If you were to become incapacitated...

Who do you want to make medical decisions on your behalf?

  • Your spouse

    Votes: 22 40.0%
  • Your spouse because you have no parents or adult children

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Your parents

    Votes: 3 5.5%
  • Your parents because you have no spouse or adult children

    Votes: 5 9.1%
  • Your adult children

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • Your adult children because you have no spouse or parents

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A friend

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • Your primary physician

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • You would want Jeb Bush to gain legal custody of you and let him make the decision

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • No one would make the decision because I have a very detailed living will

    Votes: 14 25.5%
  • Magic 8-ball

    Votes: 8 14.5%

  • Total voters


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
...who would you want to make medical decisions on your behalf?

Give me a few minutes to set up the answer choices....


Salt Life
At the moment I say my parents because I'm not married. However, if I were, I'd probably want my husband to make all medical decisions for me if I were unable to.


New Member
Chasey_Lane said:
At the moment I say my parents because I'm not married. However, if I were, I'd probably want my husband to make all medical decisions for me if I were unable to.

You still need a living will because what your husband might want might not have been what you wanted.

I just confused myself.. :lmao:


I chose friend.... The decision suprised even me. I wouldn't want to burden the kids with such a hard choice, my Mom is incapable of making any decisions and I don't think My husband could handle yanking the plug with his strict Catholic upbringing..

So I designate my best friend. Just in case I turn into Cauliflower tomorrow please pull the plug. :kiss:


Salt Life
morganj614 said:
You still need a living will because what your husband might want might not have been what you wanted.

I just confused myself.. :lmao:
Agreed! Let me just make it clear that if I'm ever in a situation where I can't wipe my own ass, pull the plug on me. :peace:


Salt Life
Chasey_Lane said:
Agreed! Let me just make it clear that if I'm ever in a situation where I can't wipe my own ass, pull the plug on me. :peace:
Hey, Vrai...since you have this in writing, I want YOU to make all medical decisions for me. :diva: :lol:


I Need a Beer
Definitely my spouse because we've discussed at great length what each of us would want under certain circumstances. But, as we've all now learned it pays to put it in writing also, and we have.


b*tch rocket
I would have to say none of the above. :lol: I've decided that I shall document my wishes for just about any scenario in order to take the guess work out of it for everyone. :shrug:

If I have to live forever on a ventilator, pull my plug, because that would be quick. If I can sustain life with a feeding tube, and I'm merely retarded and drooling all down myself, keep me plugged in, since I've been there before, and it wasn't all that bad. :shrug: :lol:


Lord, I apologize.
<img src="http://www.ullapix.com/comics%20and%20portraits/images/barry%20cryer%20and%20ronnie%20golden%20unplugged.jpg">


Routinely Derailed
It'd be great if you had a choice for "Your spouse and/or your adult children," or make it so we can choose more than one. So I didn't vote yet.


Lovin' being Texican
Chasey_Lane said:
Agreed! Let me just make it clear that if I'm ever in a situation where I can't wipe my own ass, pull the plug on me. :peace:

That might happen if you get a really bad sunburn across your shoulders in a couple weeks.


Salt Life
Lenny said:
That might happen if you get a really bad sunburn across your shoulders in a couple weeks.
Lucky for me I'm usually protected when I plan on staying in the sun for prolonged periods...:peace:


My Sweetest Boy
Chasey_Lane said:
Agreed! Let me just make it clear that if I'm ever in a situation where I can't wipe my own ass, pull the plug on me. :peace:
Better hope you don't break both arms. :neener:


New Member
Lenny said:
That might happen if you get a really bad sunburn across your shoulders in a couple weeks.

It depends on where I am in life on who I would want to burden with that decision. If it happened to me now, I would want my mother. If I were a single mother with adult kids, then I would want my kids. If I were married then my husband.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
How come....

...my choice, Terri Schiavo, is not on the list?

All I gotta do is get Mr. and Mrs. Schindler to ask Terri what it's like and, viola!

Who better to ask?