

New Member
I'm still new to this IEP thing, but at the last meeting the school and I had before my son started his therapy is that I am the one who is in control over whether or not he receives help. I can stop it at any time and I can ask for it to be continued for however long I deem necessary.

Listen to Socki, go to the Principal, not the Dr.

They stopped it. I am going to keep trying. This is something i just can't let go. His teacher and I agree he needs the help. She has been giving him some extra help in the class but until the school says he can go to speech class theres nothing else she can do. I beg to differ. I just to keep my cool about it because it makes me sooo mad. Yelling at them won't get us anywhere.


Well-Known Member
They stopped it. I am going to keep trying. This is something i just can't let go. His teacher and I agree he needs the help. She has been giving him some extra help in the class but until the school says he can go to speech class theres nothing else she can do. I beg to differ. I just to keep my cool about it because it makes me sooo mad. Yelling at them won't get us anywhere.

Please keep in mind that most health insurances will not cover speech therapy unless it is a result of a birth defect or brain injury. This I found out the hard way.


Throwing the deuces
I tried. She is so rude. They keep telling me that underprivileged kids need it more and my son will do better over time. He gets frustrated sometimes when he talks. He starts to stutter. He knows what he wants to say but can't get the words out. When it came time for the updates i asked if i could bring my daughter with me because i don't have child care they said we can do it over the phone. Never received a call. When i called the school to ask why i didn't get a call they said oh we got no answer. I am going to try one more time with the principle and if i get nothing then im going over her head! This same principle told me that she was glad i was have behavioral issues with my son at home too. Not pleased with Carver at all!

Wow! I can't believe they'd say that.

I knew that my son had speech problems, even in Preschool, so I wasn't surprised when I got the letter about him going into speech class. I'm just glad that he's getting the help in Kindergarten when he's still young. They are saying that he will probably be in the IEP through 3rd grade because there are certain sound combinations that develop between the ages of 7-8 so they are planning on keeping him in the program until then to see if he masters those skill on his own or if he'll still need the extra help.


New Member
Wow! I can't believe they'd say that.

I knew that my son had speech problems, even in Preschool, so I wasn't surprised when I got the letter about him going into speech class. I'm just glad that he's getting the help in Kindergarten when he's still young. They are saying that he will probably be in the IEP through 3rd grade because there are certain sound combinations that develop between the ages of 7-8 so they are planning on keeping him in the program until then to see if he masters those skill on his own or if he'll still need the extra help.

My son barely talked at 3. I knew there was an issue and my doctors pointed me in the right direction. I called Child Find and they helped us out. I called them and they are going evaluated him again.


Well-Known Member
I called Child Find. They helped my son get help. I am hoping they will help me get more help with him.

Child Find directs you to the IEP program. Hopefully they'll help you with the school. I've been dealing with Child Find since my son was 3.


New Member
Wow! I can't believe they'd say that.

I knew that my son had speech problems, even in Preschool, so I wasn't surprised when I got the letter about him going into speech class. I'm just glad that he's getting the help in Kindergarten when he's still young. They are saying that he will probably be in the IEP through 3rd grade because there are certain sound combinations that develop between the ages of 7-8 so they are planning on keeping him in the program until then to see if he masters those skill on his own or if he'll still need the extra help.

I hope everything works out for you and your son. I don't wish the frustration that i am going through on anyone.


New Member
Child Find directs you to the IEP program. Hopefully they'll help you with the school. I've been dealing with Child Find since my son was 3.

Betsy is awesome. I have a question for you. Im not sure if i should be really that concerned for my daughter. She is 2 1/2 and she can't say her "F". Like when she says food its more like poo and every color is yellow. I am going to ask Child Find about it just wanted to see what other parents thought.


Throwing the deuces
I hope everything works out for you and your son. I don't wish the frustration that i am going through on anyone.

Thanks! It sounds like you're having a rough time of it. Good luck and don't give up. I had no idea what the IEP was until I got the letter from the school. I had no idea that it would follow him year after year. I thought he'd just get the help until the end of the school year and that would be the end of it. Then I find out that it's not like that at all.


Well-Known Member
Betsy is awesome. I have a question for you. Im not sure if i should be really that concerned for my daughter. She is 2 1/2 and she can't say her "F". Like when she says food its more like poo and every color is yellow. I am going to ask Child Find about it just wanted to see what other parents thought.

She's 2 so it's perfectly normal. You can actually go online and find sites that tell you what sounds are within the developmental range.


New Member
She's 2 so it's perfectly normal. You can actually go online and find sites that tell you what sounds are within the developmental range.

I just worry. She had a rough start when she was born. The cord was wrapped around her neck twice. She was slow on somethings like holding a bottle, rattle, sitting up and crawling. She did how ever walk a month before she was 1 and talked early and hasn't! Since she has a older sibling she copies him. I just want to make sure everything is ok and if its not i get early intervention. Thanks for you input!


Well-Known Member
I just worry. She had a rough start when she was born. The cord was wrapped around her neck twice. She was slow on somethings like holding a bottle, rattle, sitting up and crawling. She did how ever walk a month before she was 1 and talked early and hasn't! Since she has a older sibling she copies him. I just want to make sure everything is ok and if its not i get early intervention. Thanks for you input!

