Set Trippin
how gay...Christy said:fabulous
how gay...Christy said:fabulous
mainman said:For what? What is the purpose? Are you going to next ask would we terminate pregnancy?
Just curious....
mainman said:how gay...
I would love to have a gay son so that he could decorate my house.Christy said:What would we do without Gays? I mean really. God put them here to help us dress better and to provide fabulous decorating ideas.
No. My (adult) child's sex life is none of my business and I don't WANT it to be my business. Besides, as someone else said, what are you going to do if you find out your fetus is gay - abort it?Geek said:would you want to know?
De careful what you wish for.Chasey_Lane said:I would love to have a gay son so that he could decorate my house.
My gay son has an older sister who has given me 5 grandchildren already. I can't afford HUNDREDS!Toxick said:I don't think I would like to have any gay children.
Not because I would love them any less - it's just that I want, like, hundreds of grandkids.
I'm greedy like that.
Chasey_Lane said:I would love to have a gay son so that he could decorate my house.
I give him props for his dipping/marinade mixes.Christy said:You've already seen how my straight son "decorates".
StrwberryKisses said:That question is no different than them asking if you knew your child would be born mental or physically challenged would you want to know. The answer is simple for me. Things happen for a reason. I would love my child no different.