I thought the age to buy cigarettes was already 21


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Apparently not because a bill raising the smoking age to 21 was just snuck into a....wait for it...military spending bill.

Go ahead: ask what the smoking age has to do with military spending.

Not to mention the irony of the age of enlistment being 18. You can give your life for your country but by god you better not smoke.



Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
Apparently not because a bill raising the smoking age to 21 was just snuck into a....wait for it...military spending bill.

Go ahead: ask what the smoking age has to do with military spending.

Not to mention the irony of the age of enlistment being 18. You can give your life for your country but by god you better not smoke.


Crikey, that's the same argument we heard when the drinking age was returned to 21 years.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Apparently not because a bill raising the smoking age to 21 was just snuck into a....wait for it...military spending bill.

Go ahead: ask what the smoking age has to do with military spending.

Not to mention the irony of the age of enlistment being 18. You can give your life for your country but by god you better not smoke.

Or drink a beer!


Well-Known Member
21 is such a stupid number. They should both be 18 or 25. At least you can defend those ages.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure, but, I know Maryland raised the age to 21 to purchase cigarettes, as of October this year. I think President Trump is making it a federal law now.


Well-Known Member
Apparently not because a bill raising the smoking age to 21 was just snuck into a....wait for it...military spending bill.

It was snuck into the Appropriations Bill. It's over 1,700 pages and Congress had a few days to review. This is the new budget normal.

The cost to implement the smoking age change to 21? $18,580,790 per year. Someone has to pay for the "random, unannounced inspections".

Starts on pg. 1495


Apparently not because a bill raising the smoking age to 21 was just snuck into a....wait for it...military spending bill.

Go ahead: ask what the smoking age has to do with military spending.

Not to mention the irony of the age of enlistment being 18. You can give your life for your country but by god you better not smoke.


Actually, the irony of slipping this in with military spend is just annoying. Let's providing funding to send 18 year olds to war, operate some of the most sophisticated weapons on earth, and die for our country... yet can't be trusted make such decisions as smoking or drinking.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Damn it, sheeple. Trump says it is Big!! Be happy.

See, you people think that just because you're cult members it means everyone is. And since you've been programmed to believe that people like me are your mortal enemy, you think that I'm as docilely brainwashed as you are.

You really should find a deprogramming facility because that is not good for you.


Well-Known Member
Just because I voted for Trump AND WILL AGAIN, I don't have to like everything he does.
Anyone in the military should be allowed to do anything a 21 year old does.
Especially on base.
Raising the drinking age to 21 was wrong when it was passed and it is wrong now.
When you can buy any drug you want on the street, but cannot buy a legal beer.

By the way I don't agree with 12 weeks paid parental leave either. That's more BS.

But this does have one thing the liberals should be looking at.
They are sliding this through on Trump and obviously he agrees with it.
Just think of the BS they could have passed by Trumps actual democrat thinking if they had been smart and worked with him.


Well-Known Member
Apparently not because a bill raising the smoking age to 21 was just snuck into a....wait for it...military spending bill.

Go ahead: ask what the smoking age has to do with military spending.

Not to mention the irony of the age of enlistment being 18. You can give your life for your country but by god you better not smoke.


I'm pretty sure in Maryland those in the military are exempt from this law.


Fighting like a girl
Just because I voted for Trump AND WILL AGAIN, I don't have to like everything he does.
Anyone in the military should be allowed to do anything a 21 year old does.
Especially on base.
Raising the drinking age to 21 was wrong when it was passed and it is wrong now.
When you can buy any drug you want on the street, but cannot buy a legal beer.

By the way I don't agree with 12 weeks paid parental leave either. That's more BS.

But this does have one thing the liberals should be looking at.
They are sliding this through on Trump and obviously he agrees with it.
Just think of the BS they could have passed by Trumps actual democrat thinking if they had been smart and worked with him.

god, you have an opinion about everything don’t you? Like seriously any topic under the freaking sun you have an opinion about and put it here, I don’t know the name for this mental disorder, but my god you are a case study.

WTH are you against 3 months of parental leave? Is it really that terrible that a new mother gets to spend THREE months with their new child? Like the work won’t be waiting for them? It’s always there, it will always be there, the office will get by, let her and her husband have 1/4 of just a single year with their new child.


God bless the USA
god, you have an opinion about everything don’t you? Like seriously any topic under the freaking sun you have an opinion about and put it here, I don’t know the name for this mental disorder, but my god you are a case study.

WTH are you against 3 months of parental leave? Is it really that terrible that a new mother gets to spend THREE months with their new child? Like the work won’t be waiting for them? It’s always there, it will always be there, the office will get by, let her and her husband have 1/4 of just a single year with their new child.

Sheesh, Truby. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and you have yours. Does it bother you that people have opinions that don’t agree with you? I, honestly, cannot believe you posted that response to Hijinx. Seriously. :lol:

And, God is spelled with a capital G. I am worried about you. Take care.

And, one more thing. Back in the day, I had to go back to work in 4 weeks from birth of a child. I did. No wonder America is falling apart. Surrounded by a bunch of babies that would not know hardship, even if it punched them in the nose. And, if that happened we would hear all the wailing. God bless the USA.
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Fighting like a girl
No wonder America is falling apart. Surrounded by a bunch of babies that would not know hardship.

This country is not falling apart, it’s as strong as it’s ever been, I have no idea why you would say that about our home.

And if you don’t believe me, maybe you’ll listen to our president. Read this tweet explaining why HE supports 12 weeks of parental leave.

It’s freaking Christmas, go spew your hate elsewhere.
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God bless the USA
This country is not falling apart, it’s as strong as it’s ever been, I have no idea why you would say that about our home.

and you want to talk about hardship? Ask your parents and grandparents what they experienced.

My grandparents and parents, and ancestors (including Native Americans) have experienced it all. And, that includes family, and people I knew that have died for me. I have posted all this before over my 8 years on this forum. Where have you been? Did you have me, or mamatutu on ignore? Get a grip and a better argument. Thanks.
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God bless the USA
This country is not falling apart, it’s as strong as it’s ever been, I have no idea why you would say that about our home.

And if you don’t believe me, maybe you’ll listen to our president. Read this tweet explaining why HE supports 12 weeks of parental leave.

It’s freaking Christmas, go spew your hate elsewhere.

When have I spewed hate on this forum? If you have proof of that, please post it. I am a realist. You need to get your ostrich head out of the ground. What do you mean by saying freaking Chritmas? That is very bizarre. Take care, Truby.

And, to stay on topic, my mother smoked cigs; Virginia Slims. She, always, worried that she would die of lung cancer. She died of Alzheimer’s, and forgot she smoked. But, in her lifetime, she wrote children’s books, country music, and poetry of which some was published. I don’t smoke in honor of my mom. And, furthermore, our Gov should not dictate what people can do. Something interesting is that my mom’s docs told me that her Alzheimer’s probably happened because of immunizations and processed food. This was back in 2007. The year she died. She was 78. Something to think about.
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Well-Known Member
Dear Truby:

I do have an opinion about things, and I don't hide them.
If you or anyone wants to know how I think on a subject all you have to do is ask.
In this forum you do not have to ask, it is for people with opinions.

Why don't I like the idea of 3 months parental leave? Because I am paying for that person to stay at home for 3 months..
I have to assume that parental leave means leave for the husband and the wife, since both are parents.
It appears to be fine to pay a Government mother for 3 months for not coming to work, but the object here is to have the private industry pick up the same benefits. Not many companies can afford to do that and some of them only have one employee. If that employee is off for 3 months who gets the job done.? It's a helluva benefit paid for by yours truly.
What if this family is having multiple children?

By the way I see your opinion about the President here every day, and there is a name for your mental illness TDS
Trump Derangement Syndrom.