My baby girl was nearly 16 months before she began to walk and now she's talking up a storm. Her 3 year old sister has taught her so much. One thing to watch out for is your daughter mimicking your older child's sounds. I had to correct my 3 year old for a bit when she was having conversations with my son. Now that's not an issue because they hate each other. :lol:


New Member
My baby girl was nearly 16 months before she began to walk and now she's talking up a storm. Her 3 year old sister has taught her so much. One thing to watch out for is your daughter mimicking your older child's sounds. I had to correct my 3 year old for a bit when she was having conversations with my son. Now that's not an issue because they hate each other. :lol:

LOL! She follows and copies everything he does. I am trying so hard to break it. Heres an example of their conversations...

Daughter: I want pooo (food)

Son: You want to eat pooop? ( he has the weirdest funniest face ever when he says this)

Daughter: NOOO! POOOO

Son: No you said pooop

Daughter: NOOOOO!

Son: You need help sister! ( then he walks a away)


Throwing the deuces
My baby girl was nearly 16 months before she began to walk and now she's talking up a storm. Her 3 year old sister has taught her so much. One thing to watch out for is your daughter mimicking your older child's sounds. I had to correct my 3 year old for a bit when she was having conversations with my son. Now that's not an issue because they hate each other. :lol:

I wish that was the case in my situation. Then my younger one wouldn't be in speech class. My older son wouldn't say a word until he said it perfectly so it sounds like the Queen's English coming out of a 2 year old. :lol:


New Member
My son had one. I don't know why they stop giving him help with his speech. Granted he has gotten better but he still has some issues. His teacher has even brought to my attention that she has hard time understanding him. I told her i wanted him to see the speech teacher again but he got denied. Not happy at all. Going to go through my doctors and get help that way. Hopefully his new school next year will help him.

Denied by who? Have you requested they test him?
If he had an IEP they should have given a reason for removing it.

I'm still new to this IEP thing, but at the last meeting the school and I had before my son started his therapy is that I am the one who is in control over whether or not he receives help. I can stop it at any time and I can ask for it to be continued for however long I deem necessary.

Listen to Socki, go to the Principal, not the Dr.

This is not necessarily so. If the child meets the goals set within the IEP the school can release them from the IEP. If you disagree you can ask for the child to be retested/evaluated however I don't know how often they'll honor that request. Meaning they might only test every 2 or 3 years even if it's requested.

In Calvert an IEP last 3 years (at the end of 3yrs you start from scratch, testing, etc.). My child has not reached the goals that were set, we're in the second year and the new therapist decided that the goals were set too high. The therapist wanted to discontinue services, I on the other hand said no. This did not stop them, weekly services were pulled. There is still an IEP but for consult purposes only, the therapist meets with only the teachers to monitor the child.

The only reason the IEP is still intact is because some of the accomodations within the IEP affect the classroom setting. It was agreed that removal of them would cause the child to struggle. The therapist was not happy with the final decision.

The deal is you can turn down services at any time but THEY can take the services at anytime also.


New Member
Originally Posted by SoccerMom2
I tried. She is so rude. They keep telling me that underprivileged kids need it more and my son will do better over time. He gets frustrated sometimes when he talks. He starts to stutter. He knows what he wants to say but can't get the words out. When it came time for the updates i asked if i could bring my daughter with me because i don't have child care they said we can do it over the phone. Never received a call. When i called the school to ask why i didn't get a call they said oh we got no answer. I am going to try one more time with the principle and if i get nothing then im going over her head! This same principle told me that she was glad i was have behavioral issues with my son at home too. Not pleased with Carver at all!

OK - This is similar to what I was told in K, went to 1st and got the same line.
That is when I threw a fit, I went to the counselor and called the board.
At this point I would ask for a copy of the meeting notes and (if you haven't already) request testing. This has to be done in writing, spell out all the reasons as to why and drop the teacher's observations and statements in there also.
If you get pushy, they'll start to get responsive.
If they refuse to test (or don't do it in a timely manner) go to the school and ask for a parental/student rights handbook and ask to be shown where your request doesn't qualify.


New Member
Originally Posted by SoccerMom2
I tried. She is so rude. They keep telling me that underprivileged kids need it more and my son will do better over time. He gets frustrated sometimes when he talks. He starts to stutter. He knows what he wants to say but can't get the words out. When it came time for the updates i asked if i could bring my daughter with me because i don't have child care they said we can do it over the phone. Never received a call. When i called the school to ask why i didn't get a call they said oh we got no answer. I am going to try one more time with the principle and if i get nothing then im going over her head! This same principle told me that she was glad i was have behavioral issues with my son at home too. Not pleased with Carver at all!

OK - This is similar to what I was told in K, went to 1st and got the same line.
That is when I threw a fit, I went to the counselor and called the board.
At this point I would ask for a copy of the meeting notes and (if you haven't already) request testing. This has to be done in writing, spell out all the reasons as to why and drop the teacher's observations and statements in there also.
If you get pushy, they'll start to get responsive.
If they refuse to test (or don't do it in a timely manner) go to the school and ask for a parental/student rights handbook and ask to be shown where your request doesn't qualify.

I am going to have a meeting with the school after spring break. The date is set up. Lets hope something goes right.