If you've had children


I am so very blessed
I had amnio for various personal reasons, and I'm so glad that I did. I weighed the risk factors against not having the test, and the tests proved too valuable to not utilize. FOR ME, the tests gave me a peace of mind that I desperately needed. Without the tests, I would have been consumed by fear and the unknown, and I would have stressed out and worried the entire pregnancy.

I had questionable tests early on in the pregnancy, and combined with my advanced maternal age [a polite way of saying that I was 'too freakin' old to have a baby'], and along with some family history issues, I felt I needed to be forwarned of possible danger so I could react accordingly.

Once again, FOR ME, it was a good choice and an acceptable risk.


New Member
Speedy70 said:
I've read about so many woman who get a bad result from their NT screening and go on to have perfectly healthy babies. I have to keep reminding myself of that.

I've truly stressed myself over this. :jameo:

With my first baby I was 17 and my blood work came back all messed up. The doctor thought my baby could have downs. I opted to have the amnio because at that point I felt like I needed to know. I had the test and found out she was perfectly healthy.

With my second child, I had heard so many stories about the blood work being off that I told them I didn't even want that test. No worries, no amnio and again I had a healthy baby girl.

So, if it were up to me I wouldn't have the blood work but if I did and it came out bad I would probably do the amnio again. Most likely the blood work is off but is it something you can convince yourself of or are you going to worry the whole pregnancy and not be able to rest until you know? That's what I would be asking myself.

The amnio is painful and scary but I would think worrying for my whole pregnancy would've been a lot worse.


Going back to the stars
Speedy70 said:
I had the nuchal translucency done last week and got my results yesterday. They expected my numbers to be higher for my age, but they weren't. Something in my blood work is off. :bawl: However, my numbers still indicate a less than 1% chance of an abnormality, such as Downs. It's been suggested to consider the amnio.

My mom was pregnant at 43 and she had the less than 1% chance of abnormality. The doctor recommended that she take the amnio test, and she refused. After looking into it she saw that there were more risks involved that could harm the baby, especially if there was nothing wrong to begin with. Plus, she was going to have the baby no matter what. So she didn't go through with it, and she had a happy little healthy baby girl in 2000!


New Member
Speedy70 said:
I've read about so many woman who get a bad result from their NT screening and go on to have perfectly healthy babies. I have to keep reminding myself of that.

I've truly stressed myself over this. :jameo:

Stress is not good for the fetus. RELAX :flowers:


b*tch rocket
CMC122 said:
Or to have you deliver at a hospital that has the appropriate specialists to handle the needs you and your infant may need.

Not all OB/GYNs suggest aborting on the suspicion of abnormalities.

Were you the one who sent me the ":rolleyes:" karma? :lol:

I don't think any OB/GYNs "suggest" aborting anything. :duh: But it doesn't negate the fact that they do it early enough in a pregnancy that it would provide a window of opportunity for woman to end the pregnancy if they chose to do so. I don't advocate one way or the other, merely stated that I opted not to have the test done.

Damn testy ass people, can't say anything in this joint without panties getting all twisted. :duh:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I'll be brave...

Christy said:
Were you the one who sent me the ":rolleyes:" karma? :lol:

I don't think any OB/GYNs "suggest" aborting anything. :duh: But it doesn't negate the fact that they do it early enough in a pregnancy that it would provide a window of opportunity for woman to end the pregnancy if they chose to do so. I don't advocate one way or the other, merely stated that I opted not to have the test done.

Damn testy ass people, can't say anything in this joint without panties getting all twisted. :duh:

If I knew ahead of time that my child would be grossly damaged, I would opt for termination.

Waiting for red...


What's it 2 U
I had an amnio with my first daughter due to an abnormal test result. I stressed and the amnio was horrible. I do have to say though, that when the amnio results came back normal I was able to relax. I would check with your doctor to find out the accuracy of the test and then decide. Stress will definitely not be good for the baby, so you have to decide if you don't have the amnio can you relax and be fine with the decision, or if the tests come back abnormal will that cause you to stress even more.

Good Luck!