If I see one more negative ad...


I bowl overhand
AndyMarquisLIVE said:
Problem is, you've got to be able to afford to get into college before you can enjoy the benefits of more budgets from the states and an improving quality in the schools in general.

If you get accepted into ANY state school, they will find you the money and aid for you to attend. Anyone in this state can go to school if they want to, and don't use the "I cant afford it." excuse..

Would it be worth a $30,000 debt to get an education that will pay 50 - 75,000 a year? Or break it down to.. is it worth $120 monthly payment to be bringing in $5000 a month??


New Member
Just wanted to let y'all know... On Ehrlich's anti-O'Malley ads, the date of quoted newspapers in March 26, 2004. That's more than two and a half years ago. Alot's changed in 2 and a half years.