of these ports of they were closed and posed a national security threat? No. Is there any weapon or alien terrorist that could be shipped over in the future that can't be shipped to the US now? No. I would concede your point if we were closing the ports and having shipments routed through a foreign country where we would have to fight foreign troops on their territory to reopen the ports, but that's obviously not the case here.
Bruz, you don't see it and you're not gonna see it because, to you, an economic disruption of however much time it would take us to take over control were they to mess things up, is no big deal.
You, of all people, I thought would get the small business angle. We live in a global economy where I get plant sleeves from China, robot parts from Holland and servo controls from Germany. I get cuttings, small live plants, from Guatemala, China, Europe.
I can sit here all day and give you real stories that have happened with NO deliberate interference from anyone. A week can cost me a whole season if I miss a plant date. A month might put me out of business.
Just imagine if you had an interest in creating a ripple in the US economy. Mis-label containers. Re-route things. Lose manifests. You guys seem to have ZERO imagination and zero concern for what this could do to smaller companies and, hence, the economy as a whole.
It ain't gonna knock out Exxon or Microsoft or the US Army. Inconvenience, perhaps.
Perhaps having one shipment of components for the Army delayed for a few days or weeks achieves some obscure objective of the UAE? The army rolls on but what about the backbone of our economy? Small business?
I mean, you guys have your noses stuck in spy novels. The business of economics through the free flow of goods is dull and boring and..critical.
But, yet again, you all want to argue the obvious;
"Well, Larry, you see, they could still get weapons or a bomb or whatever through because these guys aren't responsible for inspection and interdiction and blah, blah..."
No kidding? You mean people who killed 3,000 with a handful of boxcutters could still get by us!? Perish the thought!
Maybe I'll bring that up one day. But I have not so far. You guys are zero'd in on an issue I have not raised or contested, not once.
In the mean time, I keep saying the same things;
US sovereignty and vital US national interest.
I've even clarified that I was talking about economics and you guys come right back about the inspections and physical security and Ken says a business is the same as a government, no biggee there.
Oh well. Looks like you're gonna get your way anyway.