If you cant laugh at yourself, then


In My Opinion
Tell us what you did and everyone here will take care of the laughing for you.

after all, what are friends for?


In My Opinion
river rat said:
went out and bought goats!!
I bought an African Pigmy last year, she had this little heart murmer thing going on, right before she was two years old she had a stroke and was dead within 24 hours. Im not sure yet if I want to get any more goats at this point.

Im thinking llamas next.


Go Braves!
I have clothes lined myself on a volleyball net at a party before. Layed myself flat out on the ground:biggrin:


In My Opinion
about 5 years ago I had to present the budget requirements for the IT department at the exectutives meeting.
I failed to wear my belt that morning because I was rushing to get out of the house to make the 7am start time on this meeting.

when my time came, I stood up, walked to the front of the room to give my reports, and my pants dropped down around my ankles..
(thank God for clean underwear)

I bent down, pulled my pants back up, ignored the laughter, went on with my report, and pretended that nothing happened...

Exectutives really dont let these little moments go by you know.


Witchy Woman
I was getting ready to go on a date one night and was in front of my full length mirror when the song Kung Fu Fighting came on.

I started to dance...I was dancing and Kung Fu fighting for all I was worth. Kicking up my legs, spinning around...chopping the air..

Little did I realize that my blinds were open and my date had pulled into the drive way and watched the whole thing.

He was applauding as I walked out the door. When I realized he had seen me, I was MORTIFIED! He was laughing so hard.

We've been together ever since. :wink:


In My Opinion
Hes afraid you will kick his arse if he leaves you.

he saw you doing that kung fu stuff, he thinks you are some seceret agent trained in China in a monastary to be a ninja warrior.


Witchy Woman
bcp said:
Hes afraid you will kick his arse if he leaves you.

he saw you doing that kung fu stuff, he thinks you are some seceret agent trained in China in a monastary to be a ninja warrior.

:yeahthat: :lmao:

river rat

bcp said:
I bought an African Pigmy last year, she had this little heart murmer thing going on, right before she was two years old she had a stroke and was dead within 24 hours. Im not sure yet if I want to get any more goats at this point.

Im thinking llamas next.

really sorry to hear about the lil goaty
i have two pygmies and a nubian, all nannys.
i really like watching them play with each other. but i had to clean that barn today WOW! :stink:
good ferterlizer though :yay:


bcp said:
Tell us what you did and everyone here will take care of the laughing for you.

after all, what are friends for?

I walked up to a customer in my store, and noticed she had a piece of paper in her hair. As we were conversing I said, "Oh, you have something in your hair." I went to pluck it out, and off came her wig.

It was the price tag she had left on. :ohwell:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Wenchy said:
I walked up to a customer in my store, and noticed she had a piece of paper in her hair. As we were conversing I said, "Oh, you have something in your hair." I went to pluck it out, and off came her wig.

It was the price tag she had left on. :ohwell:
:killingme :roflmao: :lmao:

What did she do?


Witchy Woman
Wenchy said:
I walked up to a customer in my store, and noticed she had a piece of paper in her hair. As we were conversing I said, "Oh, you have something in your hair." I went to pluck it out, and off came her wig.

It was the price tag she had left on. :ohwell:

OMG :killingme

This story wins hands down.



Witchy Woman
vraiblonde said:
I dunno - your Kung Fu Fighting story made me laugh out loud :lmao:

:lmao: Thanks Vrai. I think. :razz: I have never been so embarrassed in my whole life.

And ya know what...I STILL kung fu fight when ever I hear that song. (I can't seem to help it..it's like a sickness) Only now I make SURE the blinds are closed. :wink:


vraiblonde said:
:killingme :roflmao: :lmao:

What did she do?

After a few seconds of uncomfortable silence, she started laughing at the expression on my face (I still had her wig in my hand)

I did clip off the tag for her, and she went on her way.

I NEVER saw her again.