ICE! (have they closed the bridge??)


PREMO Member
otter said:
Of course, I'm not taking my car out in this stuff.
We have so many smart male forumites.
I told my wife I had to check the air pressure in her tires.
They just salted 235 near WM. Roads are fine though, a lot of slush. You have to try to lose traction even on back roads.


PREMO Member
desertrat said:
They just salted 235 near WM. Roads are fine though, a lot of slush. You have to try to lose traction even on back roads.
When are you going to start reading your new book?


Common sense ain't common
otter said:
Cuz the 4wd folks think they are bulletproof in the snow.

Not this one. We have a 2001 4dr 4wd GMC Jimmy and I'm not stepping foot outside this house today. Did my store run yesterday so I can kick back today and watch college basketball (Go UofK Wildcats and UofL Cardinals!) It's not that I can't drive in the snow (I'm from Kentucky, I've driven in my share of snowstorms) but its everyone else on the roads I don't trust worth a damn.
ohstate said:
As my dad is fond of saying, 4wd doesn't help you stop faster in snow.
I don't know why everyone thinks we 4X4 owners think like that. Four wheel drive is meant to help get you out of or through situations that two wheel drive can't handle. Most of us understand that is doesn't allow you to stop faster, corner faster or drive faster. Give me a call when you get off in a ditch, I'll come pull you out.


In My Opinion
ohstate said:
As my dad is fond of saying, 4wd doesn't help you stop faster in snow.
actually, if you down shift to slow down it does make it a safer stop than the one wheel wonders. Equal resistance to the front and back = less chance of slide.


Finishing last
otter said:
Cuz the 4wd folks think they are bulletproof in the snow.

Aint that the truth. I mean the only thing 4wd helps with is acceleration and a little turn handling. You still stop the same way a 2wd does. That and you have a mix of people in the area. People who have driven in 12' of smow and those that have never even seen smow before. They don't mix well on the roads.


Methodically disorganized
Severa said:
We have a 2001 4dr 4wd GMC Jimmy
:yay: The 4WD of mine has been out for a while; I was hoping I wouldn't have a need for it.

Severa said:
It's not that I can't drive in the snow (I'm from Kentucky, I've driven in my share of snowstorms) but its everyone else on the roads I don't trust worth a damn.
:yeahthat: I'm normally observant and suspicious of those around me, but in bad weather I maneuver myself away from the packs altogether so other's stupidity has less of a chance to affect me.
hvp05 said:
:yay: The 4WD of mine has been out for a while; I was hoping I wouldn't have a need for it.

:yeahthat: I'm normally observant and suspicious of those around me, but in bad weather I maneuver myself away from the packs altogether so other's stupidity has less of a chance to affect me.
I know someone who could have had theirs fixed by today, but chose not to.


In My Opinion
desertrat said:
I know someone who could have had theirs fixed by today, but chose not to.
I have a 4X4, but to be honest, in all the snow that we have had over the last few years, I only found it usefull for going in one storm. Every other time the front wheel drive or my two wheel drive truck with the aggressive tires on the back suffice just fine.