I was told

Nanny Pam

Wheelin' said:
to come here for therapy.
The only 2 people qualified to do therapy here are kwillia & nomoney. You should PM them for an appointment. Heads up...they are expensive!


New Member
Wheelin' said:
What brand of libations you drinking with that popcorn your eating? :popcorn:

I'm just having tea. I gave up drinking, because even Elton John looks good when I'm intoxicated. :shrug:

Enough about me, this thread is about you. :pullsupchair: go ahead! :cheers:


Nice lady!
Kevlar said:
I got out of detox/rehab recently, and I am jonesing real hard right now. I'm going to a meeting tonight, but what do the rest of you do to cope when it's nagging at you?

Mostly I just give in to the crave. :shrug:

Nanny Pam

Kevlar said:
I got out of detox/rehab recently, and I am jonesing real hard right now. I'm going to a meeting tonight, but what do the rest of you do to cope when it's nagging at you?
eat raw celery & carrots. Works for me. :shrug:


New Member
Kevlar said:
I got out of detox/rehab recently, and I am jonesing real hard right now. I'm going to a meeting tonight, but what do the rest of you do to cope when it's nagging at you?

We post on the forums with alcohol in one hand and a fattie in the other. :shrug:


Sponge Bob, No Pant's!
Pandora said:
That is why I gave up drinking. :doh:

Alright, as you wish! :flowers:

Now tell us all about it. :popcorn:

You a therapist? If so I need ID, address and phone number for verification :smooch:
