If you were stranded in the desert...


New Member
I spent two tours in Iraq with Marine Corps. I am a girl and my favorite things to receive were dry shampoo, hair ties, bobbie pins, good tampons, quality shampoo and conditioner, books, magazines, drink mixes, individually wrapped snack foods, and things that I could share with my guys. Girls like the same things that guys do we just like those things to smell better but not too much better. Smelling like a chick when surrounded by dudes is not always a good thing. Smelling nasty is never a good thing. I hope this helps. You are correct mascara would be a really bad idea. For anyone else that would like to adopt a deployed service member you can check out AnyMarine.com AnySoldier.com AnySailor.com etc. Usually when you send a package it is shared with the group.


I'm an angel baker with Soldiers Angels and send home baked goods all of the time. Brownies ship really well. I second the post that said pack things well so they can't move around. I love the disposable ziplock containers.

I didn't realize you couldn't send nail polish. I sent one female servicemember a pedicure kit with 2 kinds of polish. I double bagged them and packed them well so they wouldn't break. I listed them on the customs form and didn't have the person at the post office say anything about it.
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